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��14�5SS4 <br /> A �i�ab�e Lav�. �s used in this �e�uri�y I�strument, �he te�m "App�icable La�v" s�ha11 mean all ��ntro�l�ng <br /> �P <br /> ap���icable federal, state and�oca� s�a�u�es, re�u�a���ns, ordinances and administrati�e rules and �rders ��hat ha�re <br /> �h�effec�of lavv}as vvel�as all appl�ca'ble fina�,n�n�-appe�labXe�ud�c�a�op���o�s. <br /> Cl�ar�es; L�ens. Barrav�er shail �ay a�1 ta�es, assessments, charges, fnes and im�os���ons at�ribu�able �o the <br /> PrnperCy wh�ch may attain priority��er this S�cur��y�nstru�nen�, and�easeha�d payments �r ground ren�s, �f any. <br /> At�he request�f Lender,Borrflvver shal�pramp��y furr�ish�o Lender rece���s ev�dencing the payments. <br /> Barr�wer sha�l promp��y discharge any 7ien�hi�h has pri�r�ty over this Se�ur�ty Instr�urn�n�unless B�rrov�er: [a� <br /> ag��es in vwriting to the payment �f the �b�igation secured by �he Ii�n �n a manner accep�able �� L�nd�r; �b� <br /> con�es�s in good fa��h the �i�n �by, or defends agains� enforcement af the l�en �n, Iega� proceedings v�rh�ch in the <br /> Lender's apini�n apera�e �o pre�en� the enfu�-ce�ment of the lien; �r �c� se�ures from �he holder of the lien an <br /> ag�ee�nen�satisf�ct�r��o Lender su�ard�nating the �ien+to this Securi�y�ns�rument. If Lender determin�s�hat any <br /> par�af the Pr�per�y is sub�ect�o a lien v�hich may at�a�n priority aver th�s Security Instrument, Lender may gi�e <br /> Barr�vtrer a na�ice identifying the li�n. Borrovver sha�l satisfy the �ien or�ake one ar more of the actions set for�h <br /> above w�thin 1�days of the giving af notice. <br /> Hazard or 1'raperty Insurance. B�rrower shail�.eep the �mpr��ements n�v�exis�ing ar hereafter ere�ted on the <br /> Pr�Qpe�-ty insured aga�nst��ss by fire,ha�ards i-��luded v�ithin the�erm"ex�ended caverage" and any��her hazards, <br /> �n��ud�ng f�oads or flaoding, far �vhich Lender �equ�res insurance. This insurance sha1� be main�ained in �he <br /> amoun�s and far�he per�ods that L�nder requires. The�nsurance carrier provid�ng the insuranc�sha�l b�chosen by <br /> Borrov�er subjec� to Lender's apprQva� v�hich sha�1 not be unreasonably �rithheld. If Borr�wer ��.ils t� ma�nta�n <br /> coverage descr�bed a�o�e, Lender may, at Lender's op�i�n, obta�n caverage �� pr�te�� Lender's r�ghts in �he <br /> Proper�y�n accvrdance v�ith s�ction�itled Pro�ec�imr��f Lender's Righ�s in the Pr�perty. <br /> A�.1 insurance po�icies and renewals sha11 be acc�p�able �o Lender and sha�l �nc�ude a standard rnortgage �laus�. <br /> Lend�r shaXl have the right t�h�ld�he pfllxcies and rene�als. If.Lender r�quires, Borro�er shal�pr�mptly gi�e�o <br /> L�nder al�rece�p�s�f paid premiu�ns and r�newa�notices. �n�he e�ren�nf��ss, Barro�er shall gi�e promp�nat�ce <br /> to the insurance carrier and Lender.�e�der may rna�e pro�f�f loss if na�n�ade�ro�np��y by B�rrov�er. <br /> U�z�ess Lender and Barrower o�herw�se agre� in wri��ng, insurance proceeds sha11 be appl��d �o res��ra��on or <br /> r�pair �f the Prnper�y damaged, if, �n Lender's sole discreti�n, �he res�ora�iori or repair �s econom�ca�ly feas�ble <br /> ar�d Lender's securit� is no� Iessened. �f, in L�nder's sa�e d�scretion, the res�ora�i�n or repair �s no� ecanomically <br />�ble or Lender's se�urity vvou�d�e�essened,the�nsuran�e praceeds sha�1 be ap�a�ied�fl�he sums secured by this <br /> Se�urity Zns�rumen�, whe�h�r or n�t then due, with any e�cess paid �o Borro�er. �f F��rrower a��.ndons the <br /> Pr�p�r�y,flr d�es n��answer w����n�he numb�r af days prescrihec�by Appli�ab��Lav�as set f�r�h in a no�tice from <br /> Lender�o�3�rro�er that the insurance carrier has affered�o s��t�e a claim, �hen Lender may col�ec��h� insurance <br /> prac�eds. Lender may use th� praceeds�� repa�r or restore the ProperCy or�� pay sums secured by�his Security <br /> �nstrument,whe�her ar not then due.The p�riod af t�me for Barro�rer�o ansv�er as se�for�h in�he not�ce v�i�1 begin <br /> vv;�e�.�he no�ice is given. <br /> U�less Lender and Forravver othe�-�rise agree in v�r-i��ng, any applica�ion of proceeds�o principal shal�not ex�end <br /> nr postpane the due date of�he payments due under the ��ntract���hange�he amaun�of�he payments. �f under <br /> the s�cti�n���led AccQ�era�ion; Rem�die�, the Pr�perry is acquired by Lender, Barrower's righ�t� any insurance <br /> poli�xes and proceeds resu��ing fram damage �� �he Prope�-ty pri�r�a �he acquisi�i�n sha11 pass �a Lender �o the <br /> e���ent�f the sums secur�d by�his SeCur�ty�n�trumen�irnmediate�y pri�r�a�he acquisitian. <br /> P�-es�rva�ian, Niaintenance and Prote��io�n Qf �he Prvpertya I�DI'r�W��'�5 Lv�n App��cat��n; LeaSehvld[s. <br /> B�rr�wer shali not des�roy, damage or�mpair the pr�per�y, allow the ProperCy to de�er�arate, or�ommit w�s�e on <br /> -the�roper�y.B�rrower sha1�be�n�efau��if an�forfe��ure acti�n ar proceeding,whether ci�i��r crim�ria�,�s begun <br /> �hat �n Lender's good faith�udgme�t cau�d resu�t in f�rfei�ur� of�he Prope�-�y ar atherwise �nater�a�ly �mpair�he <br /> 1��n created by this Security �ns�rum�nt or Lend�r's security interest. B�rrovv�r may cure such a defau�t and <br /> r�instate, as pra�rided in se���on�itled Borro�ver's Right t� laei�state, by causing��h�e ac�ion or proceeding�o be <br />�ssed with a rul�ng�ha�, in Lender's gaad fai�h determinatio�,precludes forfe��ure of the Bor�r�wer's�nteres�in <br /> �he Praper�y ar ��her mater�al i�npairment of�he 1�en created by th�s Security Instrument or L�nder's secur��y <br /> in�er�s�. B�rrower shai�a�s�be�n defau���f Borrower,dur�ng the loan application process,gave�na�erially false or <br /> in.accurate �nfor�nation or statemen�s to Lender �ar �a�led tfl prnvide Lender v��th any mater�a� informatian} in <br /> conne�tion w��h the laan e��denced by the C�ntrac�. If�his S�curity Instrumen�is Qn a �eas�hold, Borrav��r sha�1 <br /> cornply with a�I�he pravisions�f the�ease.�F B�rrawer acquires fee ti��e ta��e Praperty,��e leaseh��d and�he fee <br /> ���le sha��not merge un�ess Lender agrees to the m�rg�r in writ�ng. <br /> Protection o� LendQrrs Righ�s �n the Pro�erty. �f Borro�er fails to perfonn �he ca�enan�s and agreements <br /> ��ntained in�his Se�urity�ns�rume��, or fihere is a legal p�-oceed�ng�ha�may si�nif�cantly affect L,ender's righ�s �n <br /> tY�e Properfiy �such as a proceeding �n bankrup�cy, proba�e, for c�ndemna��on �r farfe�ture or t� enforce laws or <br /> regu�a��ons}, �h�n Lender may da and pay f�r wha-�ever �s necessary to pra�ec� �he �a�ue of the Proper�y and <br /> Lender's rights�n the Proper�y.Lender's actions ma�include pay�ng any sums sect�red�y a Iien v�hich has pr�ority <br /> o�rer this Secur��y�ns�:rumen�, appear�ng�n c�urt,�ay�ng r�asanal��e att�rneys'fees and enter�ng on the Property ta <br /> �ak�repairs.A�though Lender may�ake action under this sec�i�n,L.ender does n�t ha�e�a do so. <br /> Any amounts disburs�d by Lend�r under th�s se���o� sha�1 becorne additi�nal deb� t�f B�rr�v��r secured by this <br /> S�curity Inst�u�ent. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree �o ��her terms af pay�nent, �hese amaurits shall bear <br /> �nter�st frvm the date of disburse�nent at �he same rate assessed on ad�ances under the Contrac� and shall be <br /> p�yable,v�ith in�erest,upon notice from Lend�r t�Borr�vver reques�ing paymen�. <br /> �2d04-2013 Carr�pliance Systems,Tnc.9F96-�'7D8-2013L2.b.72] <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Ins#rument�]L2�35 Page 2 af 5 WWW.C�I11�]�1Zi1C�5y5$�IX�S.GQI3'! <br />