<br /> full. of aIl sums secured by �his S�cur��y �ns�rumen�. Ho�reve�r, �his a�tion shall n�t �be e�ercised by Lender �f
<br /> e��rcise�s prohi���ed by federal�av�r as of�he da�e of�h�s 5ecurity Instru�nent.
<br /> �f]�ender exercises �his op�ion, Lender sha�l gi�e Borr�wer no��ce af a��elera�i�n. The no�ice shall pro�ide a
<br /> per�fld af no� les� �han t�e m�n�mum number of�a�s es�a�i�shed�y Applicable I�aw fram the dat� �he no�ic� is
<br /> del���red or ma�Ied v���hin �vhich B�rrower na�us� pay a11 sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty Instru�ment. �f B�rrawer
<br /> fai�s�� pay �hese sums pr��r�4 the �xpira�ion of�h�s peri�d, Lender may in�oke any remedies permitted by �his
<br /> Sec�ur�ty�nstruxnent w�thout fia�rther�otice or demand on Borr�wer. .
<br /> Borrv�v�r's l�ight to lteinstate. If Borrower �nee�s cer�ain c�nditioris, Borr�vsrer sha1� have the righ� �o have
<br /> enfarcement�f fihis Secur�fiy �nstrumen� disco�nt�nued a� any��me prior to the earl�er�f: (a} 5 days �or such flther
<br /> pe�-i�d as App��c�ble Law may specify for rein��a�em��nt�befvre sa�e�f�he Pr�perty pursuan�to any p�v��r af sa�e
<br /> c���tained in ��115 Securiiy �nstrumen�; or �b� entr�y of a judgme�� enforci�g th�s �Secur�ty rnstrumer��. Those
<br /> condi�ions are �ha� Borraw�r: (a� pays Lender al� sums whzch then vv�u�c� be due under�h�s Security ��strumen�
<br /> .
<br /> and�he Contract as�f na accelera��on had occurred;�b}cures a�.y default of any other ca�enan�s�r agreernents;�c}
<br /> pa�s all e�penses incurred in enforcirig this Se�urity�nstrumen�, 111C�U�lI1g,but no�l�m-i�ed t�,reasaraable attarneys'
<br /> fees to the ex�ent per�mit��d b��aw; and�d}talces such ac�ion as Lender may reasonab�y require to assu���ha��he
<br /> l�em of th�s Secur�iy�nstrunr�en�, Lender's righ�s �n�he Pr�per�y and Barrawer's�b�iga�i�n to pay�he su�ns se�ured
<br /> by�hi� Securi�y �nstrumen� sha1� cnntinue unchanged. Up�vn reinsta�emen�by BQrrov�er, this Sec�ari�r �nstrum�n�
<br /> and the ab�iga��ons secured hereby shall remain fully effe��i�e as if n� acce�eration had o�curred. Hov�ever, �h�s
<br /> right�o re�ns�a�e shal�not apply in�he case of�cceleration und�r�he secl:ian tit�ed Transfer of the�'roperty or�
<br /> B�ne�cial In�erest in Barrnwer.
<br /> Hazardous Sub��ancQs. B�rro�er shal�no�cause or permi��he presence,use,d�sposal, storage, �r re�ease of any
<br /> H�.2ard�us Suhstances on or in the�raper�y.Barravver s�al�not dt�,r�or al��w anyone else to da,anyth�ng affecting
<br /> �he P�-�per�y �hat zs in vi�lation �f an� Envirar�men�al �,aw. The preced�ng t�v� sen�ences sha�l n�� apply �o the
<br /> pr�se�ace,use,�r s�orage on the Pruper�y of smal�quantit�es of Ha�ardous Substances�ha�are benerally re��gnized
<br /> �o l��appropriate�o nnrmal res�dent�a�uses and t�maintenance of�he Pr�perty.
<br /> Borrower sha11 promp��y gi�e Lender v�ritten����ce of any inves��ga�ion,clain�,demand,lawsui�or other ac��on by
<br /> any ga�ernmen��.� ar regula�ary agen�y flr pri�ate par�y �n�nlv�ng �he Pr�per�y and any Ha�ardous Substan�e or
<br /> En�ironmental Lavv of v�rhich B�rrov�er has ac�ua� kn��vledge. �f Borrower learns, or is na�if�ed by any
<br /> g4vernmenta�or regula�ory au�h�r��y,�ha�any re�nfl�al ar��her remed�ation af any Hazardous Su�s�anc�affecting
<br /> th� Proper�y is necessary, Borrov�er sha�l promptiy take all ne�essary remedia� acti�ns 1n accordan�e ,wii:h
<br /> En�ironmental Law.
<br /> A�us�d in this�aragraph, "I�a�ard�us Substances" are t��ose subs�ances defined as toxic �r hazardous subs�ances
<br /> �byf Erivironmen�al Law and the fallow��g s�bstances: gasaline, kerosene, �ther flama.nable flr ���ic pe�r�leum
<br /> pr�ducts, �ox�c pes�icides and herbic�des, va�la�ile so��ents, materials con�a�ning asbestos or fflrmaXdehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive mate�ials. As used in th�s parag�aph, "Environmental La�v"means federaX laws and lavvs af�he state�f
<br /> NPbras�a that re�ate�o heal�h,safety or en�ironmen�al pro�ection.
<br /> A�ceieratian; Remedi�s. Lender shall gi�e not�ce ta Borrv�ver privr �❑ accel�ration fo�lov�i�g �3orr�wer's
<br /> �rea�h of an�c�venant or�greement in �his Se�urity Instrument�r the�antracf under wh�ch accelerati�n
<br /> is pe�rm�tted ��ut nat pri�r to a�ceieration �nder the section titied Transfer of the Praperty�r a B�n�fcia�
<br /> Ir�teres� in ��rrarver, unless Applicahle Law pra�vide� ather�vise�. The no�ic�sha�i specify: [a} the defau�t;
<br /> ��) the action required to cure the de�au�ty �c� � �ate, not �ess than the minimum nunnbe�- of days
<br /> esta��ished b�App�icahle Law f��m the date the not�ce is gi�en to�arr�wer, by which t�e c�efau�t must�e
<br /> c�red; and �d} tha� faY�ure �o cu�e the default fln or bef�r� the date specified �n the notice may resu�t in
<br /> a��e�eration �f the sums se�ured �y this Securi�y Imstrument and sa�e a� the Pr�perty. 'I`v �he �xte�t
<br /> permitted by law, �he notice shall further �nform Borro�ver of the righ�t� rQinstate aft�r a�ce�eratian ax�d
<br /> th�e r�ght��l�ring a cvurt action t�assert t�e non-e��stenc��#'a dQfault ar any other d�fense of B�rro�ver�o
<br /> acce��ra���n an� sa�e. If the defau�fi �s nat�ured �n or �ef�re t�e date�pec�fied in the natice,Lender at �ts
<br /> optian may re�ui�-e immediate payment �n fiu�l of al� surr�s secur�d �ay th�s �ecuri�y Instrument withvut
<br /> fu�rther demand and may in�ake �he pow�r vf sale and any ❑��ier �emedi�s permii�ted by .A.ppl�cab�e Law.
<br /> T�� the e�tent permitt�d by law, I.ender 5�hall be enti�l�d ta col�ect ail expenses incurred in pursuing the
<br /> remedies pr��ided in this Sec��on, inc�ud�ng, �ut not�imited �o, �-�as�nab�e atta�ney�� fees and c�sts of t�tie
<br /> e��id�n��.
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee sh�ll rec�rd a n�t�ce of default i� each c�unty �n wh�ch any part of
<br /> t�.e Property is Iocated and�shail mail copi�5�f suc� ��utice�n t�e manner prescri�ed by Appl�cab��Law t�
<br /> Barrawer and �o the o�her pers�ns p�-escribed by App��cal�le Lavv. Aft�r the time requ�red by Applica�le
<br /> Law, Trustee shali gi�e public nat�ce �f sa�e t� ��xe �ersons and �n th� mannQr pres�ri�ed by Applicab�e
<br /> � Law. Trustee,withvut dem�nd ox� B�rr�w�r,shal��e��t��e 1'raperty at pu��i�auction t�the highest bidder
<br /> a��the time and place and under the t�rms designated in�h�notice❑f sal�in one or nnflre par�els and�n any
<br /> �nder Trus�ee determines. 'lC"rustee may �pQs�pane sale af all ar any parCel of the P�ro�erty by �public
<br /> a�nouncer�ent a��he time and plac�of any pr��ivu�ly s��iedu�ed 5a��.L�nd�r or i�s designee may purchase
<br /> the Prnperty at any sale.
<br /> Upo� rQ�eipt af paymen� of the pri�e bid, Trustee sh��l deliv�r ta �h� purchaser Trus��e's d�ed convey�ng
<br /> the�'rapert�. The rec��a�s in the Trust�ePs d�e� shall be prima facie eWidence of the t�-uth of the s�at�mer�ts
<br /> rrnad� therein. Trus�ee sha�i apply the p�oc�eds of the saie �� the follow�ng vrder: (a} tn all cvsts and
<br /> e�p�nses vf ex�rcising�he po�ver �f sale, a�d �he saie, imciud�ng the payment �f th� Trus�ee's fe�s actually
<br /> C�20t34-�24 t 3 Compliance Systems,Inc.9F95-F7D8-2�I3L2.�.7�1
<br /> Ctins�r�er Rea1 Estate-Security Instnirner�t DL2436 Pabe 4 of 5 ��ww.�omp�iancesysterns.cam
<br />