��J'__.�_" , $--_...1�.[l.�_1�2��..____ ____._ _ �.__ __ . _ __ _ , __ _ , _._ __ ' -- - � �
<br /> --._ __y.__-----_.____ . ___.__ _ _. _. .__. _.____. : _____ . _ ._ .. . .. ___ __ . __ .... _ __
<br /> � Z03�fa-�AELEASE OF MOATGAGPrCotpozs!!on Tes 8alfman 6�n�r�i 8apD17 Aos�0. Lineoln, $�br i!
<br /> � ' � � ��
<br /> IN CONSIDFR.4TION of she payment of ths d�bt wamed therein, ths ;t
<br /> t3VERLAI�ID NATIONAL BANK 0!E' C�i1�ID ' I57�ElNID hereby rsltases the mortgage made to ��
<br /> � � � � � � � � � �� '
<br /> i � T�' OVERLANID NATI�TAL HANK bYIbnald S . Roush and blarlene C. Roush � ' yh
<br /> � on ;jhs foll0uiing descsibed reol estate, to�wit: � � �
<br /> ; , CDescription Attached) �l :
<br /> �i *
<br /> j a �� '
<br /> � f ::'. . . . . . . . . . _ . �.
<br /> � of S"ectron , i» Township , Ranga of the P. M_. ' Ii�,ll ��i r j
<br /> G'ounty, ,5tats of NebTaska which is recorded ix�e�k�----� Rea! Eseate Mortgages, page ,
<br /> i�
<br /> of the �qcords ,of .raid County. Ibctanent IJo . ?6-000040 ?1
<br /> ; IN ��;FS�I.�jQ1V�Y GyHERFOF, the said Overland Nationa.l Bank of Grand Zs1ad4� �a�'ed �J
<br /> � ihe;�s ¢f�,�.rdu�;*�/ji �1i� e eci�tsd by its psesident and its Co�po�ate Sea! to be ajf�xed heseto this �gtb t
<br /> ; vd�>o�� ,. .. ,� ' ry78 .
<br /> . .
<br /> # +E�itn2ss� 9 � .14., Sl '',�..` � TF� OVF�tLAHID NATI�TAL,BA1�II{,OF..C�Al�O..� �!
<br /> � ..• •••••••-- •-••• ---_••••• .
<br /> �' .� � � � . � �
<br /> ; .. ., , ..� � ,,._ ..............••••-• -••••--•• By-•• -- - -- . . .-••• • -o� -••---i ceP•esYdene �j
<br /> y . �-; ,�±. � � a • • •-•• '.
<br /> � :- -E3. �i � v�-- ,� . -;- ....................Attest .--•-•....• �.-. �-•. Eoshur, Secretary � f�;
<br /> ,_ .
<br /> , ST{1T'E� �F .� y�,(�!��?�?1' --- ••••----•----••••••---••_--• . , E ;
<br /> - __ � - ,
<br /> � � ' -. y.= II,�.�. ss. On thu._..Z4 -•••--day °f---._...•M�.3'••...............•---••---• rfl_�._ � c.
<br /> ; _.`.,�,r.'y. �..... „„-•- • '"�`�" .....••----..Couxty } befose me, the u„derrigned, a Nota�y Publu sn a�d fos said f ' � :
<br /> --•_--•• �
<br /> ; Coa�ey, p�so�tlYy ca� ` .__._._...•.•---.N�9,Ztl�XI�lS�Q�34�4X..1...---1.....,�epson..............•-----••-•-•...---.._.1LiLe,- Presiden! of the '
<br /> �� f
<br /> � ::..._ OVF�?.L2�NID NATI�TAL BAi� OF GRAPID ISL�AI�ID . ,
<br /> r.._. --_-_-••� - • •--•......._._ ,� ..............•--......___.....--••-•-._...._._....-------. ..-_--•••-•_------•--....._.....__...••-----• a Corporat�on �
<br /> � to me pessonally known !o be the /Pre�Gent and idesstical persan whose „ame u a8'ised to she above relaase and ��! `' +•`
<br /> _ j acknou�ledged the esecutiox lhereof eo be hu voluntary act and deed as sxch ofjices, and the voluntasy act and desd �# " ,'� ��y
<br /> of .taid Corposatimi. '
<br /> ' �' � � ` � � �- r � >�
<br /> � Ws{ness my hand and Notasial Sea! se..................Gr�d.__�s .._._ ....--•--••••---• � � .sa+d Cou�ey rhe �y and year � , .. ` ; ` ��`
<br /> las� above writteaa.� / o� y� � ����-�.�'s�%� /�� y �� � ,"
<br /> � �
<br /> . . . � � '' ' s'i;F�
<br /> M tomm�.rraa ax ss•••-•-...._...--•--•--•...�.��...--• f --- _ •..---.�_.....••--_•--•••• -•-••-_•- ,��.- - •••---..., otar Public
<br /> �IR�!LLIqpK.fbdw� ' � - r�ti � ,
<br /> _____.��. . _--y--�. _ _ . ------ -------._ _-. _ _._____ -
<br /> '� `-�--- _':
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<br /> _____ _._._._r __�_ ,� -___��_ ...__ _. _.._.� ___„. __,.._ ,. ..;_ r __ «_ „
<br /> �u
<br /> ;
<br /> '�''� ?, ��.O�r"Il�a'f!. t�'li � :: e }t�+s:
<br /> � .
<br /> , . . . ,. , :, . . . . y:. :. , F����
<br /> ..A....�..,,�. ,.. ., ....._ ... _ . .„,. �. ,, .. . _., . . .. , . ., ,, , : ,._ .. . . . . .. _ . . .. __. .: . . _ . . . . . „ .. ...,,, „„ ' °' i : ,A,•��.
<br /> « � r
<br /> .1 tract of Zand coinprising a pert of Lot Four ( 9 ) , Islaad , together , '.,:v. r -i, `
<br /> � " ` with the accretion Iand thereto , situated in part of the Southwest : ' . x -' '
<br /> Duarter of the Northwest Quarter ( SW3rNW�O , and art of the Northwest = < �
<br /> � p � k ..
<br /> Quarter of the Southwest puarter , (NW,'rSW3r ) , a32 in Section Twenty � �r�� �
<br /> , � seven ( 27) , Township EZeven ( 12 ) North , Range Nine ( 9 ) , West of the "�ti `
<br /> �' r.� a,'7"f�€�
<br /> 6th P . M _ , in Ha13 County , NebrasXa , more particu2ar2g described as ;�,� '��a�
<br /> >�� follows r �h, A }} , ��
<br /> . � � � . � , dr ,� : r .
<br /> Be innin at the northwest corner of said Soathwest Quarter `r
<br /> 9 9 (SWAf) : � �� �t
<br /> � thence easterly aZong the north Zine of said Sovthwest Quarter 5
<br /> , � ( SW�dr) , a distance of Forty - One and Five Tenths ( 41 . 5 ) feet , to ��
<br /> a point on the easterly right - of- way line of Locust Streetr thence ' ��-�
<br /> ,; running norther2g along said right - of- way I .ine , a distance of ' � r
<br /> z� One Xundred Forty -Five and Thirty -Six Hundredths ( 145 . 36 ) feet �`� '�
<br /> , � to. , a- point 42 . 06 feet east of the west Zine of said Section Twenty - ;�n ;
<br /> � s�'"ven ( 27) , also being a point on the centerZine of the North �
<br /> ; ' Cliarine2 of the Platte River ; thence defZecting right 83 degrees ' : y
<br /> t 42 ' ' a� d running northeasterly along said center2ine a distance of . ;;
<br /> ' ; Onv_� H�un�dre$,:.Ninety and Three Tenths ( 190 . 3 ) feet ; thence deflecting '
<br /> ,` t left 27 degrees 48 ' S0 " and " running northeaster2y a1o» g said
<br /> A � cenferline� a distance of Ninety - Five ( 95 . 0 ) feet ; thence deflecting '
<br /> ,3 right ZS 'de'grees 39 ' and running northeasterly aZong said center-
<br /> +� Iine a di.Stance of Seventy -Eight ( 78 . 0 ) feet to a point on the
<br /> crest Zine of Lot Thirty -Fovr ( 34) Matthews Sabdivision ; thence .J
<br /> -� southerZy along said west Zine of Lot Thirty -Four ( 34) , a distance ""
<br /> '� of Two Randred Twenty { 220 . 0 ) feet , to the southwest corner of
<br /> x..� said Lot Thirty -Four ( 34) ; thence easterZy along the south Iine '
<br /> ,�. of sa3d Lot Thiity -Four ( 34) a distance of Thirty -Eight and Five , t :
<br /> Tanths ( 3B . Sj feet : thence souther2y along a 2ine Four Handred �
<br /> '`� ° Th3z�ty - Three ( 433 . 0 ) faet east of and para21e1 to the aest Iine .,� 4�+ �'
<br /> � s ; ' , `' of �sa3d Southwest Quarter (SW3r) a distance of Six Hundred Fifty - ;
<br /> � :, Three . and Fifteen 8andredths ( 653 . Z5 ) faet ; thence defZecting "� , ;
<br /> �'' " r� glit.r 9Z , degiees 29 ': and running westerly ., a distance of Four ,� �� ' {
<br /> � �
<br /> ; Hundred TIi�3ity - Three ; ( 433 . 0 ) feet to the west 13ne of said ,r �
<br /> ` Sortthwgst Qyaite'r �fsW�r) j thence northerly along said wast Zine of �;�;;
<br /> , the South �vest Q.uarter (SW�r) s distance of S3x Sundred Forty -Eight T,;;w� : `
<br /> :� , . -.;: an,d.,�. SaV�ri.ty -Seven Randredths ( 648 . 77) feet to the placa of """''��' � ='"""` `
<br /> _ �� ,�
<br /> ,�� „ ,��,qS�JnSRg , and conGa3ning 7 . 90Z acr� s more or 1ess , EXCEPTING
<br /> +�� , th� S;biz`�E.`liesly Three Xundred ( 300 ) feet of the above described
<br /> ;. Era"ctt but' tagether w.fth a Sixty ( 60) foot wide easement along
<br /> .,
<br /> and upon �he northerZg stde of sa3d Iast mentioned southerZy t
<br />� i „ - � three ` huadred ( 300 } feet for common road purposes . J
<br /> � . , ._, , ._,._ � .. ,_ . .. ,
<br /> k . . . . . . .._ . , . . . .
<br /> f
<br />