; � �;' '.
<br /> . ,:_
<br /> � . 78--0 0 3 1 3 J__ T____ --,._�_-,�..�.:_�-.�T-_�:-:_-_-:��-.-v`-- .__.:�_.._..�_v_=T__-:_. :-.�-�-_' .
<br /> • 58-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Corp.)—With Tax Clause(ReWsed 1962) Tbs HnQman C.mr.�g,ppiy gouee,y�,�,p.�, i -
<br /> S
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Castle Estates Development Company, a Partner�• �� �, !'
<br /> r �.3$1p �� . _ � - . - �. � �,
<br /> a corporation organized and existing.under and�by virtue of the laws oE the State of N2bT83k2 . � .� ��� �� : y'
<br /> � . � considerationoftheeumof One�Hundred Twenty Thousand and no/100 ----------------DpLLpgs �` � �� �..;.:` +��
<br /> $. ;n hana yaia, doea hereby BELL and CONVEY .,nco Coznmercial National Bank & Trust Co., Grand .
<br /> � Island, Nebraska �
<br /> �� oc Hall Councy,ssa�ot Nebraska the following described premiees situated �
<br /> ;n Hall Councy,ana 5eace ot Nebraska to-wic: A tract of
<br /> ; and comprising a part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E?SE,�-) of Section Twen j
<br /> . ; fx (26), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall Count , !
<br /> � ebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of �;
<br /> } aid Section Twenty-six (26); thence westerly along the south line of said Section�wenty- �{
<br /> Z ix (26) a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety (990.0) feet; thence deflecting right 90 16' 20' ��
<br /> ' nd running northerly, a distance of Th�ee Hundred Sixty Three and Thirty Seven Hundre t�s �'
<br /> t` 363.37) feet; thence deflecting right 43 58' 10" and rur�ning northeasterly, a distance of �;
<br /> j ne Hundred Sixty (160.0) feet; thence deflecting left 90 00' and running northwesterly, i �
<br /> ; istance of Three Hundred Ten (310.0) feet; thence deflecting right 90�00' and running �; .; � `
<br /> ' t ortheasterly, a d�stance of Nine Hundred Forty Six and Three Tenths (946.3) feet; thenc
<br /> , e flec ting rig ht 4 6 19' 10" and running easterly, a distance of Four Hundred Forty Five 4 5 Ur r ' ,
<br /> � eet; to a point on the east line of said Section Twenty-suc (26); thence southerly along th � 4 ;
<br /> � ast line of said Section Twenty-six (26); a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Sixt � r ` �
<br /> � even and Ninety one Hundredths (1, 367.91) feet, to the place of beginning excepting ther f omE„ `�
<br /> a he northerly seven (7.0) feet of the southerly Forty (40. 0) feet of the above described tr c � ;
<br /> 3 eavinp a net acrea�r e of 27.492 acres more or less. t;
<br /> The�7ftention being to ctYnvey hereby an abeolute title in fee simple. i ' :� »�
<br /> �� � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with al.1 the appurtenances thereunto belon ` ' - '
<br /> � ommercial National Bank & Trust Co. a'I's �nto �e eaia � �� �Y��
<br /> ' �nd to 1tS heira and essigns forever,provided alwaye,and theae presents are upon the exprese rnndition that if Lhe ' �� ,�`
<br /> ; sa;a Castle Estates Development Company, a Partnership � - ���;�
<br /> � .or�assigne ahall pay or ceuse to be Pa�a so�he Baia Commercial National Banlc & Trust Co., Grand � ��� �"`
<br /> j � sland, �Tebraska �� - � �-,x�
<br /> � I�eirs,executors,administratora or assi ns,the sum of � � �� t��
<br /> i g One Hundred Twenty Thousand------nouars,payablees r , r ,�,a
<br /> j �� fotlowa.to-wit: . � s , wM1t.� �
<br /> ; � ae Hundred Twenty Thousand and no/100---Doua�on the 20th aay ot November ,is 78 � � ,� z�r�
<br /> ��� Dollais on the day of , lg �� � ,�,.i z:
<br /> Dollacs on the day ot , 19 � '����>,�`''�.�
<br /> °'� : Dollara on the day of , 19 � � k
<br /> � Dollara on the day of , 19 - ��
<br /> . �with intereaL thereon at per cent per annum, payabte 1 1�2��7$ ]lppypy�7y7giccording to the tenor and eHect
<br /> � of the � promieaory note .�,ich �nceresc counona acrechea of sa;a Castle Estates Development �
<br /> ompany, a Partnership .
<br /> :�bearing even date with these presents and ahall pay all taxes and aeeessments levied upon aeid real eatate and�all other tazes,
<br /> ;�� levies and assessmeafs levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to eecure, before the same becomee
<br /> �delinqueat,and keep the buildinge on seid premisea inavred for the sum of$ n/a � �
<br /> ,loee, if anY, P8Y8ble to the �
<br /> ��said mortgagee,�then these preaents to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. t�
<br /> � IT IS FURTFIER AGREED, (1) That if the said mort a or shall fail to �
<br /> B S pay such tazea or procure such inaurance,the
<br /> �said���mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure such insurance; and the sum so advsnced, with intereat at � per �
<br /> ��oent ahall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this moztgage ahall etand as eecurity for eame- (2) That a failure to pay any of ,
<br /> said money, either principal or interest when the eame become due,or a failure to compiy with any of the foregoing agree- . y�
<br /> menfs,ahall.cauee the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the optioa of the mortgagec. r-�
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEKEOF, the said i
<br /> has hereunto caused iffi corporate seal to be affised and these presents to be signed by ite partners �, '
<br /> ;�'- this 23rd day ot May , is 78. ��
<br /> .,� 'snea,neat and aeL�e:ea in p:e�nce of Castle E states Development Company, a
<br /> �
<br /> ` � .. .. ................................•----�-�--.-.-.• ._Partnership------- �3
<br /> � :
<br /> � ... .....................-...........---.....---- �
<br /> " � ...__.......__.................... By_l_•� �r
<br /> _... ... ...._...._..---�- -
<br /> .-•----�•.'L�i�J.. �----...................._....... f ,
<br /> � �
<br /> �' �,',ST�4TE OF...: ._.._��bX'r�S�1..---...._._.................•--••-. County of----....---..�sl��-•-----..._.....---........---..........._...._........: i�
<br /> � _ �r�
<br /> Before�me,a,aotsry pub&c quelified in saia co,u�cy, petsonally came Norman A ntonson and Ellis Douthit, � =
<br /> �r_ ,' partners a�ceekbcna ot �� ,a
<br /> � Castle E'states Development Company, a Partnership ,� Ti
<br /> known to meto be Lbe ' ideaticaLngj�o�wh�' ncd the foregoing inetrument, and aclrnowledged the ezecuGon � "
<br /> �thareof tu be his vola�ntary��aM eed as au��bSl�bt�� e voluntary act and deed of said corporation and that its cor-
<br /> ' porate eeal was thereW affi:e3 by sutho�y�qL NOTAR�
<br /> .: • ,
<br /> wi�my l�aa ena b- , on SrrHqa�'��i►a+ka._.._.... 78
<br /> � � .� ,. �� -:-. �� ........ ........... .. ..........----•••....._. 19...._.._.... � ' t r
<br /> .,,,.� •- 7•• -
<br /> i � ; :�'L'Y oommiaeion ezpirea..A _�...�_.. _.._......__.,.2�981 /�� � � � ( � .. . k i:
<br /> : � 'r-r •-----..._.. ..._ :............---...._.Notary Publia � � f�s ,
<br /> 9TATE OF._� �1.
<br /> � _ " ....yc...l Entes+ed on numencal indez and Sled tor reoozd � 1�''� :
<br /> Counts _.:_:.... ....... f in ffie li ....._.........minutes.•---••-••--•----M•• �i -� *
<br /> ` �. �._.:�..........day a�1.__.... ._..� -� _... �18� at ._�.__:._...� �o'clock and. ter.of Deeda OH'ice of aa�d County the (a . �:e�r ;,➢,j vF
<br /> . . .; . :. , . . :., . . .. . . . . . . . . �, . ...
<br /> � and reootded ia Boo�t.:..._...._�....�.._...�__.oL_.__... ._._.._�..---.....at page............._.._..--•-• •---•-••-
<br /> , . . . . . . i,} . . �. ....
<br /> ,y �;: .. . � �.. � � � "...__._.._..__........._'_"'_...__..............•""•-"'-.._._.....ReB. of Ileeds i; . �
<br /> c�, t,
<br /> ,
<br /> " . . ' . � � � . � BY� . .... .....- •----'-••---���y i '� .
<br /> .� ' � ... , .._.. , ..,.,: .--�. -..:.�- � ::.....,_.. � �..
<br /> . : �_...._��.____»_.._,._..._�_�.�._�.._._.___.�_..__-'-_.__.. .... _ ._.. . - i ,'
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<br /> i:� . . . . . . . . � . . .
<br /> 4. �.� � . . . . . .
<br /> S. .. . . � . . .
<br />