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<br /> 7g-- U rt 3_'_-36
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<br /> i , . . .. .. ., _ . . ,_.., a,�a
<br /> ':. C�RP�.tATION WARRANTY DEED ;,
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<br /> CHIEF INDUS'IItIES� INC.� A Corporation organized under the
<br /> Laws of the State of Nebraska, in consideration of OiQE DOLLAR '
<br /> ($1.�E7) AND OTf�t VALUABLE CONSIDIIiATION received from the a
<br /> Grantee does grant� sell and eonvey unto CASTi,E ESTATESDEVELOP-
<br /> MENT COMPANY, a partnership� hereina£ter called the Grantee the
<br /> following described real property, to-wit:
<br /> A tract of 2and comgrising a part of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (SE'�) o£ Section Ztaenty-six (26), Township Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.� Ha11 County� Nebraska�
<br /> more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the
<br /> Southeast corner of said Section Ttaenty-six (26), thence
<br /> Westerly aLong the South line of said Section 2taenty-six (26) ryl
<br /> a distance of 2639.56 feet to the Southwest corner of ssid ;;�
<br /> Southeast Quarter� thence Northerly along the West line of r"
<br /> , �
<br /> � said Southeast Quarter a distance of 940 £eet� thence Easterly � :'
<br /> parallel to the South line of said Southeast Quarter a dis- ` ,;;
<br /> tance o£ 902.08 feet� thence deflecting lef t 44� 55' running t }';
<br /> Northeasterly a distance of 648.85 feet, thence Northerly `''
<br /> para11e1 to the East line of said Southeast Quarter a distance ' � :��`"�
<br /> s�
<br /> of 301.72 feet, thence deflecting right 90� 17' 20*' and ; r,���y'
<br /> � running Easterly a distance of 1288 feet to the east line of { ° ��
<br /> � said Southeast , y g �
<br /> S Quarter thence Southerl alon the East l'ine � -��
<br /> ; or said Southeast Quarter 1687.9I feet to the place of begin- •5t ��;;
<br /> � ning� and containing 81.742 acres, more or less� excepting , �,`,y;�.�
<br /> . � the Northerly 7 feet of the Southerly 40 feet of that tract. ' ��'fi
<br /> s � 1���
<br /> i � ._ �k
<br /> ; To have and to hold the above described real estate together ,
<br /> � with a11 real improvements belonging to the Grantee and to the w
<br /> ,.� F ' Grantees assigns forever.
<br /> : 1
<br /> ;- � The Grantor for itself and its successors
<br /> does hereby covenanL with the Grantee and its assigns that the
<br /> Grantor is lawfully possessed of the real estate and the real
<br /> ^� estate is free from encumbrances. Any liens or defects of the
<br /> title shall be corrected and remedied by the Grantor even af ter
<br /> ".� this conveyance is made. The Grantor has lawful authority to convey
<br /> 's the same under its Corporation Chart�r and By-Laws and warrants
<br /> ,2 that it will defend the title to the real estate against the lawful
<br /> '' � claims of all persons whosoever.
<br /> ,-;�
<br /> . t IN WITNESS WI-IEEiEOF the Grantor has hereunto affixed its corporate
<br /> � - seal and this instrvment to be signed by an authorized officer of
<br /> :;,� the Corporation.
<br /> , � �� _. � �
<br /> `� Dated: /�1�,r �� , 1978 CHIEF DUBTRIES, ��,1, � 3
<br /> � ' �H 0 Y ����'�'� �� }y .
<br /> r,y � x,�-� '�w �' �_� p'C'C � NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY ��' r ' ,: F:
<br /> � ,.`�y ��� ` ', .SCP�6ME� STAMP TAX � `�1�,�:•?S' n _ ,i
<br />� .t �, � , �`� � MAY 23 1978 Of£icial Czpaci�r._,�� ",i
<br /> � • .S�A�? �����E�$� �� � . . . ., . � ' ;,�` .
<br /> � �, �' .}� j �g , �.. .�_. . ..�- SS• '/'! Q ��`/� � ,� � ., 1 i�
<br /> ,£ ,. 'C(�LTNTY 0� HAI.L ) $�T�BY '�- , y ��.
<br /> L c r �,
<br /> � �l'P� �� 'J.k
<br /> y .: � C...�y. `f': ..�- . .. . : � � . .. .�..k_:..
<br /> � � :,y. Before me�. a Notary Public qualified in Hall County� Nebraska�
<br /> -�- �„r persona,lly �came �Qy/*�AS 7. G'�,�i.4�v. � an of£icer o£ Chie£ G,^�
<br /> �y .h, *� Industries� Inc., know� to me `to be su�h o£ficer and identical persoa °
<br /> `� �„� i ' .w&o signed the foregoing'instrument. Such off�cer acknowledged the r'':, '
<br /> , �
<br /> �� { � execution of„�the above instrument to be his voluntary act as corporate ��" �.
<br />.� officer a��� voluntary act and deed of the corporation and that �"T""`"` „�,�,,`r
<br /> � t&e`exec��xt a,nd the corporate seal has corpora ion authority.
<br /> ' WIZNESS; my' signature and notar seal on �+ n Z � , 1978.
<br /> '� ; . �.. /-
<br /> t } , < ,. —� r2..t. ,�' ... ,�ZQ_ct 1 ,_`_�4 �
<br />� �, - I y Notary Public �
<br /> �_„_, 1" .T�� ,�,�
<br /> � . . . �� `.t- SF . . . .
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