<br /> I �
<br /> 7�- QO _ 2 - .
<br /> ;
<br /> � , children , whether by sale , gift or testamentary bequest , said ' � °
<br /> „' ;
<br /> limitations being as follows : ""
<br /> A � . . . . � . . . . . . �
<br /> r ; No shares of the stock of this corporation '; '
<br /> � sha11 be transferred by any stockholder there- '
<br /> ^ of whether by sale , gift or testamentary be - ' ' `
<br /> � quest or by the administrator or executor .
<br /> , � of the estate of any deceased stockholder
<br /> to any nonstockholder ( other than the child- `
<br /> t . ' ren of a stockholder ) unless such person de- f . .
<br /> � siring to transfer the same sha11 fir� t obtain x :
<br /> the written consent of the other stockYzolders , °
<br /> or sha11 first ma. ke written offer to the cor-
<br /> � poration and to the other stockholders to , ` '
<br /> ' � sell said shares for the price and on the � ; ;
<br /> terms at which he has a bona fide offer to `
<br /> j purchase by a nonstockholder , which written �: ; s{
<br /> � offer sha11 be accepted in writing by the � �
<br /> �} corporation within ten ( '10 ) days from the w '
<br /> t � ^ V
<br /> date of said offer if the corporation eZects 7 �
<br /> to purchase the same . Should the corporation j . st �
<br /> ' ` not accept said offer then the remaining � � a ;
<br /> ' stockholders sha11 have seven ( 7 ) days after
<br /> , the expiration of said 1 O. day period to accept ; c, �
<br /> ; the same in writing . In determining the date � �` ti
<br /> ; . . of such offer or the da.te of the acceptance . � °��t.
<br /> � thereof , the postmarked date on the envelope �,,
<br /> of ma. ilin.g such offer of acceptance sha11 � r»
<br /> be controlling. In the event said offer to r �;
<br /> . � sell sha11 be accepted by more than one re- �^ rf ;
<br /> i ' maining stockholder , then they sha11 be en- ' ' rf�
<br /> � tit2ed to " buy such offered shares for such � �
<br /> s. , ' 3,�
<br /> offered rice in the same p `�""
<br /> � ; p pro ortions as the � �.�'�
<br /> shares then owned by thesn sha11 bear to the �'��'>�
<br /> <.;�;��.�,. ,
<br /> total issaed shares of the corporation , other
<br /> tnan. those shares being offered fbr sale or �
<br /> transfer , and if such proportions sha11 result
<br /> in a fractional share , the stoc �sholder entitled � ,
<br /> to purchase the major fraction thereof sha11
<br /> be entitled to purchase all of such share .
<br /> - In the event said offer to sell sha11 not �
<br /> '; be accepted as herein � ovided , the person
<br /> , offering the stock for sale shall be free
<br /> '? to sell said shaxes to a nonstockholder ,
<br /> � but only for the price and upon the terms
<br /> stated in said offer to the corporation and
<br /> � , the remai.ning stockholders . -
<br /> 'p. �. � . . . . ���y ��.
<br /> NINTH: Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed
<br /> ,� . � � � �
<br /> �� � be -t�rreen this corporation and its creditors or any class oP them
<br /> or between this corporation and its stockholders or ar�y class
<br /> � of them , ax�y court of competent jurisdictian within the state s
<br /> �~. of Kansas , on the application in a summary way of this corporation `g � �
<br /> or of any creditor or stockholder thereof or on the application
<br /> � ` m ' `
<br /> of any receiver or receivers appointed for this corporation imder ,`: , . ;:
<br /> . . . � . _ . � , . . . . . . � r:; F
<br /> the provision.s of seetion 104 ( � 7 -6901 ) of the general corporation ` �
<br /> ' _ ' ..rc--.:: ;
<br /> } code of Kansas or on the application of trustees in dissolution �
<br /> �� � ,A � r br of , as�y r.eceiver or receivsrs appointed for this corporation
<br /> � � T> �
<br /> , , .�. �k
<br /> u ... :
<br /> , < �,,. ;
<br /> '' ia.nder the prorrisions of section gS ( 97 -6808 ) of the general cor- �;"�'
<br /> , _
<br /> . ., ,�. ., , "_ , . ... , F,a:„� . �<� ,
<br /> poratiori code of Kan�as , may order a meeting of the creditors
<br /> . . �
<br /> � - � �
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> ,� � . � . . ! .�.r �;.. � . �, :.. � ' -
<br /> . , _. v.o . ,.. 4 ' .ea..�c..�.. . , . , . . . . f
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