<br /> : , � �.
<br /> ,
<br /> �,
<br /> -_ _ _�_.r...._.__________._�, _ _ __.___.,
<br /> .;
<br /> . .��--�._.___
<br /> �
<br /> _______.`__._. .. .__�__._ _.. __ _-. �.__ ,_____. ---._
<br /> 10�'fa-�AELEASE OF MORTGAGF.—Corpcs�!!ea raa awr�.n 6eneral Baypl�Sowe,Ltaooln,x.ur �u '
<br /> .::IN CONSIDER.4TION of ehe payment of ehe d�bt named therein, the �j
<br /> 1�OVERL,AL�ID NATIOPTAL BANK OF.GRA1�ID ISL.APID hereby releases the mortgage mads to �
<br /> �1
<br /> ' f bY Ibna.ld S. Rpush and Marlene C. Roush �� :
<br /> < ,
<br /> ans ths followiug described real estate,to�wit;: �( �_
<br /> r4 : . ,,
<br /> # = y `' (Descripti� attached) ��
<br /> ��
<br /> � of Section , iss Township , Range of ehe P. M., �,11 ��
<br /> ; County,State of NebTaska. u�hich is recorded +M-,8oai�_ _;;Rea! Estate Mortgages, ¢age i
<br /> u
<br /> of the �scords of saul County. IbCtunent No. 76-006111 � �F
<br /> c 1N TESTIMONY WHERFOF, the said O�erland National Bank of Grand Island 1ms cnussd ;�
<br /> ;� thsss�rese�t��v"7Ys�exacrsted by its president and its Corpomte SeaJ to be a8'ixed hereto tkis 24th
<br /> � a �Y bf •-• ��` -. , i9 78.
<br /> . � � ---••--•-•.... -•--•--•••••-_ f�
<br /> .
<br /> }` 1 �,�:� --....•--..._......•..................••••-••••---- •--•-• �f ,
<br /> � ,: ,.,..�,to �-!�. ti�_ ....................... . By. -• - - /J •----......__V7Ce-, Prssident i%
<br /> � a . �.� ..••••--
<br /> .. . ...
<br /> ..........
<br /> . : �- ta3 ...e_'_(.st.a..�._ «4 -.r •----•• �.............................Attest � �- - r—�-----•--' !!
<br /> _ .B�T���o,��--h��.K�_:"'-""""-"..._.... """"' ••"".._..�.. ...__ ..... .
<br /> ; 3-••--•• •-----•_•• Cashies, SYr26Xri'dF,�i
<br /> .✓ • � On this.•---24th----.da o ---• Ma. '78 � ' i
<br /> ......••••Y-••--_•••-•-•-_•-•-• ,
<br /> , _ � • - •----_
<br /> ss. Y f... .- z _,
<br /> � � Z..-�--�. a" ,� a�'�' ...---•--......_._......_Couxty before me, the unde�sigs�ed,a Nota�y Public ia aad for said �
<br /> ` Co`rsnty perse�bei,p,fafke ...-•..........................•••-•---••••-�i�KXDI�iS�E�€1fX•-�•_--•�-.:..�epson............ Vi� =; r.
<br /> � � � -- - -•- _.._.....�fresident o/ the '
<br /> � ..___�....._ Overland Nati �.1 Bank oP Grand Island �� , ' �.
<br /> ._-•--•- --...--•....------•• •..................................
<br /> � -•_••- •_•.............••••-•----
<br /> C�........................... • • •--• a Cospo�ctwn �� ?S
<br /> ; tn s�e persdfwllq h�ourn to be the/Pse.sydent and id¢ntual perron whore ftame is ajfssed to the above re%ase attd �
<br /> ' acksiowledged the execution thereaf to be his volunta act and deed as such o � 3`�-
<br /> ' � TY $uer, and the voluntayy act and deed � �
<br /> i ` of said Co�poratimi. ! s
<br /> �, �� Wit�css my hand and NotariaJ Seal at.-••••••-_G?:an41__IS��i�41.... ... ....... .......•---., in � cwr„:y r��y a+.a y�o. � � � ��
<br /> la.rt above wiitsen. , �
<br /> � My cosnmis.rioa espiras..---•••--��••-��--• r9.�..�..� �.............._G��t_r.�::`!���.�.A�'��y Public I � �
<br /> w
<br /> ��-- -__���- _-� --__._-__________--.�____ —___— -_-.R_ ` ���
<br /> �� � � .� tiT. ...
<br /> -�- ___. ..�_. . ._ __..
<br /> -�.^ rlih�L�.Or.ti t!A � . - . t' jv �`f
<br /> 7f-LZ'S'�L"Ot lantl com s.zs2n� � a � ��� ` � � ' '1 ��
<br /> . :..rc.. ..... n»M�,�, ,-.....,,�.,_. �.,_.,. ._ . . . . ..
<br /> .' : _.� P 9 Part oi LoE Four !4) ." 7slarid. "toge�6ei`"'"` ,.:. � : F,�,��
<br /> � with the accretion land thereto, situated in part of the Sovthwest
<br /> , # � � ' Quarter of the Northwest puarter (SW'�NW�) , and part of She Northwest
<br /> � puarter of the Southwest puarter, (tvW-'rSW•Sr) , a1Z in Section Twenty- °;
<br /> sevan (27) , Township Eleven (1Zj North, Range Nine (9) , West of the t
<br /> ' i 6th P.M. , in Na2Z County, Nei�raska, more particularly described as ;
<br /> fo3lows:
<br /> tBeginning at the northwest corner of said Southo-rest Quarter (SW�r) ; �''
<br /> � thence easterly along the north Zine of said Sovthwest Quar. ter
<br /> ' (SW.�) , a distance of Forty-One and Five Tenths (41.5) feet, to
<br /> ` ' a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Locust Street; thence
<br /> -� running northerly along said right-of-way Zine, a distance of
<br /> One Hundred Forty-Five and Thirty-Six 1{undredths (145.36) feet f.
<br /> � to a point 42.06 feet east of the west Iine of said Section Twenty-
<br /> seven (27) , also being a point on the centerline of the North
<br /> ��, Channe2 of the Platte River; thence deflecting right B3 degrees
<br /> 42' and runninq northeasterly along said centerline a dista»ce of
<br /> One Hnndred tvinety and Three Tenths (190_3) feet; thence defZecting
<br /> left 17 degrees 48'S0" and runninq northeaster2y aZong said
<br /> centerZine, a distance of Ninety-Five (95.0) feet; thence deflecting
<br /> right 25 degrees 39' arid running northeaster2y alonq said center-
<br /> � 2ine a, distance of Seventy-Eight (78.0) feet to a point on the
<br /> wes;t Iine of Lat" Thirty-Four (34) Matthews Subdivlsion; thence
<br /> southerly a2ong said west line o£ Lot Thirty-Fovr (34) , a distance
<br /> ,�.;.,, of. Two Hnndred Twenty (220.0) feet, to the southwest corner of
<br /> ; said Lot Thirty-Four (34) ; thence easter3y 31ong the sovth line
<br /> ',f of said T.ot Thirty-Fovr (39) a distance of Thirty-Eight and Five
<br /> y� Tanths (38_5) feet; thence southerly along a Zine Four Nnndred
<br /> ` Thtrty-Three (433.0) feet east af and para32e1 to the west Iine Fy
<br /> � ' oF said �Southwest Quarter (SWir} a distance Of Six Hundred Fifty- -
<br /> Three and Fifteen Xundredths (653.55) feet; thence defZecting
<br /> � ri ht 9Z de rees Z9' and runn:in wester3
<br /> 9 9 g y, a distance of Fovr � ��
<br /> i H.undred Th3r-ty-Three (433:0) feet to the west 1.ine of said ' `'
<br /> ;r. ,i
<br /> 'SouthwesC paa`rt'er (SW�rJ; thence northerly along said west line of
<br /> the S:outhwest :Quar£er (SWf) a distance of Six Bundred Forty-Eight ;,,�"�`:%
<br /> , _ ;:'and Setren'ty-Seven T�undredttis (6d8.77) feet to the pZace of
<br /> beginrring,' and contai'ning',7.x9O1 acres" more or Zess, EXCEpTivc .
<br /> a �fi���-Ss7utharlyr Three t(undred'�(300j fe�t of the above described
<br /> ,� '
<br /> „�� `traa�;;, �uf."trogeither with a Sixty (60) foot wide easement along
<br /> � and upa}t t�fr� noitherlg side of said last mentioned southerly �
<br /> three- hundred (300) feet for common soad pvrposes.
<br />�
<br />