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I � <br /> - �.. <br /> not extend or post,poue the due datc oi the monthl�• i ��ctnllment� refcrre�l to in par;�firaphs 1 and 'l Lercof or <br /> change the umount of such installments. <br /> I0. Bonower Not Released. �xtension of ti�c tiuie for � �a}•�nent or modificntion of :unortizution of the sums <br /> ' secured by this �Iortgage granted by 1.ender to any �uccessor iri interest of I3orrotiver shall not operate to release, <br /> rin any inanner, the liability of the original I3orrowci• and I3orro�ccr's �t�cceesor< in interest . Lender shall not be <br /> I � required to Gommence proceedings against such succes�or or reivac to extend tin�e for payment or otherwise modify <br /> amortization of the sums secured by thi; \ (ortgage I ,�• reseon oi :u�}� demanci madc bv thc original Borrower and <br /> Borrower's successors in interest. <br /> 11. Forbear�ce by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbenrancc h�• Lender in exercising any rigtit or remedy <br /> hereunder, or othenvise afforded by applicable Ix« , shsli not he ;i �vai'rcr of or preclude the exercise of any right <br /> OC or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurancc or tl�c � >n�•�neni of taxes or other liens or chnrges by Lender <br /> G^ shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to sccelerate t6e m:ituriLy of Che indebtedness secured by this �fortgage. <br /> C\C 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies prot�ided in tlii� \ lortguge are distinct and cumufativc to any other <br /> C'r' right or remedy under this \Iort�age or ;ifforde� l h�- l:i��� nr ��� � uicp , ;�nd rnnv b�• exer�•ined concurrently , independ- <br /> �.� ently or successiveIy. <br /> ; 13. Sueceasozs �d Pissigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. Tlte cov��c�ants and agreernents <br /> ' r herein contained shull bind , und the rights I�crcu��dcr .�i�all inur<r to, thc respecti �-c .uccessor, and tissigns of Lender <br /> � � and Borrower, suUject, tu the pro�•ision, o( puru�r:�ph I .- hcreoi. .1ll covenaut� an�l agrcements ol Borrower shnll <br /> be joint txnd seceral. The ca��tion� und heuding: ��t tLe � �aragi:y �hs of thi� \ lortgu�;e ure for con �-ei�ience only and <br /> are not to be used to interpret or detinc the ��ro��ision. hercoL <br /> 14. Notiee. .�n�� notice tu Borro�ver �n•o�• ulc�1 tor in th �� \ turtRa�;i• .hull f ,r y;i ��cai bc u� �iiling such noticc by <br /> certified �nail :iddressed to Borro�cer :tt thi• Yropert }• lddre,. �t :i[e�l hrfo��� , �ace� >t iur any notiee requimd under <br /> paragraph 18 hereof to be gi�•en ro Burro« er in the� � u:innrr l � re<cril�ert hy a� � � �lir.i6li• Li�� . An}• notice pro�•ided <br /> for in this �Iortgage �hall be decmed tu liu �•r heen ;;i� en tu Bnrro�ccr �chon gi��en in the manner desi�nnied lierein. <br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Goveming Law; Severability. 'I'hi• iorm oj n �ort �;uRe ��ombine, imifonn covennnts <br /> for national use and non-uniform r.ovenants �vitli ] imitc�i ��nri;itions b�• jurisdiciion to constiiute a uniform secu- <br /> j rity instrument covering real property. 1'hie \fortg3ge shall hc �;o�•erucd b�• the Is��� of the jurisdiction in which <br /> the Property is located. In the e��ent that any prociaion or clau.c oi tlii. Vortqage or the Notc conflicts with <br /> applicable law•, such confliei shall not uffecf otl�er � �rovision,. oi ihi, \ fortg�ge or the Note whicl� can be given <br /> effect without tl�e conflicting provision , und to this end tl�e pro�•isions oj t1�c \lort�agc and the Note nre declared � <br /> to be severable. r: <br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall bc iurnished :i ronforme�i cop}� oT this \lortgagc at the time of execu- <br /> tion or after recordatian hereof. i _ <br /> ; 17. Transfer of the Property; Rssumption. Ii a❑ or ;i�i}• ��art oi tl�e Yropert.v or nn i�terest therein is aold � <br /> � or transferred by Borrower without Lendcr's prior writtr7� ronsent , cxcluding i a 1 the creation uf a (ien or encum- <br /> brancesubordinate tothis \4ortguge, tb � thc crentiou ot ;� purchasc n�oni�y .ecurity interest for household appli- <br /> ; j ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or bv operution ui la�c ut+on tho denth of a joint tenant, m• (d ) the grant of <br /> any leasehold interest of thrce ycara or les, not cunttiininri an o��tiun to pur�•hase, I,cnder �n;n- . :it I,ender's option, <br /> � declare all the sums secured by this viorigage to bc iinmediutch• duo ;uut �uiy.ible. I.endcr s1�311 have �r-t;ived such � <br /> ' option to accelerate if, prior co tl�c snle or transter, I.ender ;�uci tl�c � �cr�on to �vhom the Yroperty i, to be sold or <br /> ' � transferred reach agmement in writing that thc credit oi �uch person i� .�itisf�ictury to Lender and thst tl�c interest <br /> ' psyable on the sums secured by this \iortgage shull bc sst ,uch r:uc a: Lcnder shall requcst . If Lender l�as waived <br /> ' � the option to accelerate provi3ed in this parugruph 1 ,- ;ind il 13on•o�ver's �uccr;c��• in interest hus executed a �vrit- <br /> , g ten assumption agreement xccepted in «•riting by I.ender. I.ender .h:�ll rele;i�c Borro�cer fro�n all obligations under <br /> ; . , thia Mortgage and the Note. <br /> ' If Lenderexercises such option to accelerate, Lender shnl ] � uail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance <br /> � �vith paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall pro�•ide a � reriud �� C not lcs. th;u� 30 �1a��s from t }ic date the notice is �� <br /> < inailed within which Borrower msy pay the sums decixred rhie. It liorro�.•er fsil, to i ,ay .uc�L ,ums prior to the r. . . � <br /> � expiration of such period , Lender may , «-itLout fu�ther notice ur � tcmand on Borrower, im•okc uny remedies per- <br /> � <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> : ' �ON-LTtiIFOAM CovexnaTs. E�orro�cc� r anrl Leuder f"urthor ca�•en�int and �ig•ree as follo�ti•s : <br /> � 18. Aeeeleration: Remedies. I:�cept a� ��ro���de� t iu � �:u•agr:i� �h 17 hercoi, upon 73orro�s•er's hreach of uny <br /> , � covenant or agreement of Borroa•er in thi.. �1o� t�,;i�;o, includin�; tiic cuven:iut= tu � �uy �rl�en duc sn}• •ums secured <br /> a by this \fortgage, Lendcr ��rior to acceknution shall iu:iil noticc to I3orro�� cr av �n•o��ided in Iiaraqraph 14 I�ereof <br /> ' speciFying : ( 1 ) the breach ; (21 the action require� i to cinc � ucl � bn�aeli : 131 ca dute�. not le�s th;in thirty days <br /> i from the date the notice is mailecf to I3orro���cr, hc o hieL �ucl � breacli u �ust be curi•d ; and � 41 tlrit. failure to cure <br /> . ; ' auch breach on or before the dntc specified in tl�c notice �ua�p rceult in ;iccelerution of the sum. secumd by this <br /> , ( ��Iortga�e and sale of the Property. If the breucl� is not cured ot: or betore tl�c date specified in the notice, Lender <br /> a sst Lender's option inay declnrc ali of the .uu�s seeured by thi� �fortgagc ro f�c iininediately due snd paysble <br /> j without furtherdemand and muy foreclose thiv \ (ortgs��� by judicial � >roceedin�. Lender shall be entitled to collect <br /> " in such proceeding sll expenses of foreclocurc , inclu�linq, but not liiuited to , rosts of docu�nentary evidence, <br /> ° � abstracts and title reports. <br /> c 19. Borrowez's Right to Reinstete. \otwith�tunding I.ender's acceleration of the �un�� secured Uy this <br /> '; Mortgage, Borrower shali have the right to hnve any rroceeding� begun by Lendcr to cnforc� this �iortgsge dis- <br /> , i continued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfoTeing thi. \Sortgnge if : lut Bwrow-er pays Lender ull <br /> >� sums which would be then due under this \lort�u�:c�, the \ote :ind notes .ccuring Future Advance� , if sny, hnd no <br /> ,.� aeeeleration oecurted ; ( b) Borrower eures sll breache� of an}• other cocenant� or a�reements of Borrower con- <br /> tained in this Mort � �, the covenants <br /> `� gage ; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable e� iense� incurred by i,ender in enforcin � ; <br /> and agceements of Borrower eontained in thi� �Iortga�e snd iu enfmrin� I,encler . remedie, at provided in para- <br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reaconable attorne}'s fee; ; and � d 1 Borrower takeE such sction ns �..r,, - ` <br /> Lender may reasonsbly require to asaure that the lien of thie \ Iortga�e, Lender's interest in the Property snd "' �"" x' :t: <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the aums securecl by thic \Iort�xge .hu❑ continuc uuimpssirnd. L'pa� such payinent F ?, ` � <br /> � � and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereb}� ahall reinain in full force and effect as if � �: `. <br /> no aaceleration .had cecurred: r r. ; % <br /> � 20. Aaoi tt `, <br /> gnm�nt of R��s; Appoiatia�at of- Roceiver, Lender ia Possessioa As additional security here- � , . ,� <br /> under, Botrower hereby assigns to I,ender tl�e rentxz of the Propert �, pro��ided that Borrower shall , prior to acceler- , <br /> � ation under paragrsph 18 hereof or abandonment of tt�e Property, have the rigl�t to collect and retain such rents �` ' �'u�t3, <br /> a a t h e y become due an d paya b le. ,-, <br /> ' � Upvn acceleration under parsgrapl� 18 hereui or ai�andonment oi the Yropem•, Lender, in ��erFon , by ngent <br /> �� or by judicisily nppointed receiver shall be entiticvi to enter u on , take g p <br /> �i p poxession of und mani� e the Pro ert.y <br /> ,� and to collect the rents of the Property, including those pact due. All rentE colleeted b�� 7,ender or the mc�ivcr <br /> ; shall beapplied firstto paytnent ofthe coeta of managrm�nt of thF Pro�+ertc an�i collection of rent� , including, bui � <br /> � not limited to, receiver'siees, premiums on receiver'c bond� und rnasonxble attorney'� fce=. and then to thc ,ums <br /> i secured by thia vlortgage. Lender and the receiver shall bc liable to account only for thoce rento- a<�tu;ilh• rccci�•ed. <br />