� _ �
<br /> � i or su�s may be aaaea to the amount of [he mortgage debt and the same recovered as
<br /> + s . .. part thereof .
<br /> PR04'IDED FURTHER that in the event , of deEault in the performance of any oE the terms
<br /> A '. and conditiqns, of this mortgage• on the parc of the Piortgagor , "[he Mortgagee shall be ;
<br /> E; . - entttled to the i�aaadi3te possession of the . premises above 'descrihed , together with all I '
<br /> �' the renc , reven�es and incocae �.to bc derived therefro� , and said rSortgagee may , in its
<br /> �+ dis;arerion , - use the zents so far as it' "deens necessary for the purpose of makLng repairs
<br /> upon Ehe premises , and fos the payments of insurance premiums . taxes and assessneats upon `
<br /> ? said pceciises , and for necessary expenses incurred in renting said pzemises and cotlectiag "
<br /> j � renCs therefrom, and to apply on said note and future advance agreement , until the indebt-
<br /> � ' � edness secured is fully paid ; but said Mortgagee shall in no case be liable for the failurc
<br /> , �i to procure tenants , to collect rents , or to prosecute actions to recover possession of.
<br /> ,i said premises .
<br /> j _
<br /> � It is espressly understood and agreed that the failure to comply with each and all
<br /> oF the condi' tions and stipulations hereinbeEore set forth strictly and literally according :
<br /> � to the true intent thereof , time being oF the essence hereof , shall cause the full amount ;
<br /> ': hereSy secured to beconi� due and collectible at once , at the election oF the holder of { '.
<br /> . � said note , and the whole indebtedness shall bear interest at aine percent (92 ) per annum
<br /> ft+�� date to uhich in[erest has been paid , and this mortgage may thereupon be foreclosed `
<br /> ictc±sediately without any notice of such elec [ ion to be given for the whole amoune of said
<br /> � c��ney , interest , future advances and costs , and for all sums paid out for taxes and assess= � "
<br /> ; ments , � insurance , liens , encumbrances , repairs and otherwise as provided Iierein , with �
<br /> � interest thereon , which election may be e::ercised immediately , or at anytime therea£ter, '
<br /> ;' and aay be exercised and the atortgage reinstated either at , before or after foreclosure �
<br /> j proc22dings have been conmenced ; or Moztgagee may foreclose only as to sums past due with- �
<br /> out iajury to this mcrtgaoe or the displacement or impairment of the liert thereof . Sueh `
<br /> opcion aeay be exercised and re-exercised without in any way iu�pairing the rights of the f r
<br /> y :fortgagee for the ful.l exercise of such elect3ons and options and i►othing shall be �coastruee „A; .
<br /> ; to .'ba a` waiver of such right , except an e�:press agrezment to that effect in writing� . duly E �+�;;
<br /> " t execc► ted b3 the haldEr of these presents and in tY►e .evenc suit is oroughc to foreclose ; � x:
<br /> j this - mortgage , reasonable attorneys fees shall be allowed as by statute provided , together { , '''
<br /> � wi'th all coses , including the continuation oE abstracts and judgment rendered. therefor , r _
<br /> 3 and the same shall be aade on special or general execution as other amounts secured hereby . �. F �
<br /> � PP.OVIDED FURTHEF'. that the Piortgagor sl�all pay and will pay all taxes Ievied upon this � , ' fp
<br /> Laortgzge , or the debr. secuzed hereby , togethzr with any other taxes and assessments which ' t '`
<br /> � � . . - . . Yv.
<br /> " may be levied under the laws of Nebraska , againsc said Plortgagor or the legal holder of
<br /> V � said promissory note on account of this indebtedness _ , . � • . , � '''
<br /> I:� T£STIMO;IY [+'HEREOr , we have hereunto sec our hands the day first above vcitten . i -
<br /> � . � � �l �
<br /> � • � i
<br /> t
<br /> � � � � � � �.L!/31� '"
<br /> �'
<br /> ' . I ST�i'I: 'OF 1\EBR4Sh'e+. )
<br /> ) ss . :
<br /> � CO!'`TY OF DOUCLAS ) �
<br /> On this �`F day . of _, 19�, before me , a t�otary Public in and j
<br /> for said 'County , personally came g7�p�, � ` �y.yY f Rps.,.! � . EriOq personally {;nown to � -. . {,
<br /> i
<br /> � - me to b'e [he identical person whose name is affixed to the above instrument as mortgagor
<br /> and` 'he acknowledged saicl instru�ent to be his voluntary act and deed .
<br /> f F , _
<br /> WITi�ESS my hand and seal the date last above vritten. �
<br /> > . ; : �
<br /> _ ,
<br /> CfMlIUI NOTABY - Stat► of NebrasY� . � , � . ,
<br /> � :�.RICHAgD E. .SCHENCK � � � � � 3
<br /> , � •. � � , t : , . ��� , . ; MyComin.�ExP.lune2.� 1980 . � . . . . �6� , .
<br /> � =-,� ' - - •�V� � � . .
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