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<br /> �s— U03172
<br /> MORTGAGE �
<br /> �� � x
<br /> , .•r � TfI28 INDENT[TRS made t� 17th ' �y of; S'�Y , 19_. by end between ��g
<br /> ' s, 78 . �. , ,. . ,
<br /> �" -� ,„4 ,,:y � ,� �� -._ r ,�,
<br /> � =Sl�BT.EY"LTV�NGSTdA+AND M�KXINE LIVINGSTOi�i husband 'and wife' each in his and her own�"'
<br /> �� �. � . ....,. ' �"'..r;. �, r ..... .. ::..::. � . .�.,�F r:,...�.. .•�,. . .... � . . . _ _ . . . � s�'
<br /> riai+t and as gpouse o h o h ,
<br /> � � of.�.�.. �11- ..�.. Couaty.,t3ebresl�a,..as.mortgsgor.—@_.:and Graad Ielend Txust Company of Grand Ialand.a wrporation ' - :�°
<br /> ,i oiganized and eitating�uader the�lewa of Nebraeka with�ite�principal offce�sad�place of bnsinesa at�Grand Islaad,,�Nebreaka,.�ae�mortgegee; �- ;. .w
<br /> � . WITNESSETH:. �.That eaid mortgagor_3_,.for e�in coneideretion of t6e sum of �
<br /> `, **One Thousand Faur Hvndsed-Ten and No/100ths** r � ��.�.R^s,i�,:4��,Od'_ � �
<br /> �i � � . . ..�. . -:`M+� � � ,`�' � Y
<br /> ,? � the eeceipt of which ia�hereby acknowledge[l.do �—�by these preaenta mortgege and warrent uaEo naid. �aEs• .euc�eote and asaigna, �� -� 4�.
<br /> : �.m4xt6s�6ed�".. , t �
<br /> ' HaZl ,:_._..- ,
<br /> foeever,ell the fol/owiag described zeal eetate,situated in t6e Couaty of � . , . -
<br /> ,�, �and.Stateof Nebraeke.to-wit: .. . . � '
<br /> �� S�
<br /> � � � �EAST �SIXTY�FEET��(E 60`) OF��LOT��FOUR �(4)� AND �EAST � ' �. ��
<br /> ,� . . . ; b"�5e'�
<br /> � SIXTY FEET (E 60') OF LOT FZVE (5) IN BLOCK FORTY– ' ' , ? � ��5i
<br /> ! * 3 �
<br /> 4 �
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<br /> ' ' �Together with ell�heating,eir conditioning,�lightiag,end plumbiag equipment and fixtuzea,ineluding screens,ewninga,atorm windows and �. �' j tt'`'"'
<br /> ., doore,�end�window ahades or blinde,used on ur in connection with asid property,whether the same are now located on said property or her�fter. -r"+ ° �t�'i'9..
<br /> c.� . . . r.o-r5'' '
<br /> . � plaoad thareoa_ . . . . . . ..
<br /> �,� �� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together witb ell and ainguler the tenemente,hereditamenia and appurtenaneae thereuato be- ': y
<br /> ; �, 'Ioaging,or ia�anywiee appertaiaing. to[ever, and warrant the title to the same. Said morgegor.8—_hereby covensat—with said � k'
<br /> {{ ��: � y moit'gegee thas� � �_t he y-, are� .�at the delivery hereo[,the lewful owner_8—of the premises above rnnveyed and deaeribed.
<br /> ,.� aiid ,are:� aeized of a�good and in�fem�le eatete of inheritance therein, free md clear of all encumbrances,and that�he.�Lwill
<br /> warrant and defend the title thereW forever againet the claims and demsads of all pereons whomsoever.
<br /> `..� � � . .�� PROVIDED ALWAY3,sad this instrumenc in e�cecuted and detivered[o aecure the payment of the aum of ,�.�..
<br /> $ t **One Thousand Four Hundred Ten and No/lOOths** �u8,.e�� 1.410.00 �, �y -
<br /> --.:with intsreet thereon,Wgether with such e6arges aad advaaces es may be due�aad payable to eaid mortgagee und�the cerms and conditions s'- �.,%�
<br /> �of the promiasory note of even dete herewith and secured hereby,executed by eaid mortgagor 3 to aaid mortgagee.payable es expressed r
<br /> in�seid note,�and W aecure the performence of all the terms and conditions contained t6ereia.The terme of seid note are heeeby incorporated ';�
<br /> � �he=em.by thie refereace. r��;
<br /> It ie the iaLention end egreement o[the parCiee hereto Lttat tltie mortgege ehell also eecure sny future advancea made to said mortgagorB._ '��
<br /> : � �S
<br /> '.i
<br /> ��.by eaid moKgagee.and any and all irnlebtednesa in addition to the amount above stated whict.said mortgagors,or any of them,may owe to � ,�-4�
<br /> � eaitl mortgagee.however evidenced,whether by note,book account or ot6erwine.This mortgage ahall rnxaein in full force and effeet between ' '�'-�j
<br /> '� � ". the�partiea hereto aad their heixa,persona!repcmmtatives, suceesson and esaigas,until all emounts secured hereunder, induding fuwre . � 5.'
<br /> ,�� . .adveacee.are paid in fuL'with interest. 4.:.
<br /> f � �:.
<br /> The mortgegor�hereby aesign_to said mortgegee all renW end income ariaing at any and all times from said property and h `
<br /> ' hereby authorize eaid mortgagee or ite egent,at ita option,upon default,to take charge of said property and collect all rents and iarnme t�,�
<br /> r�.� ='"'theiefrom a���'epply.:the��eame to�-the'paymeat-oE inteeeet.�Pri�ipal.��inauranee�-peemiuxne. tazee. sesesements�.�iepaira or improvementa � _ ;
<br /> .neeeseary W keep eeid property in Lenanteble mndition,or to other chargen or paymeata provided for herein or ia the note heieby secured�.This ,s�
<br /> �•��� � �.-rent,aeeigammt ehell cont3nue ia force until t6e unpsid balanoa of eeid note in futly paid.The taking of poeaeaeion hereunder shall in no menner +�
<br /> ,� � ;, -.prevmt or.rets:d.sald mo�tgagee,.In�the.colloetion:of naid,aume.by forecloeure,or otherwiee. �.:�.�. ... .__. ...�.�. .. _,.... .. .,�.. ,.. . . ^
<br /> �The fe�ure-of the mortgegee to aaeeR any of ite righte hereunder at eny time ehell aot be conMrued as a waiver of its right to assert the � ��.
<br /> � eame at aqy late"t Lime.a�Lo insiet upon and enforce atrict eompliance with all t6e terme and provisiona of seid note and of shis mortgage. ;
<br /> �If said ma�tgagor S ahall came W be paid to setd mortgegee the entire�natount due it hereunder,aad under the terms and provisiona - `�`
<br /> "� of asid note L'ereby eecured,including tuture advancea,and any ezteneiona or renewels t6eceof in accordaace--svith the termn and provisiona �
<br /> y i . �� . . . - .
<br /> �,� thareot and ifaeid mortgagor�_ehall comp�y with all tho provielone of naid note and of thin mortgage,�then these presents�s'Lell be void: . ;.
<br /> otherwlM to x�imaln in ftiII force snd e�'ect,aNd eaid mortgagee ehell be entiWed to Lhe poseeee'wn of ell ot eaid propmty,�and may;�at its option.
<br /> �c . ,.. deeLze the wL:ole of seid�aou md all iadebtedmsa�repzeemted�thereby W be immedietely due an.d peyable:and may foiecloee thie mortgega � �. ,,,,..r._._��� � �',,,.;'.
<br /> �� �' , or Le1ce any otber 3ega1 acEton to p�dOect�ts right.Appraisement�.waived.� - �. .. – � . , .. �u
<br /> z fi .. . ., . -.. , .
<br /> ' Tha mastigage ahell ba binding;itpon aad ahell mure to the bene8t of the hetrs,axecuWis.adminiatrators.suco�eors and assigns of the "i��� 'h;:
<br /> ��a��b�:: `� J �;� , k
<br /> .. . �� . . ; ` � � � � �
<br /> , :� �z
<br /> �IN'WI12TE�3 WHEREOF,eud Mortgegorg_��ha_7[�.hereunto�eet hsad,$�'_the dey end yeer Cuet above . `,
<br /> �w�riEEen. "s�. r�. � : -� . `rc;'�
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<br /> Y , Maxine Livingaton;
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