<br /> 1 �
<br /> Recordedat................................o'clock.....__....M.. --._.......---•-•---.................................__............
<br /> � Reception No........................••._............. ....._..............................._..............................--•--...Recorder.
<br /> 78— �'�'',���� RECORDER'S STAMP � . � _
<br /> ; ` THIS nEED blade this �9tfl day of May , � �
<br /> 18 78 ,between HUGHLAN HARRIS and HAZEL M. HARRIS,
<br /> of the
<br /> � County of � � Hall and State of��- �
<br /> XdfiMd(of the first part,and Nebraska
<br /> ADOLPH COORS COMP`ANY, Department 309, Golden, Colorado
<br /> 80401� a corporation orgunized snd "
<br /> , existing under and by virtue of the laws oY the State of CO�OY'dd0 , �
<br /> � of the aecond part:
<br /> �� WITNFSSETH, That the said part l25 of the first pazt,for and in consideration of the sum of �
<br /> � to the said part 125 of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is � . . .
<br /> hereby confessed and acknowledged,ha V 2�runted, bargnined,sold and conveyed,and by these presents do . �
<br /> gr:xnt,bargain,sell,convey and confirm,unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, �
<br /> �. nll of the following described lot or parcel of isad,situate,lyinq and beinq in the � '�
<br /> � County of Hal l and State of Q(ddl�dfil9�(,to wit: � � � � �
<br /> Nebraska
<br /> The Easterly Forty-Eight (48) feet of Lot Twenty-One (21), and the Westerly
<br /> Thirty-Six (36) feet of Lot Twenty-Two (22), in Block Two (2), Parkhill
<br /> Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> �PCN�� STAMP TAX
<br /> ���M�N'C P MAY �0 1978
<br /> g .S .S�SBY
<br /> ALSO KNOWN A5: 2504 West Anna, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801.
<br /> : 7'OGETHER �vith all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonginQ or in anywise � � � �
<br /> ' appertaining,snd the reversion and reversions,remainder and remainders,rents,issues and profits thereof; and all
<br /> the estate,right,title,interest,claim and demand whatsoever of the said pnrt 125 of the first part,either in law - . �
<br /> or equity,oY,in and to the above bargained premiaes,with the hereditaments and appurtenances. � 3'���
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bar�ained and deacribed,with the appurtenances, unto the .
<br /> said party of the,gec,nd part,its svccessors and asaigns forever.Aad the enid part 'I eS of the Pirst part,for
<br /> them $elves, L���eir�'s,executors, and administrators,do covenant,grant,bargain nnd agree to and with
<br /> the said party of the secand part, its successora and assigns, that at the time of the enaealing and delivery of . � -
<br /> these prnaents, they d/"2 well seized of the premises above conveyed, ua of good, aum, perfect, ubsolute and � . '
<br /> � indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple,and h�2 good right, full power and lawful avthority to �
<br /> grant,bargain, aell and canvey the same in manner and form as aforesaid,and that the same are free and clear from � � � � �
<br /> � all former and other grants,bargains,sales,liena,tttxes,assessments and encumbrances of whatever kind or nature � �
<br /> soever, subject to first deed of trust recorded November 16, 1977 as Document No. �
<br /> 77-006704 in favor of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Lincoln, the
<br /> balance of which Grantee assumes and agrees to pay; subject to easements and
<br /> restrictions of record and except for 1978 general taxes and all subsequent year
<br /> , aad the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceful posaession of the said party oY the second part, its
<br /> successors and asaigns,against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the �vhole or any part � �
<br /> thereof,the said part '125of the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVEIi DEFEND.
<br /> IN WITNES3 WHEREOF,The said parfl 25 of the firat part haVe hereunto set thei r hand S � .
<br /> ��i and sea1S tha day and yearfirat sbove writtea. � �
<br /> � �
<br /> a Signed,Sealed and Delivered ia the Presence of ../�� ..��"-��.._��:�--�-J[ Ep
<br /> � Hughl Harri s -•............... s L7
<br /> �':. .....- --.�'�::�_!I.i�:����i':L::3-c:•`-L.._[SEAL)
<br /> $ ............_...........-�---......_............._.......-•-----.........----......................_.. � .:.�•
<br /> Hazel M. Harris �
<br /> ' --•-�•.......................................•-•---....---......._..........__.....--�----....---....... -----------..._......---.....--........_ ...�sEaL�
<br /> ; � -----•--------------�-•--�---.....
<br /> � ;,�, �� 3TATE OF COLORADO, S
<br /> \" l £�' � j} .. Countq of ,Tefferson }as.
<br /> � � .
<br /> $ ��The forego'3x�"t�fyuYneak�vas ackno.vledged before me this 22nd day of May �,
<br /> y
<br /> ! ��9•-7�4�4 �.,�ii���a'.Harris and Hazel M. Harris x
<br /> ' - ,,:�,commfbs[on�ex�riree April 2, 1979 �
<br /> � �
<br /> � ..� . 4'1��t�j ,� ' ' , ,:
<br /> t T,.�pjT�TESS,m�p��ep$ynd offieisl seal. '�`
<br /> '`3'� ��`u� ,;k'.
<br /> ,,, .
<br /> .,� ,.,•
<br /> . •_--....__........•r.•_•---__........._.._.. . . ... _....
<br /> . .., .... .......... . .. .....................................
<br /> . . > _ Notuy PuDlim
<br /> �No.852. WA8RAN7Y DE6D 70 COBPOHATION—Aor PhetoK�ah�c R��cord. �
<br /> R
<br /> —Bradford Pubibhin¢Co.,]8Y4t6 8but Street,Denver.Colondo - .�;�.
<br />