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��14�5947 <br /> CIt�SS CULLATERALI�ATIUN. It is the e�pressed intent of �rantvr �fl cross c�l�atera�ize a11 Qf 1t5 <br /> Inde��edness and �b�iga�ions t� Lender, ha�rsoe�er arising and �hensoe�er incurred, excep� any vbligatian <br /> ��isting�r arising agains�the�.principal dv�e�l�ng of any Gran��r. <br /> WAR�ANTIES. Grant�r, f�r �tse�f, i�s heirs, �ersona� representati�es, successor�, and ass�gns, r�presents, <br /> v�arran�s,cvvenants and agrees wifh Lender,its successors and assigns,as f���ows: <br /> Perfarmance vf �biigations. Grant�r pr�m�ses ta perf��zn a�I ferms, cond��ions, and covenants of th�s <br /> Secur�ty Instrument and Rela�ed 17Qcumen�s in accordance�ith�he terms confa�ned there�n. <br /> Defense and T�t�e t�property.At�he t�m�af��ecu�ion and del�very of thxs�n��rumen�, Grant�r is lav�rfully <br /> seised af the es�ate hereby canveyed and has fhe exciusiv� r�gh�t�mor�gage, grant, c�n�e}� ar�d assign�he <br /> Proper�y.Grant�r covenan�s�hat�he Prvper�y is unencumbered and free of a1I Iiens,e�cep�far encumbran�es <br /> �f record acceptable t� Lender. Further, Grant�r co�renan�s that Gran�or vcril�warrant and defend generall�r <br /> the title t� the Pr�perty agains� any and a11 c�aims and demands wha�soe�rer, �ubject t� the easements, <br /> res�ricti�ns, or o�her encumbrances vf rec�rd acceptable to Lender, as may be Iis�ed � the s�hedule �f <br /> exceptians t� c�verage. in an� abstra�� of tY�Ie o� t�t�e insurance po���y insuring Lender's in�erest �n the <br /> Pr�per�y. .� <br /> Condition of Praperty. �ran�or promises at a1�times to preser�re and ta maintain the ProperCy and e�ery <br /> par�thereof in good repair,��rk�ng arder•, and c�ndition and�il� from t�me t� time, mak� all needfu� and <br /> proper repairs s❑�ha��he value of�he Proper�y shall no��n an}�way be impaired. <br /> Removal of any Part of the_�'r.operty. �rantor promises no�t� remo�re any part of the Properry fr�m its <br /> present�ocation,e�cep�.f�r replacement,main�enance and rel�cat�on in�he�rdinar��ourse�f business. <br /> A�terations ta th� pr.operty. Gran�ar promises to absta'vs from the comnoiss�on �f an� v�aste �n vr in <br /> c�nnection with the Property:.Fux-�her,Grant�r shall make na ma�erial a��erati�ns,addi��ons Qr�mprovernenfs <br /> af an�type �ha�soever to the Pr�per�y,.regardless of vvhether such a�terations�, additi�ns �r irnprovements <br /> v�rou�d increase the �a�ue of�he Pr�perty, nor permi� any�ne to d� sfl e�cept�for tenant impr��ements and <br /> cump�etion of items pursuant t� appraved plans and speci�icatians, wifihout Lender's pri�r v�rr�tten cflnsent, <br /> wh�ch consent may he v��hheld by Lender in its sole discr�tion. Grantor ��1� c�mp�y �i�h a1� �avvs and <br /> regulatians af all public authar�ties having jurisdiction aver the Praperty i.n�ludu�g,�i�hou�limitation,those <br /> relating �o �.ie use, oc�upancy and maintenance �hereof and shall upon reques�promptl�r subm�t�� Lender <br /> eWidence of such compliance. <br /> Due an Sale--Lender's��nsent.Gran�or shall not sell,fur�her encumber vr��hervvise d�sp�se of,except as <br /> herein pr��ided, an� Qr a�l �f i�s interes� in any pa1-� af or all af the Pr�per� �i�h�ut first vbtaining the <br /> vvr�iten consent of Lender. If any enGulnbrance, �ien, transfer or sa�e or agreement f�r these is created, <br /> Lender may dec�are unmedia�e�y due and payahle,#he ent�re balance of fhe Indebtedness. <br /> Insurance. Grantflr pr�m�ses to keep�he Pr�per�y insured agains�such ri.sks and in such form as may�vi�hin <br /> the sole discre�i�n af Lender be accep�able, causing Lender to be naxned as �oss payee or if requested by <br /> Lender, as mor�gagee. �The insurance c�mpany shall be chosen b�r Grantor subj�ct to Lender's appravai, <br /> vvb�ch s�a�� nat. be uni eas�nably vvithheld. All insurance p�lic�es mus� provide tY�a� Lender vv�11 g�t a <br /> m.�nimum of 1 U days noti�e pri.or t�can�e�Xati�n.At Lender's discre�ion, �ran��r may be required�u produce <br /> recexp�s of paid.premiums and rene�val poli.cxes. If Gran��r faxls t��btain�he requ�.red ca�erage,Lend�r may <br /> dv so-at�rantar's expense.Grantor hereby du ec�s ea�h and ev�ry insurer af the Proper���malfe pa�ment�f <br /> �oss to_Lender with the proceeds��be app�ied, on��at Lender's aptian,to the repair and replacement of�e <br /> damage or I�ss or�o be applied to�he Indebtedness wi�h the surplus,if any,to�e paid by Lender tu Grant�r. <br /> Payment of TaxeS and Q�her Appl�cable �harges. Gran�or pr�mis�s t� pay and ta discharge liens, <br /> encumbrances,taxes,assessmen�s,�ease paymen�s and any��her charges re�ating ta�ae Pr�per�y v�hen I�vied <br /> ar assessed against�ran�or ar the Pr��er�r. <br /> En�vironm�ntal Laws and �3azard�us or Tvxic Materials. Grantor and every tenant have been, are <br /> presen��y and sha11 c�ntinue t� be � s#x�ct comp��ance wi�h an�r applicab�e ��cal, s�ate and federal <br /> en��ronmental�avvs and�regulat��ns.Fur�her,nei�her Grant�r nvr any tenant shall, s�are,handle, <br /> discharge or dispose of hazard�us vr t�xrc materia�s as may be defined by any s�ate or federa� lav� on�he <br /> Prflper�y, e�cept to �he extent the e�is�ence of su�h mater�a�s has been presently d�sc�osed �n writing �o <br /> Lender. Grant�r wi�1 unm.ediately notify Lender in�rriting�f any asser�ion�r claim made b�any pa.r�y as tu <br /> the pussible �iolat��n �f applica��e s�ate and federa� envx.rflnmenta� laws including the location �f any <br /> hazaxdous ur to��c materia�s on or about the PrQpert�. Grantor inden�u�ies and halds Lender harm�ess from, <br /> �vithout�unita�ivn, any Iiability �r expense of�hatsoe�er nature incu�red direct�y or indire�tly aut�f or i.n <br /> connec�i�n wi�h: �a�any en�ronmen�al�a�ws afFecting all or any part af the Property�r Gran��r;[b}the pas�, <br /> presen� or future e�i.stence of any hazardaus ma�eriais �n, on, under, ab�u�, or emanating from �r passing <br /> through �he Prupert� or an� par�therevf or any proper�y adj acen� thereto; ��} any pas�, presen� ar future <br /> hazardous ac�i�i�r at or in connecti�n with the Pr�perCy�r any pax-�thereof; and (d� the n�ncamp�iance by <br /> �rantvr or Grantor's fai�ure�o comp�y fuily and timely�ith envir�nmenta��aws. <br /> Financia�Infarmafion.Gran��r agre�s t�suppl�Lender such financial and��her information concerning��s <br /> affairs and the sfatu.s uf any of i�s assets as Lender, fr�m ��me �o time, may reasonably reques�. Grant�r <br /> fur�her agrees to perm�t Lender �o �er�fy acc�unts as �ell as t� inspec�, capy and to examin� the bavk�, <br /> records and��es of Grant�r. <br /> �2�U4-2�I3 Compiiance Systems,��c.4GF5-AD72-2�13I.2.4.665 <br /> Commer�ial Real Esta#e Security Instrument-DL4�U7 Pa�e 2 of� ►an�w.camglianr.esystcros.�am <br />