, .
<br /> _ ,
<br /> , _N ; .� �� . �� . . ,. , ...», . , . :» �.. n _.. :. , . ,-. : ,._
<br /> ,
<br /> Y .... ..�. . ..,. . .��� ,... . ., . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . .. �
<br /> 3 . ' . . . . � �4
<br /> �
<br /> . x . . � � . . . . . .� " . _ ' . � � �� �
<br /> � '4 �� �
<br /> r M 1
<br /> 5
<br /> ,' . . . . . �w ' � ury.: dn ��x�
<br /> - ' , ' . � M. . * r . �, � .
<br /> � no� extend or .postpoae , the due;datc of .the, monf,6ly instapments reFerreB to in para�nphs l and 2 hereof or ' � < � `� ,F��,�„� "� `>,�. '
<br /> t ch�gape� tt�e amouut of. su�li zx�s�sltri�ents. ., j . , . , � . - � � � � i ,z���,�<4� ,�,Kos�. ..
<br /> �" �._ ; �:
<br /> ` � �g` 10 'B;oaowe; Not Released -Extension of the, 'tisne for j�:tyment or �nodification of ninortization of the aums � � � �. �t �r��1 . �`� �
<br /> sectur�� ,�t�s=�?!Iq�tgsg�'gran$ed l�v 2.ghder to aiiy ;=uccessor in interest of Borrower sliull not �operate � to retease, � ; y� �p "�, a < <
<br /> ' �� ip �nyxsslahn�ncr�,�lie lysbxTtty oi !}ie ori ival ;Borrower und .$on•o«•ex's � successors in interest. Lender shall not be. � ,
<br /> � ' �� ' - � � ;reqUiretF,�ts�commen0e`proceecimgs,aga�nst §ucli sucoessor oc reiusc to extend timo for payment or�otherwiae modify � "� �� �`;��r'�`- 4; ��, :
<br /> a�nortiza�ton�o�f, tfie sums seevzed bp tl�is liortgage� liy xeasou � of :my demansl made 6y the original Borrower snd� � ` ' xti: �� +"�,,����„,� r
<br /> ;BorXoy�r`ei'�s aucceseqrs � z�iterest '. ': : . . �,� � � <� r , a �� ' '� , �:
<br /> , r� lI. �Forbeaii�ce by' Leader Not ca Vvaiver. Ariy forbearance by Lender in exercising unq right or remedy � � � "`" �; ,G * , �� '��.�, .�°�' ��
<br /> hereundei, orotherwise afforded by. applicable luw,`shall not ' Ue a wa,i�er of or preclude the e�ercise of any right � � °` '��x.;t��� ..
<br /> os retued hereunder The ropurement of insurance or tlie a ment of taxes or other liens or char es b Lender � _�r�h`"���"'rn `
<br /> r. . J� P . . . -. . P Y_ . . . 6 . Y . . �' �� � r+ ,�sc, �, ',�y,'2�''�5 �.
<br /> ; � shall n9t be a waiver ot Lencler,`� right to accelerate the muturrty of the indebtedness :secured hy this Mortgage: � � � +� Wy �� ��n
<br /> r-1 ' '' iZ.;'Remedies CumuIative. � A!1 remedies provideci in tl�is 1�Iortgage are distincti snd cumulative to any othes � y � ti, ��t,,��„3�
<br /> � �
<br /> >n �"J ng6t or remedy�,under tliis; JIortgage or affordecl liy lu��• or c�uity, gnd uis� be exercised concurrently, independ- � J �� 5'�"} s� ���� f
<br /> C�2 entlq or,succeesively < � ` �
<br /> , �°c��.' ,
<br /> ti , : C�'3 - 13 Succassois msd Assigas Bound; 7oint and Several Liability; Captions. The covennnts and agreements � r " € �F xf,` �ay
<br /> � � fiesein contained shall bind, snd the rights liereunder shali inure to, tl�e respectivc succeseors and assigns of Lender � j ` , ' *�, ;�""�w � Wk ,�.
<br /> 'i � and $orrower, subject to the provisions of paragrapli 1 i .hereof. all covenunts and agrecments of Borrower shell � ` " �; N°� ��y�� ��� �
<br /> _ , .,
<br /> '� he �oint;and aeveral. The cnptions and 6eadings oi the paragrnptu of this \Iortgage n.re for convenience only and - � ` r � R�`�-:,"�`�-��N
<br /> ,�: � are not to be used to interpret orde6ne tl�e provisiona hereoi. u ; w,�;,� �-;'���y��; 5' -�
<br /> � � 14. Notice. Any notice to Borrower pro�•ided for in this \Iortguge �hall I�e given by inssiling such notice bp � ' v ,4T�t»� ��s� �
<br /> �` ' � certified:znai! addressed to Borrow•er ut the Property AddreSs �tated bclo�a- , except for any notice required under � 'y1 y�y^�-�v�;�t«�"''�^��'
<br /> � paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borrox•er in the m�tnncr prrscrihed by ;tpplicable law. Any notice provided ,� ; t ����;,��a, ,�,��, s
<br /> =,s for in tl�is �Iortgage shall be deemed to l�a��r been gi�•en to Borroe•er ��lien given in tlie manner aesignated herein. 'y F �'� ;�
<br /> '; 15. Uaiform Mort a e; Govemin Lawr Severabilit 'I'his iorm of mort u e combines uniform ' covenants 'r :'�' �°�� ° f��+�
<br /> 4 9 4 Y- B E � , > > �,'e,'3
<br /> for national use snd non-uniform covenants cvitli limited �•ariutions by jurisdictimi to constitute ss uniform secu- �d sw '�k � `�.z��
<br /> rity inatrument covering 'reat prol�erty: This �fortgage shalt be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which ° ;:,y �,�xt��,��s�r '
<br /> the Property is located. In the event tl�at any provision or cluuse of this \lortgnge or the Note conflicts with �� ,;�� x+ v,x�� , �
<br /> {{ . applicable iaw, such conflict shall not affect otlier provisione of this \iortgage or the Note which cssn be given 7 ,�'����� fi��E�a 4 �
<br /> , 'effeot witbout the conRicting provision, and to t6is end the piovisions of the �Iortgage and the Note are declared r� �� ��, , ��p��,�
<br /> � t0 b8 88V8Y8�1¢: . . � . � . . . . . . . _ S ^�ia�E�w � �i�� -��sa�a,
<br /> � "� Lion orafterre oardaCo hereof. rrower shall be furnished a conformed copy uf this �fortgage at the time of execu- � �"����.,��"`x''��"
<br /> < , .�„ .
<br /> � , ` . 17. ,Tiaasfer of the Property; Assumptioa. If all or uny part of the Property or an interest therein ia sold � �„; N�{,�,�R„ ;'
<br /> `� o= tranaferred by,Borrower without Lender's priar �vritten consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum- �'`� �`'`
<br /> ` tiranee sutiordinate to this Mortgage, ( b) the cceat�on of a purcl�ase inoncy security interest for househoid appli- �",�'; "';� �Kk,�,`;; � � r �
<br /> snces, (c) a traasfer by devise, descent or by operntion of tat�• upon the denth of u joint tenant or (d) the, grant of � � �,�, ""f' -�:�^
<br /> °any leaseliold,interest of three years or less not containir�g an option to purchnse, Lender may; at Lender's option, ;, y� M�� {`�`��
<br /> d lare all the sums secured b this Mort e to be iminediuteh- duee anc# �a abte. Lender shall liave waived such �`'�" fsv��"'�'"
<br /> .� Y &�S f Y , 7 �
<br /> option to::accelerate if; prior to the sale or trnnsfer, Lender ancl the person to �vhom the Property is to be sotd or � `�} f�,`"
<br /> �,
<br /> transfeaed reach agreement in tvriting that tlie credit of such person is sstisiuctory to Lender and that the interest � 'ss ,3 ���� �
<br /> "payable' on Lhe sums se'cured by t&is Vlortgage shull be at such rate as I,ender shall request. If Lender has waived " �°'�`��`"� , ,�",�'� :
<br /> the.o tion to 'accelerate rovided in this ara ra 1� 17 und if Borrower's suceessor in interest has executed n writ- ' ' �"�g"�
<br /> P � P p � P �� � �� �� ,
<br /> ten`assumption agreement accepted in tvriting by I.ender, Lencler shall release Borrower from all obligations under ; �` ;` rfa,s "�� 4�. , ,� ,.
<br /> �;hie Mortgage and the Note. r>"���'`"�' K�`r�'�'� �.
<br /> If Lender exercises such option to uccelernte, Leuder shall *uail Borrower notice of acceleratiort in accordance ;F .r' t f"y�`�*^�'� .:
<br /> r � t ,t ,� k,
<br /> tivith paragraph 14 hereof. Such noticc s1�311 provide a Period of not less tl�an 30 days from the date the notice is 1"� 3Z �" , y��R,;�.ti�",r;r;�' �
<br /> _ � inailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared dua If Borrower fails to puy such sums prior to the .� � �y �"�'��r
<br /> expiration of such,period, Lender may, �vithout furt,her notice or clemand on Borro�ver, invoke uny remedies per- i � � ' �` ����`a ��,�+�
<br /> riuitted by paragraph 18 hereof. , $,
<br /> � i { i ry��T �' �54�* :�t '
<br /> � , - , :: . . � ..� . . . � 1 S 1^ +� . 7 '3� t
<br /> Nox-IIxuronni CovExwxTs: Borro�vei• and Lender furtl�er covenant nnd agree as follo�vs : � � �`�x�' t'�Xt �X�,„���;,� .
<br /> � . :! : , , ,. ; �-�k< , � ��, ,
<br /> :18. Aecsleration; Remedias. Exce t a� n•ot'ided in inrss m �h 17 hercof u on .Borrower's . breacli of an = ' � �� . �"
<br /> . . r f 1 F I , P Y . " {� :;.� "� ,� f _ ,
<br /> ' covenan£ or agreement� of Barrawer in tliis \Iv��tgxge, inclucling tlic covenants to pay �vhen duc uny swns secured <, , �� r� �� '
<br /> ` by this �3ortgage, 'Lender i?rior to ,acceleration sl�sll u�ail notice to Borron-cr as proiided in paragranl� 14 hereof � � +� r :' rr`�'
<br /> �r, ,�C'�` -� � ,
<br /> specifying: (1) the breacli ; (2) tUe nction requii•ed to cw•c ' sucfi hrexcl� ; l3) ai dstc, not less ti�an thirty days = J ����� ''
<br /> 5uch breach onhor before tl�e date specified in t,he not c'c ,intty 'resulE inUaccele ation� of tlic4sums s cured by this � ' � ` ������� �,,'
<br /> ry 7�Iortgage and saie of the Property. If the breacl� u not cured on or before thc date specified in tlie notice, Lender �, r' 2� ,�,;,t.�,
<br /> t at Lender's option may ' declare all of the swns securecl by tliis �Iortgagc to 6e immediately due xnd payat�le . .,' 'e �^'**��t� �,�= '
<br /> �irit2iout fnrther demand anci may foreclose tl�is �lortgaige by judicial ��roceeding. Lender shall be entitleci to collect �;;'„� �° ' ,'�;'�"�k�
<br /> in si�ch 'proceeding all expenaes of foreclosurc, including, but not li�nited tq costs of docuii�entary eyidence, '; � f�=p �„��� 'n
<br /> abstracts:'snd title reports. . � '" s'' c. x z•`",7 t�a �'
<br /> • ,�'= 19: Ba�row�r's Right` to Reinstat�. : \`otw�itlistanding Lender's acceleration of the sunis secured by this � �-U�� F`�'� �
<br /> ' �Iortgege, B,onower shall have the right to hsve any proceeding� begun by Lender to enforce , thia Mortguge dis- y C ,` j�#,.-���{��'`
<br /> - '� ., . � � "� �
<br /> w= oonfanued: at 'sny time prior to entry of 'a judgment enfarcing this -\-fortgage if: ( al Borrower pays Lender all ` > f+r '��'�'�'� ��,� u`� .
<br /> ' snms which would be then, dne vnder this �iortgage; thc Note nnd notes securingFuture .�idvances, if an3*; had no ;` , � ,� �° � ';�x } �
<br /> soceleratiion occuried; (b) . Borrower cures alt hreuches of any other covenAnts or agreements of Borrower con- w� ' �
<br /> . _U ..
<br /> tained�'ia ;tjue;Nlortgage; (c) Borrower pays sti reasonable expenses incurred by I.ender in enforcing the covenants r ; r� �� � �y; x�� ; '
<br /> r „ sad agreements of:Borrower contained in this Vlortguge and iu enforcing I,ender'.s remedies as ��rovided in para- � ;; " ;" yr�M�" •
<br /> : , ge�p2►u18'�tereof,.inoluding;`b�at not7imited ;to, reasonable attorney's fee� ; and fdi Borrower takes such action as = a '" �`, �'� ,�-�°�, ' '
<br /> ,tk r r ;; *F�en�erWmap, reseonably� requ"sze to asaure that the lien o! tl�is �'fortgage, I:ender's intereat in the Property and ` � ' "
<br /> , � � � i��
<br /> ' , 4� $t�tto'avet'�.s abl�gation to pa}*�the snms secuzed by ti�iii �iortguge shull continue unimpairerl_ IIpon such T�ayment '� ns `"��`
<br /> ��,4� ; , �ai£ ro�i'i� $orrbwer, thrB`ilfiortgag� snd the obl�gAtions Pec,ured hereby shall remain in full force and effect as if ` : i
<br /> �,s �yc s° no sCoelersfaon�ad=ncaurnd ' 'f , , '; � x �
<br /> ��" r �'� ^}�3li�ed9eq�nt,�f��tab. hh�pom#aemt�o( Beceavez ' Lteadez m�;Possoasion , .As; additionul securit , here- ° � , ��,'"
<br /> „, ` .t� s, „�+t i. ..Hr-,e rv w. , y r .. . Y �. .�
<br /> � �� �,�� µ,stplde��� y, �, y�e��rgby* ss�gas ton�,en�i�r the�-en�at`"the PzoperL� provided! that Borro�v@r sfisll, prior ta accelQr- � ���`.r�
<br /> � y�;� ,�$ �,.k4�` rag�aph 18�h�reof qr'aban$�omYyent,�oF the Fy�peitp, have' the right to collect and retain snch rents �,
<br /> �s*�i�'-� �.,, ... � . dne:�'Ra9�blc . �� ,. ;:;' r f. : �, . : �
<br /> k;m�, .N..�r�x „ -.>.;m.'#�" y .�iof�[ndei*�s IL 1$riiereof or;=�bsandonment of�:the i'roperfy, Lender, in : person, bv sgent � ° '"'
<br /> �,w �;�-,, �y 'a� ��a�pp0ul�,ed �ar���"l, �ieti��t� � enCer upon, talce- hoese�sion of snd uianage the Property � _ �
<br /> r r.� � fi � � * ��'�y 1�� , ��C�H1n�#iaaye '�i s a ti i1ug:, �111 :rents 'collectetI' by I.ender or the . mceiver � ' °'�
<br /> � pf . .Y",� 3 � . . . S v/ in y ryY 'tq F. ✓ . . . . . � 4 ,�,�4�{.
<br /> � , *��*3�en��o£��tM�,o�nsa�g�a�n6 Cf t.3it Property and coi4ection of rents, inctuding, but
<br /> Y
<br /> ' iu 'rt * r "'"'Se�'�r�$age ��f h��utimw'�Yir��reee�^�+er�ii�f�mip "itnii � r+pA9nnable nttorney'R feeN> nn�i the� to the eumc ' ;
<br /> hP
<br /> ^ts+��. , v . u r a x,. � - -
<br /> s �6 'i.eader� '#�� reces�er is3i�11 be liable to secount onlv for thoae renfs actually received. �
<br /> r�i 'i � ., � � 'S � �q. ; .. . . - .
<br /> �� iY� :.�,+.^ +* t ,i � .f . . . . ,
<br /> a> .F.". : +.v' ' �. . . .
<br /> r. � t � a":t�q7.�pyt+WAC��k�."`v t a.a Yf+.+..... . , , . . . . � . . . .. . � .
<br /> "+�+ S{�h s ,�..c a r�,�'.�r +� ' s `�`'i�. �" n.ar`^ . .�.�E'wy�f � �"M.rV°'�`� iv . i �sa� r t � - . . .
<br /> N�"a., ' 4+�$y P Q � c.�Y»t y t u. r v � f' n w'C . . .
<br /> �.v-n ' rS-'eC'�.. �� x w `r�� "�rf5 tt'7Y20.s k �. v� u `� �^ w�' t '`erY �F . . ..
<br /> E' �` tn °�' , 4 � - � ft@�' ^' re� �.^� �°i Y ' t F
<br /> `�`�1ry`i�' . i r �. 2 �"� - a.f ' I + ,y z� �'�i SS ,y � �, � n � .
<br /> �k rnl , ?S �,r e �-o � r s ' a" "'d � ;.„ as� � .
<br /> � .
<br /> drN d t V - � f �. ( }. . ' K' . . . . . . .
<br /> . . r, ,., .�. �
<br /> �
<br /> � � ".: 9r . +�>.e� , a nx .,;,. ,e .. .' �. �� '.
<br />