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<br /> �s- UU3135
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<br /> (�, .. ,:I
<br /> , May 23, 1978.
<br /> ' � FOR AND IN CONSIDER.ATION of partial payment, The First National
<br /> ; Bank of Grand Island, Trustee for Hilarette J. Brown and Hugh G. Browa, wife
<br /> ' � and husband, Constance J. Nenninger, a widow, and Stephen C, Skibinski and }�
<br /> , t Teresa 5kibinski, husband and wife, l�ereby releases the real estate mortgage
<br /> - j executed by Chief Industries, Inc. aad filed for record in the Office of the � '
<br /> � Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Document 77-000334, as to that
<br /> } part of the East One-Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 11
<br /> North, .Range 10, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more parti:cu-
<br /> larly described as follows:
<br /> � Beginning at the southeast coraer of said Section Twenty-six '" {
<br /> � � �26); thence westerly along the south line of said Section Twenty- �' ''�'
<br /> j � � six'�26) a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety (990.O) feet; thence � �' . : ` '`�
<br /> � deflechng right 90�16'20", and runniag northerly, a distance of E
<br /> ;! Three Hundred Sixty-Three and Thirty Seven Hundredths �363.37) !'° ? q;
<br /> s feet; thence deflecting right 43�58'10" a.nd running norEheaeterly, ;'' = ,>, '�
<br /> ; a distance of One Hundred Sixty �160.0� feet; #hence deflecting left � ' ;r�:
<br /> 90�00' and *�+»+*+ing northweaterly, a distance of Three Hundred : `h'�
<br /> i Ten'F310.0) feet; thence deflecting right 90�00' and *�+,*+*+ing north- � t �,��
<br /> # easterly, a distance of Nine Hundred Forty Six and Three Tenths g'�;
<br /> �946.3) feet; thence deflecting right 46�19'10" and n+*+*;�ng easterly, � v-�y'a
<br /> ; a distance of Four Hundred Forty Five #445.0).feet, to a point on � y��„
<br /> � . '
<br /> �' � the east line of said Section Twenty-six t26); thence southerly along y
<br /> � the east line of said Sect3on Twenty-six(26), a distance of One � �.:�,��
<br /> „� Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Seven and Ninety One Hundredths � ;,'�'Q'
<br /> �''' �1,367.91) feet, to the place of beginning� EXCEPTING THEREFROM z
<br /> ,- j„; the northerly Seven {7.0) feet of the southerly Forty E40.O) feet of the �
<br /> � >y above described tract, leaving a net acreage of 27.49Z acres more � �
<br /> 6
<br /> � or less.
<br /> ' Said First National Bank of Grand Island, Trustee, retai.ns its mortgage lien as ' _ ,�;
<br /> " � to the balance of the real estate described in said real estate mortgage. .' "�
<br /> � ,:;
<br /> ` £ . .. . f '� '
<br /> ISLAND, Trustee,
<br /> .� � � � � �
<br /> � BY_ ` Ovw.1C�,� �G�dth-u� 'i
<br /> �'•; Ronald L. Adams, Assistant Vice-
<br /> ' President and Trust Officer
<br /> �
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> •� t , _ On this� day of May, 1978, before me, a Notary Public in said
<br /> �, h "- county aad state, ,persoaally appeared Roaald L. Adams, Vice-President and :
<br /> Trnst Officer�of The First National Bank of Grand Island, a banki.ng corporatioa,
<br /> ' � t ,to�ine lmawn to be such officer and the identical person who signed the foregoing t
<br /> �,� ,"�.��; � r aaetrument and acknowledged the executioa thereof to be his voluntary act and , ,; „
<br /> � w„- ", ;' y � ' � � ` .. , ^
<br /> � f t d,eed and the:voluntar act and deed of said co oraizon. �-"'" �,
<br /> F �h S d�. . .. . � . .
<br /> A' t� ' . � . .. � . � . . .�.��
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<br /> MYComm.EzP.Oct.24r1981 + � �� �r
<br /> Notary Public �`'°' `
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