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<br /> �S�� �.`i �. �53-A—REAL�ESTATE MORTGAC,E--With Tex Ctauae (Revtsed t962) The HvBman Gemrei suppty Hoaae.L�mom,Nabr. �
<br /> � �� I{NOW ALI,MEN BY THESE PRESENT3e THAT we, Jon D. Wibbels and Bonnie L. Wibbels, t � �"2,
<br /> ,,.�� husband`and wife, each in his and, her own right and as spouse of the other = �" � ��
<br /> ��rr", � � � � � � . . �. (Mortgagor ) �
<br /> � "� ot �' .H811. ���� - ���� County,and State of � �Nebraska ,in considera4on of the�sum of ��� � ��� r� ���
<br /> g} TWENTY THOIISAND -----------------------------------------------------
<br /> 1 }� -- DOLLAR3 �
<br /> ,; i in band paid,do hereby SEI:L and CONVEY unto St. Paul Nationsl Bank
<br /> v� ��� � � � (MortgaBee ) ;f z
<br /> k� zj ot Howard County, ena State of Nebraska the following deacribed premiaea '',
<br /> . i aituated�in � .Hall�.�� � � County, and State of NebrBska to-wit: j;�
<br /> � €¢ . . . � i
<br /> ,.;� �j Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter -',
<br /> ; : �� of Section $, Townahip 9 North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., more part- C
<br /> f� f icularlq described as follows: Commencing at a point 301J5 feet east of the fi �_
<br /> � point of intersection of the east line of the St. .Toseph and Grand Isalnd Rail- f ��
<br /> � way company's right-of-way with the north line of Section 8, Township 9 North �
<br /> ; � of Range 9 West of the 6th P.M. running thence south and parallel with the � ' ' �
<br /> -i l} said right of way 253 feet, thence east at right angles and parallel with the ?
<br /> � said north line 61.75 feet to the west line of the property conveyd by Charles , . +
<br /> J. Beers and Maude Beers, his wife to W. R. Augustin dated June lOth, 1914, � S>�:
<br /> +� running thence north at right angles and parallel with said right of way 253- � r �,:
<br /> E� feet to the said north line thence west thereon 61.75 feet to the place of k `: �>^�
<br /> j� beginning, in Hall County, Nebraska, except the public highway now upoa said � �,. ;.
<br /> D t� premises and except easements, if any, for public utilities. { �r��
<br /> 'i � `, �r
<br /> � �� h
<br /> :; -r�,: �;;
<br /> :.°'j . . � r '�` k iF'A�4
<br /> � �.;t . .� � . � . : +
<br /> '? The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee aimple inciuding all the rights of homestead and dowea �' S �,c�,,.,�,�#
<br /> �!' �� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisea above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the � ' -��W��
<br /> � '� said mort ee and to its heirs and asai ns, forever, �� � °��$ 'x`��
<br /> gag g provided always, and these preeente are upon the ezprees
<br /> ��;? condition�that if the aforesaid mortgagor S , their heirs, executore, administratore or asaSgns ahall pay or cause to be ? "`' 7re��
<br /> . :j2 paid.to the said mort,egee , itS heire, executors, adminiatrators or assigas,the aum of �i� � �; ����
<br /> i� TGIENTY TFIOUSAND -------------=---------------------------- Dollars.PaYable as follows,to•wit ! � �. , '�5 's»c ,�
<br /> te .. � -. Dollara on the da of , 19�$ '��.. f . `�+ '�e+ .
<br /> 3� 74ao Hundred Ten and no/100--- lst Y June i � �'.
<br /> ; 1�so Hundred Ten and no/100---- Dotlars on the ist day of each month thereafter , x9 ,� � ' r f �.� �K;
<br /> -�` � . � � - Dollars on the day of until the 36 installmen�ti9. . � ,; .� "
<br /> '� Doliare on the day of when the entire balance, 1g �� � `,�
<br /> � �:i � � � � Dollara on the day of shall be due.- � , lg �. �. ,
<br /> � jE with iaterest thereon at 9.50 per cent per�annum, payable montklly Sl�dpfA�y�ll according to the tenor and��e8ect of �
<br /> � a certain promissory note of said Jon D. Wibbels and Bonnie L. Wibbels �-
<br /> y
<br /> � ��. .. � �. . � � � . �
<br /> i,� bearmg even date with these presents, aad ahall pay ati taxes and asses�ents levied upon said real estate,and all other tazee `
<br /> � levien and�ansessmente levied upon thia mortgage oz the note which this mortgage ia givea W secure,before the eame becomea �? �
<br /> � delin uent,�and keep the buitdings on seid premises insured for t6e sum of$ 20 000.00 fi ,� ���
<br /> 4 q s lose, if any,�paqable W
<br /> � ';f the.said.mortgagee, then�these preaents to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. i.
<br /> �IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor shatl fail to pay auch taxea or proc�ire auch insurance, the
<br /> a �
<br /> i� eaid mortgagee�may pay su.ch tnzes and procure such insurance; and the aum eo advanoed,with intereat at eleVenper cent �` ; '"
<br /> ^F� ';� ehell be paid by�seid modgagor, and thia mortgage ehall etand es aecurity for the same. (2)That a failure to pay any of ea�d � ���f�
<br /> �� ���� money.-�eilher principal or interest when the same becomes due,or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreemenis � � ;�. �
<br /> � ahall cause the�whole eum�oF money hernin secured to become due and rnilectible at once at the o ' of the mortgagee. �, z,
<br /> � a� Si�ed thie 28th day of April , 978
<br /> ,
<br /> ' ..� In presence of � q�) ��
<br /> , r .
<br /> ....... . ...__. ,....'�•-�. _ .........'_.........._...---- ��� . ° t�
<br /> ,r� � � . . � .._.... �. �
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<br /> � � n .:1G:C�t! . . . .._..._.... t�w
<br /> �
<br /> --..... . . .. .:_. .. ,
<br /> , �� �
<br /> � ;
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> .. ........................ ........ .......----...............................-------.._.........__......_._._....._-.......... , ,
<br /> -� 3 ......•- .......�_ ...---•• -----••---•--�............................................ .....................-�--•-•--�-----••-------....._........._..._--------......_...._.....__._.._._ x,.
<br /> � i
<br /> � , � -; � �� �� - �:
<br /> � sraTE OF...._.�.._�Iek�m8�ca............................ Co�ty of...............�as�az�,........................: !� � .
<br /> yi.8efore me, a aotary public qualiSed for said county, personally came Jon D. Wibbela Snd Bonnie L.
<br /> � = Fib`7�els; �husbaad�and wife� � � -
<br /> '"� j.�� knowa to me'to be the identical pereon�or Pexaons who signed tl�e foregoing instrumeat � ..� � - �
<br /> � � t�ereof to be'-Lis.�her or iheir voluntary'act aad deed � � . � s �,�C; ��.
<br /> � �, � , .Wi��.mr band aod, tarial seal on._ April_.28 ._._...... ..,�s.�$..... a �n�� �; �
<br /> � �
<br /> - • - -
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<br /> .s . _..a...�_r. �� �� . �..._.
<br /> _ �
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<br /> . }1v��fj,¢ommus�,.e�ires. .���Q!?c�. ......18- -- ._ _.�. .. .. .. .. --_ . rary Pusuc. �' :�,
<br /> .... _..�....._. .... ..No '
<br /> f C '
<br /> '�i"�`31� �AT�OF ..� . �� � ... �Entared oa aumerical inde: and filed for m.oxd �t � �,''..
<br /> � r Cpy�y _} � ��ia.t6e Registei of Deede 06oe.of eaid.Couaty the �E r z
<br /> t
<br /> , .:�....�.�._..; _...•_...._�...:......_._ .
<br /> �+ .: �; . ' ' ., :'. .: ..�_ . . . .. . . ' . :. . . . � it ..
<br /> �, �..._......:.dqy of.....:..�...-.__....r...». ., 18__....-.. ai...._:.W.....:_�_o'clock and._... , S.
<br /> �:.
<br /> �,,g+ , ..._._.....__...m�utee..............._..._M ; ,.,+w.�..
<br /> .,
<br /> � •�� and��xeooeded�in Book..:_.__..__�...:_..._.._.._...:.....of_.:._.�.._...�_._........_et pege._.�_._.».__......._._.._.......__ . ,".� . � : ,' , ' �.:� ,;
<br /> .x..r,. ...''.,� , . :.::•. ....�... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> w . } -j. ,, � . . . . .
<br /> ' _. _.._.�..__..�.......------................_-....Reg_ of Deede
<br />�a� � � ; By ...__.._.....'-'_.....»...._...._'_..................._._........-"........DePu4V
<br /> 5 �; '...i ;� . . ,. . � .
<br />�' � � _ .._. _... _... ._� .___. _...._. .....:. . .._.. _,._ . .. . . . .
<br /> _.:�: �
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<br /> 9i , � ,. .. . � .
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