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<br /> MORTGAGE . � .A'net�����''"
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<br /> y ,' , MORTGAGE LOAN NO.L Z3.119 ` a�,��
<br /> Mc..�'k'S E
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY TfIESE-PRESENTS:That Dewayne T. Dougl as and Katheri ne A. Doug l as, each i n � ' S'f�,��.�,�,
<br /> ���
<br /> his 'and her,own right and as spouse`of each other, �� � «,��,{ �
<br /> ' Mortgagor-whetber one or more,in coasideration of the sum af +` Qa df�t��'��
<br /> Ci,Yf�i Fn�r The icand and No/7�0------------------ ------- — — — D O L L A R S S • `���,���`�
<br /> - [oanrd to said mortgsgor by The Equttable Building and Loan Auocistion of Crand Island,Nebraska,Mortgagee,upou 640 shares of stock of � ,!�,�� �,��,`,£�
<br /> said ASSOCIATCON,CertiFicaxe No.L 23,119 ,do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unro the said ASSOCIATION the foilo � � v�
<br /> described'real estate,situsted in Hall County,Nebraska: w� {t;�'�hi� �'�`��
<br /> I4 �f
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<br /> together.with all the tenemmts,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bdonging,including attached t7oor coverings,all window screens� ggf�� � �w r���,k :
<br /> refr'getatoz�s�an�d o�ther fixture and equipment n�owco he'r afte�r aata�ched o oa�a�,��e�on w h spa d real esta�essories thereto,Pumps.stoves, �afi'�����'�s
<br /> ' �And whereas the sa5d mortgagot has ag�eed and doeshereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay at!taxes and aueasmenb levied•or �, + a '�3�x� �^*+��}��.
<br /> a�sessed upon said premises and upon this mor[gage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent;to furnIsh apptoved `�a�'=3s '.�,�`p^
<br /> insivana upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of SC4 � �n paYable to sald ASSOCIATION and to dellwr to'aaid ���'
<br /> .�ASSOCIATION�.the policies Cor said insucance;and not to commit or permR�j�wasTe on or about said premises; � � � � e��k`'"F��t�r�'��.,
<br /> ' In cas�of�defautt�in the rformance of an of the�terms and conditions of this mon e or the bond�secured here � � �`��r���"
<br /> B8B bY.the mortgagee shall, r���
<br /> on demend,be entitled to imm�iste posxssion of the mortgaged premises and the mortgegor hereby assigns, trensfers and sets over to.the 's�S x,�8
<br /> mo{tgagee all the rrnts,revenues and income ro be derived From thr mortgaged promises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain � t ,.� ,
<br /> unpa�d;and the mortgagee sha1I haw the power to appoint eny agent or agents it may desire for the purpose�of repairing'�said premises and renting 1 i r � ��
<br /> 1 fhe aame and collecting thrrents,revenuea and income,and it may pay out of said incomc all ezpenses of repairing said pmmises nnd neces4ary �ar ���$�. �
<br /> commiseioai and expenses incurred in rrnting and managing the same and of eollecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining,if an to be �
<br /> applied toward tt�e discharge of sald mortgage indebtedness;these rights of the mortgagee may be exerciud at any time during the e�cistena of such � � ' ��'�
<br /> i default,irrespective of any temponry waiver of the same. �ll,�t��g���3 �
<br /> '� Thesr Presents,however,are upon the Condition,That if the.said Mortgagor shalt repay said�loan on or before the maturity of:said shares by t�.,'� K-�''i P �`'�'
<br /> payment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIA7'ION of the sum specifiied in the Bond secured hereby as intercst and principal on aaid]oan,on or beFon ,� ``�t v�c r�,,,„�� i
<br /> the Twentieth day of each and every monih,until sald loan.is fully paid;pay all taxes and assessments levied against said premises and on�this Mortgage 3�, ,�"�@
<br /> and the Bond ucured thereby,beforc delinquency;furnish approved insurance upon the buSldings thereon in the sum of 5 64����:�� pay8ble � t Y..,� �a�'��. �
<br /> ' fo said�'ASSOCIATION;repay co said ASSOCIATION upon.demand all monry by it paid for such taxes,assessmenu and insurence"wIth interest at �,�"{ �P�"c+�
<br /> ` the maiilmumlegal rate thereon from date oF paymrnt all of which Mortgagor hercby agrees to pay;permit no waste onaaid premixa;keep and comply r�+�¢a ���F,.�
<br /> ��r ,a r ,«;
<br /> ; with ali the agreemrnu and condiGons oF the Bond for 5 64 O O «�Y&�n by the said Mort ,} ��?��
<br /> � Q (�o gaBor to said ASSOCIATION,and comply � ��
<br /> with all the re quqements of the Constitution and B y-Iaws of s a i a A§S d C 1 A T I O N;t h e n i h e x p r esents shall bewme null and void,othmvue th
<br /> ahall remeIn,3n tull force and may be foreclosed at the optionoC the said ASSOCIAT[ON after Failure for tivee months ro make any of's d i ''. r"-�''s
<br /> n
<br /> payments or be thrx months ia arrears in makfng said monthly payments,or to keep and comply with the agreemrnts and conditlons oF said Hond• x '„ p � �,��
<br /> ` and Mnrtgagor agrcu to have�a receiver.appointed foRhwith in such foreclosure pcoaedings. � � . .� �� � � ;. ' . a^
<br /> 1f thue is an ct�an fn ownershi oF the resl estate mort �$ ;�������
<br /> Y Se P gaged herein,by sale or otherwise,then the mtire rcmaining lndebtedness hezehy �} �
<br /> aecured shall,at the option of The Equitabk Bu7ding and Loan Association of Crand Isiand,Nebnska,become immediately due and payable without � "� r�'
<br /> further notice,snd the amount remaining due under said bond,and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder,shaII,trom the , �`��
<br /> + date'ofauerdx of said option,bear interest at the maximum kgal rate,and this moregage may then be fonclosed W satisfy the amoant due on asid � �t,���
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additionel advanoes;together with all sums paid by said The Equitable Buitding and Loan Association of Crand Ialand, E � � "��* �
<br /> Neheaska for insurance,taxes uid assessments,and abstracting extension cherges, with interest thereoa,from date of payment at the maximum G f jx l�r����
<br /> legal nte. r r
<br /> As provided�:in the Bond securod�hereby,while.this moRgage remains�in-effect the�mortgegee may hereaftcr�advanx�additioaal sums�to�the �� � �,a5�wi�x��:
<br /> makers of said Bond,tlleic a�sigas oc successo[s in lnterest,which sums shell be within the security of this mortgage the same as the fnnds originally i f''� �'�$�a�.;'a,
<br /> a .�,� xcured thereby the total amount of principat debt not to exceed at any time the originsl amount of this mortgage. ; � �,+�w�",
<br /> ` � �. ,5 mted tlas �9 h'. y of Mdy A'D.,19]$ r a,+�����i
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<br /> �r'��+ f.� �' �`��`.��:HRASICA . � y� �7=f e r�;:.
<br /> w��� �y��rOP}� 7 i.�es On this �9$h�. day oF � � a
<br /> �� May �978 ,eeronau, � �4�� `�`„,
<br /> �� fx u r t „
<br /> �� .,�� fi z the uade ' a Notary Public in aad for Wd County,PenomllY came �
<br /> 5��� ,�ayc��,T DDugla�,and;Kath�r1,ne A ;Doug7as, eacfi it n�his a r ahrn right and a�s�pouse = �'�tt�
<br /> '"`r �4 C�7s"` 47'yc : , w o a�.,e Parao o�vato ,� �4
<br /> � � ��
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