� . � . . . . . . ; rf � . .
<br /> ,�
<br /> !T; , � 'L �. . . . ,, . . � w . .. '_. ,. ., , �.., . .. . � ,.. ., . ., . ��.. . . . . . . . . . . , ,.. . . .. . . . . . . . � . . . . . '.
<br /> , , ; . . . � . � • � � :.
<br /> � . . . r . . . . /rM� �
<br /> . �
<br /> l� �
<br /> '� no� eactend 'or •posEpone :the due date ,of tl�e:- montlily instalhnents referred to in parngraphs 1 nnd 2 heTeof or � : ' �„�
<br /> k ahange t�e amouclt of. such, insballments.. , ' < 4: �„� � �. 2 a
<br /> ; ,
<br /> �,` '. �'" �10,� Bonower.'Not Released. _'Extension of the tirue for �2nyment or modification of s�nortization of the aums- � ` "'�"` `ft��u„°��,`M^Yr*'
<br /> .,.. , . �: . �e . v� . >g . �., . .:: � .�, g �g� . ,� . . , Y� � . ., � p � if"l r n,� ;� nT�y`?���r�� �,4
<br /> n securedsD" �this �Iort a e, nted 'b Lend�r:: to An 8uecessor-m mterest of Borrower shatl not .o erate to release 3 � y Y
<br /> in anyUmanne�;;the I�ab:Tity of tlie original Bonower and Borrowers successors in interest. :Lender s6slt not be < „ t,, M1�,�s�„� ,� v��
<br /> 'recjuirgd :tq commene�proogedixiga against aucl� gucce'ssor or xefuae to extend ti 'mc for payment or otherwise modify. � ", ' �,`rF �" tv,i-',�`'��"'�`?'�
<br /> � amortiaation of �Cie sum`s+ aecured, bg �his \Iortgage �l�y reason of any demnnd made by the original $orrower and � ; , ,� ,L 4 � �,�"�
<br /> $orrowei'sauocessor`s in.inEerest. , , e t � �+ ,
<br /> " Y�1:`N'Forbe�aamce byLender Not a Waiver.• Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy , 4 � 4 � �'� $�`�;�'`����
<br /> ' ,
<br /> ; }iereunder, or otheiwise afforded by opplicable Ia�v, shall not be u waiver of or preclvde the exercise of any right � � � �.;"�. � � r�
<br /> or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insursnce or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender * ; � �, ,� r �s z�,,
<br /> 0 shsI1 not'be a wai'ver of Lender's right to 'accelerate the inaturity of the indebtedness secured by thia Mortgage. � "`u � '�,, ! �„� "��,
<br /> � 12,:;Remedies CumuIative. All. remedies provided in tliis \4ortgage are dietinct nnd cumulative to` any other , ! �'r `w �� '�',��
<br /> �. L� right;6r ieitiedy under this l-IorEgage or ssfforded hy'TsR or equity, and may bc exercised concureently, independ- ;" 9`� " ' "r�':���
<br /> ,, CvJ . ently or snacesaively. -. , , , r� x;�
<br /> � ' I3.:Sueeessors �td Assigas Bouad; Ja�Y �d Several Liability; Captione. The covenants and agreements x M , '``'< '' �� y�
<br /> � � � � „ar`
<br /> v. � fieiein coatainec� shalE bind, and the rights liereunder shall inure ta; the respectivc successors and assigns of Lender " � :: v � r� ,� ;
<br /> ,` � aad Borrower, subject to the provisions of para�ph 17 hereoi. _�ll covenant.c und agreements of Borrower shall �F � { ,rk : } 'a�'w
<br /> 1 , tie joint and several. The caPtions and Beadings of the paragraphs of this �Iortgage are for convenience only and t '�� a„ r;
<br /> � 8re no�to`be used to interpret or define the provisions hereof. � ' x �� '��, , �
<br /> 14. NoGee. Any noEice to Borrower pro�•ided for in this �Iortgage shull bc gi�•en by inailing such notice by �, ` 's� � �` �>i
<br /> � certified �nail addressed to Borrower at tlie Property address stated belo�c , except for emy notice required under � + + irkF�S,M,����,
<br /> paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borro�•er in the �nanner prescribed by npplicable la�v. Any notice provided .�' ¢+s� ��jFe •%»��
<br /> for in this Vlortgage shull bc deenied to have bcen given to Borrower when given in tlic munner designated herein, t � r , �f ;.�,, +.�,`��
<br /> 15. Unitorm Mortgage; Govemiag Law; Severability. T'his form �risdi tgoneto co sti tute a uniform s cu- �` ' z, ;` 4���a�:#��;
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenants with limiteci variations b � �
<br /> rity instrument covering 'real property. This \Iortgage shnll be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which ` a,'` ,�t`� �, ��`�
<br /> �- the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this vlortgage or the Note conflicts with .^ * .� r x ;� '`�"�.y��y
<br /> applieable law, such con8ict shall not affect otl�er provisions of tliis �Iortgage or the Note which can be given t' �, ,-�r��" �'
<br /> effect without the conflictin rovision and to this end the rovisions of tlie �1ort a e and the Note are declared " ' w� `^ "'* ����
<br /> to be severable. g P , P g S , f,pV � r� ' ,�� �a-� ,
<br /> n � � � ���
<br /> 16. Boszowaz's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a eonformed copy of this D4ortgage at the time of execu- ; a4 x,�t� ;� ;���
<br /> tion or after recordation hereof.
<br /> r 17. Traasfer of the Propezty; Assumption. If all or any part ot the Property or an intereat therein is sold ~ ` , $��`;�"y,�,�"•�„�
<br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior written consent, excluding (n) the creation of a lien or eacum- x � ',y� xttt �s ,'��
<br /> ` 6rance auboxiinate to :this Mortgage, ( b) the creution of a purchase money security interest for household appli- `% � � '� ��� ^�
<br /> gnces, (a) 'a transfer bgdevise, deseent or by operation of luw upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the, grant of � �j ; �.y������c�;
<br /> any leasehold. interest oE_three years or less not containing un option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option, - + y `�`�r�,'�# r x , � '
<br /> declare all the sums secured by this �Vloztgage to Ge irninediately due and payable. Lender shall have �vaived. such �-�� �
<br /> option' to accelerate if, prior to the sale or ttansfer, I.ender and tl�e person to whom the Praperty ia to be sold or " 1"a, ' -;"�*"�
<br /> :
<br /> traneferred reach agreement in �vriting thattlie credit of such ��eraon is satisfactory to Lender und that the interest , '; �,}e,� �;�,� �;
<br /> payable on tfie sums secured bg this Vlortgage shall Ue at sucli ratc as I,ender shall request. If Lender has waived , ', ?�r
<br /> the option'to accelerate provi3ed in this paragrapl� ' 17 and if Bonower's successor in interest has executed a writ- � ` .�;''t��,; �`�t��i��'�,�"
<br /> ten asaumption sgreement accepted:in ,writing Uy Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from all abligations under.: � }� ` r r � �;,�''�'^ `�<�'�'�.
<br /> this Mortgsge snd the Note. , � '. , `r�"r, r�s c �'�,
<br /> ' If Lender exercises sucli option to accelerate, Lender shal l �nail Borrower notice of' scceleration in accordance s � ' ` y : `� ��^���
<br /> tivith paragraph 24; hereof: Suclr notice sl�all provide a neriod of not leas thnn 30 days from the. date the notice ix �Wf i "' t
<br /> mailed within which Borrower may pay thesums declared due. If Borrower fails to puy such sums prior to the � � ` : � x'�r��' ��4��
<br /> ezpiration of such period, I.ender may, tvithout further notice or demand on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per- � ; �,x �„ ,� i�.,=
<br /> ' mitted by'paragrsph 18 hereof. 1 ` ' , ' �' `p�,
<br /> . . � . . _ _. . t 7, aZJ� r�xai � e' .w� Y
<br /> . . ., _. �. . , . . . . . . , . � . �
<br /> Nox-Uxu+oant CovExwxzs. Borro�ver and Lender furtl�er covenanb and agree as follows: � '' ° rF ''� � ���
<br /> � � , � ' ; � , � �
<br /> ' 18: Accelerationi Remedies. Except ' ac pro�•i<led in parugraF�li 17 l�ereof, upon Borrower's breaclr;'of any k �� -��'� ��
<br /> covenant :or agr�emeiit ef Borrow-er in this 31ort�nge, including tl�c covenunts to �iuy �vhen dur any sums secured ` �` '* `� � �'��'��"�,
<br /> e
<br /> by this A4ortgage; Lender ��eior to accelerntion �6all mail noticc to Borrowcr as providcYl in parsgraph 14 lieieof � k �v�� h�;
<br /> specifying: ( 1j the bresch; (2) the action required to ct�ir such I�reach ; 13) 'o dntc, not tess tlian thirty days � ? , ex ���.e`�'re
<br /> irom the date the notiec is mailed to I3orrower, b� ti�•hicli st�ch brc:ul� must bc cured ; snd (4i thst (silurc to cure ^ �
<br /> �r s�. �,�s
<br /> such breach bn or before the date specified in the noticc inay result in acceleration of tlie sums secured by this # ' , :` 'rr� �,�y
<br /> '` �� Mortgage and sale of the Property. If the breacli is not cured on or beforc thc date specified in tl�e notice, Lender � _ ;+ ,. � `, "'
<br /> at, Lender's option' �nay declare all of the sums secured by this 4lortgage to be immediately due and psyable 3 `. , � ., _" �%�
<br /> -, without further demand and may foreclose Uiis Vlortgage ¢y judicial proceeding. Lender s6all be entitled to collect '.' � ��,
<br /> in such groceeding all expenses of foreclosurc, including, but not limited to, costs of docu�nentary evidence, � � x ""� a..�� �'
<br /> abatracts snd title reports. ; � � , � " � ta'� �n'
<br /> . � ��-�57
<br /> 19. Bosrowa's Rigl�t to„Reaastate. lYotwithstunding Lender's ncceleration of the sums secured by this � x � t "+' F � ,x .,
<br /> Mortgage,.:Borrower ahall ha've the right to ha�e any Proceedings begure by T.endcr to enforcc this Mortgage dis- " �`�y�r ,Na r
<br /> - coatsnued;at axi � .time rior,to eat of a 'ud y r " i
<br /> y p ry � gment enforcingthis 14ortgage if :, (a) Borrower pays Lender all .r ' r ' �y'��
<br /> .. aums whiah would be�then- d 'ue under this \�Iortgage. Ehe Note nnd notes securing Futum Advances; if any; l�ad no � ' x , "�
<br /> " soaeleration bocurred ; (b) 'Borrawer cures'alt ,breaches of aay other covenants or agreements of Borrower con- � �` '�=' " :���
<br /> „ tsined �a Eh�a Mortgage; (a)_ Borrower pays all reasonable expenses incurrecl by I,ender in enfoming the covenants t „ y irh z�sr�-;
<br /> aad s�r�em�nfe o� Borrowc+r ,contained in this "-�torEgage and iu enforcing Lender's remedies as provided in psra- � z, nx��
<br /> ,„ s i gesph�,I� 81�eieof� �ncludmgr bitt not limtted �o, 'reasonable attorney's fees ; and (d ) Borro�ver takes such action as � '. ' ' 3z �`
<br /> 1 ' P h 4n Y II v . . . . . •. f'"I S {� ..:.._Y
<br /> $ t a � � �;c�`WsjC,�e�9ona`bly �quire f,n sssuze ,that the lien of tl�is, \Iortgage, Lender's interest in the Property and = �.,� r , , ,'
<br /> ,�� � ,et'a'Ob'l��afaon� fq pay.t,he aums aeeured by #,hiF` :4Iortgage shsll continuc::unimpaired. Uron such payment
<br /> ,,. , �i�.c�tre�yc�$or,i'ower, �h�er MorEgag� snd �he ob]�g�+►fions secured hereby :sl�nll remain in full force and effect as if ` ; �`}
<br /> �taF ' ,� EO f101'RIPSB�IOh.I73d;�0}CCUSlf(���.: g � t v .� .'. " ' : .r .. - . . � ; Y .
<br /> 4 ;. ,� lSiai"9aina�itt of �paantrneat o[��eceiver Lendax m Poaseswoa. As additional security here- j + �' � 3
<br /> , ,�,
<br /> "� �* ia >'= iYm"�t'�"o "' �'�e '` `�' �t�n�d'er t��i�ntsrof'the Properf'y �s'ovicrted thaC'Bornower shail, prior to scceler-
<br /> �",�YS�` � a , "?f�� �h �t�tea�f�`or'�Cb�n�mi�#`etdE- o'� the Pro�ertg,. �ra've` thc ngl�t 'to collect snd retsin sucti r�nts
<br /> �t, X �$ x.r ia S . gl +9 a iv� g��t,�+. r F� r e ��,. . v �, . .: .. : .. . . . . . ,
<br /> ..X.raJ'v pe � � �}, �' �4Cr���C z � ir� . .. ' �, .:� . :.. .
<br /> F,iAyl �prj�}�'` 4 '2'E�n'A f: v4 ? h V �t Ji r .n : • � . .. . .
<br /> � Yi��a.�idR� psi� ei$ Yierea� �� s�tndpnmient q�.the k'toperi,y_.Lender, in person, by agent
<br /> �a�+ .iS Y_\xn � x� � . M�� � 1Z1T�1�}'CC81'�ET"9�$ ,�"Gt�.�,�4� �u.�iP� upon ta3ce�. Posseission of snd wanage thc PIY7j�"Y!!t}� . .
<br /> ,�� � �y ; � ' l��e^,��"�bf;.-l�+qa.�radpe�t�'.�,.�itt�lp4�'iag,�ha8e;�tsk,, due 1�11 r+ents callected � by; Lender or the . receiver
<br /> �* n .�� � r � � .. , ,
<br /> � , � sNa,�4.,� lxed�ctb pa�!menf,�of flh@ �eAGtu��,�eqrenC of 2he Property and . collection of rent,Y, including, but
<br /> 5 � .noG'��i�q�d to�,�e,oei,P, @r'4 �eea; �se,nPivmq_on ii�v$s,�Vlipndt+, snd� reasunsble attorney's fees, and then to the aums
<br /> aecttted�i}ct6�il�orkgage. Lende;,sad the r�ce"iver'shail t5e'liable to 'a+ecount onl,v for those rent4 actunlly received.
<br /> �{ � �. i� 1 — e J J` ]..S .
<br /> � . . . . . . . � �� �
<br /> � I . .�ht .. � . � � . . .
<br /> f fp�,� G� YRT rt' SjW+�. d�� �h+� Y% � �NeS✓Nrv:Wi M '�a . . .
<br /> N
<br /> �j�T2�N Yi* y �, ,}s, t z 8 q'Cr) , w v u� �y w y f . _, ' . . � .
<br /> I
<br /> �aF �r ¢.. q R T z � : ,y �xr $ . . . .
<br /> t i E � � n ` Y + r-; i "'�nS �.4*s � «.
<br /> ys "L � . s ` E : . .
<br /> ,� A-. 5 , ,. y .Ci, .. '� .
<br /> 1 ; ¢:
<br />