:.:_. `.. , _ _. � _ , �.
<br /> � MORTGAGE _ ���`;;'.:
<br /> I ��--�UU3256
<br /> � ; .
<br /> r:. THI9:�IPiDEN19.TRE mads tLis 22nd ° day of Pfav , 19 �_$ : by and beeween , ��
<br /> ��p(. : -3l�M��L'� �:, S��OT�Lt•llND''HARLYCE A: STULL, hasband and`wife, esch ia his and her o�rn ris[ht
<br /> .'} . . . 4 d :ez , �r .:� .'.':,:. .� . -,:. .... .�. ... . ,. .. . , .. . �
<br /> { and as spouse`of'the' other, , '
<br /> � �6rgaeiied aad�.e�det�ng under the.7awa of Nebreeka��rtgagor, 8 ,end Grand Ielaad TruM Compeny of Grand Island, s corporation ,� ��� ° '�
<br /> .y t3s.,Nebraeka. . . .., ...
<br /> •,..� .� . . ,�g� 8 �with ita principal offiee�and�plece of buainesa-at G�Nnd Ieland..Nebraska.w mortgegee; . .: . ,.., . �',
<br /> �,� � WITNES3ETH:....That eazd r_,for end in comideratioa of Lhe eum of . i �
<br /> i **Seven Thousand Fifteen and No%100ths** �,c� �, r
<br /> ` t6e recei t of which is hereb�acknowled ... .. . ��� � • �y„�,",�:�••F�� : '�;: -� "� ;.* ;
<br /> , P Y 8�.do_by these preeeats mortgage aad wazrsa4�ataaa�}'tqorlBieBee::its ,.; ;end aesigrta. ' �� ' �.�� . -:.
<br /> ;;i � � � _,_. _ -• �. � �� ,� -
<br /> °� focever,all the following deeeribed real eetate,aitueted in the County of Hall ��
<br /> :j.: ���.and Statebf Nebranka.to-wic: � . . .. . `'� ,
<br /> ,'� �'. - .r�
<br /> � . . . A�.��s�"N
<br /> t r+�
<br /> } � c�� r �,
<br /> ;� TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10), WEST OF THE SIXTR (6th) P.M., HALL '�nt'r'�'+
<br /> ..._. . .. . w�"�s�
<br /> COUNTY, NEBRASKA. x'*'"r
<br /> � , � � ��'�k:
<br /> '� � t �'s c
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<br /> � . . . • .. � ..,� �' gr �k�'��"
<br /> . � .� ���� � . . i S' i�
<br /> ,Togethar with ell 6eating.air coadit'mning.lig6ting.and plumbing equipment and fixtures.including screens.awninga.atorm.windowe and ;� � , }� r
<br /> ? '' �oo[e.'9nd'wtindow eLadee or blinda,used on or in connection with eaid property,whether the eame ere now lorated on said property or he�eafter e.r�s"�
<br /> pinced t6ereon.: � .
<br /> i . ., . .� . .�.� y
<br /> ��' .TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TFiE SAME,Wgether with all ead singuler the tenementa,hereditamente and appurtenancee thereunto be- �.,�
<br /> lon�,ng, or in�anywise eppertaining, forever, and warrant the tiUe to the eazne. 3aid morgegor s._hereby wveaent_with said . �j �
<br /> _,mortgagee that�._L he 3t� n Le ,aC the delivery hereof,the lewful owner8—of the premisee above conveyed and descn'bed. ��� '
<br /> �, and� ��8re� � aeized of a good and indafeesible eatate of inheritaace therein, free and dear of all encumbrances.and theC�hcS�will �"`.;.-
<br /> '•:.warranc and def�d the LiUe thereto forever ageinet the claime and demanda of all persons whomeoever. � . ��,i r>°�.
<br /> �. ���.�PROVIDED ALWAYS,and thie inetrument ie executed ead delivered W eecuxe the payment of the sum of 3T `-��:����:.
<br /> �� **Seven Thousand Fifteen and No/100ths** ���a 7.015.00 �, �an:,
<br /> with intereet thereon,.together w5th wch chargee end adveacea es mey be due and payable to naid mortgagee under the terms md oonditions �.�.':;�;
<br /> of the.promiesory mte of even date herewith and secured hereby.ezecuted by naid mortgegors—to said mortgegce.paYable as expresaed ' ".
<br /> .in�eaid note.and W�eeeure the performence of all the terms and waditione wntained theieia.The terme of eaid note ere hereby Incorporated ` Y�..�f��.
<br /> Leteia-by ChSe[efetlece.�. .� � . � i. '� °^
<br /> . � � r :;;r,�
<br /> .�� IL ie t6e intenEioa aad egreemenC of the partiee LereW that thie mortgage ahall also eecure any future advancee made to eaid mortgagor.3_ � '�
<br /> .� 3s'�r 5
<br /> by eaid morCgagee,md aay end sll i�ebtednme Sn additIon to the amount ebove etated which eaid mortgegors,oz eny of them,may owe to i�
<br /> esid mortgegee,however evidenoed,whether by note,book account or otherwise.This mortgage ahall remain in full torce and effece between =
<br /> �' :' the parEiee.hereto and t6eir heire.Peteoml repieaentetives. eucceseore md nsaigns�vntil all emounts aecured hereunder. including�fuwre - '�yn`
<br /> Ce
<br /> `' �' advanoee.aee paid in fuL'�with int�eat. � ;t�.
<br /> � �.The mortgagorg_kieeeby aeeign_to aaid mortgagee all reats and income arising at aay sad all timea frAn said property and t ��w{h
<br /> ,i heiebY authorize eaid mortgagea.or ita egent,.at ite option, upon default,to take charge of eaid property and eollect all�renb and income � �'���
<br /> a ."•,th8iedrom sad��aPp1Y�'EIle'eame�to��Ehe`paqment�ot�intereet.��Principnl:�ineutance.premiume. tuee.��aeseeam�te.�:'ePaics.or improvemenW� k i r'. �;
<br /> Y4. neceeeary W keep eaid property in tenanta6le coadition,or to other charges or peymenta provided for herein or in the note hereby secured.1'hia :`� r '� �i
<br /> reat meignment�ahell eoatinue in�foxce unW the unpaid balance of eaid aote ia fully paid.The taking of poseeasion hereunder ahall in no manner � �� ;
<br /> ` ' �..,�:i�.peqvm�.oe:refatd,-.a�id.:'moxfg�gee:�ia,,the�.colleetiom�of..seid�.sums:;bx:�fo:acloeure�:or.-othecw3ee. �.:,; -,:�-.. .. .,:,_� .. . ,. . _. ,;::.. .. >; � ", ���,s:�r`g
<br /> � .. . . . .. . . . . .. . -.
<br /> The feilure ot the mortgagee Lo�.aseert any of ite rig6ta�heeeunder et eryy time nhell not be construed as-a.waiv�of ite right to aesert LAe �
<br /> � �semeht aqy.lateiSime,'end W inslet upon and enforee ntrict complisace with all[he terme and provisiona��of eaid note and ot thie mortgage. �. �� '!' �
<br /> � if said morGgegorg -��� ahall duee W be paid to eaid mortgegee the eatixe amouat due it he�eunder,and uade�the terme and provisiona " �����'�
<br /> ot ssid�mie LI`eeeby sedtied.including fu Wre advmcee.and any.erztensiona or renewele�thexeof in sorordence with the terme and provieiona '' r �"'�i
<br /> Y� Lhereof md iCasid mottgagor_�eLall ca�p(y with all the provisiom of naid aote rnd of thu morEgage.-thm Lhese presente ahell be void:
<br /> t xt�;�i
<br /> otLsejvLeto re�in ia fidl Eoroe aad if6ecC;atids�id mortgagee�full be`entitlu'd�to t�e;poeee4alon of all of satd propaty.end mey:st ite option� av�''�a�':..�
<br /> �`� ; , deeleice the wbwls±�f ss{d�no0e arid all indebtodnees reptesented thereh'y to be immed�ately dna wd paYab�e:a�may foreclose thie mortgage
<br /> or ieke sqy oE�]eg�l�etion ko prcteet tte rlghL ApPreie�ent.waived-�. . : �� _ . �.�-�. " -� � ;
<br /> .�� �� II'6is morEpa�ea6allbebiading;upon end shell�ure W W�e bene86 oi t}ia heiea.�eeuWrn administraWra.euaxeeore and eeeigna of.the _
<br /> � F� x�!Pactivs p�rF3sea�eto { �, '' % :.: i �'
<br /> i. � -�.5 ... '-� ar �� � y; .. . ,.� ..' � "
<br /> ,�a� ° II�F�3'I�WH£kiEOF e'sid.ry[o:tge�ors � ve�n}q,� �,eir �V�haa�d�che�.dav end rear,firat nbo.�e
<br /> :> �� � � ` , ��' :�� s.✓ t� ,/�'� � �'3:
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<br /> ,� � "+ .i� CO .. . .
<br /> a '
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<br /> , � r,,;s, ;.. 3. �. � �. � e;A. toll '
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<br /> �,�. �er 3"�n°��"�, .GXi�k"�4� Cx,. ,.,�.5s�'� ,�.r�..k'..a,.'�.-,r a .,? .'L..�x,�^"-x.. ,_.,:;- -�}.✓. ,... . �..� ,::.. �.
<br /> �� ","h,�: ,�„,„m+,.V^'-,w,.N,+,;w�+w� - � . . .. _ . .. . � . . � � . . .
<br />�. . � �. � � . . , . � . .
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