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<br /> ,.�� '__..�..______ "_....�._'_'_��_�._...___..�_A..�:�.-_._ . . .
<br /> {��.53-A—REAL fiSTATE MORTGAGE—Wlth Tax Ciause(Revfsed 1962) � The HuHm.n Gamn1 8upyly Houee,Llocom,Nabr,
<br /> . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . � . � .'::t
<br /> '$' KNOW ALL MEN BY Z'fiE$E PRE9ENT3n THAT 'H8TO1d F. Rosenkotter and Judith A. Rosenkott , ( �' ' ,„+ k �,��xx#j
<br /> T � . .. . . 1 wjt
<br /> � husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, each in his own rights an � c � -'� _'�'
<br /> 86 spouse of the other, ... � � .. .� ` � .�� �Mo�aso: ) _ � i '� ., ' ,,�'�„��'dl��`6'
<br /> ,�� _"- ot` Hall ' countr.aaa st8te ot Nebraska •, � '� �'
<br /> ,in coneideration�of:the eum of ��
<br /> � Thirty Seven Thousand Six Hundred Thirteen and 88/100 --------------------Dor.r.na.s , "� '
<br /> ialhand paid,do.hereby BELL arid CONVEY�to Commercial National Bank & Trust Co., Grand � w ��
<br /> +�;. Islaad, ,l�Tebraska ! � , ,}
<br /> { . . �� . (Mortgagee� ) � ,. �"�
<br /> �{ ot Hall cooncy.�d 8tace ot Nebraska the to1loW;ng aeecr;bea Pcemiees �; 5 ;���;
<br /> y� a;e�tea�nl Hail Co,u,ey, ana scate or Nebraska co-Wit: Lot Eight (8) ¢ '� �?
<br /> � Meadow Lane Fourth Subdivision Hall County, Nebraska, in EZSE4 of Section 26, twp 1 ` u �;
<br /> -'� North, Etange, 9 West 6th P.M. �,
<br /> ,�� � � � � � , .
<br /> In the event the title to said real estate is tranaferrec3, or contracted to be transferred, � �,.�',
<br /> from the undersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal �
<br /> t�� sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the holder hereof. r ,
<br /> . �
<br /> �] F'ailure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated in one r : : � x
<br /> ,;� instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right t+o exercise the same in the event of ` � - �z Ut'
<br /> any subsequent transfer. �' ' ,� t,��
<br /> '� _ ,�T
<br /> � ' "`'�3i
<br /> 4 ,, r ty, Fjr.
<br /> r �
<br /> �� � �x �
<br /> }. � .�,y
<br /> f � �,
<br /> � s rt l��r,N'',
<br /> � � � ��
<br /> , � y��,..
<br /> � � �����
<br /> '�; The iatentioa being to coavey hereby an abaolute title in fee aimple including all the rights of homeatead and dower.. � ' �i}��;
<br /> � TO FiAVE AND TO HOLD the premiaes ebove deecribed, with all the a � , "" f� �'y�"�
<br /> ppurtenances thereunto belonging unto�the �
<br /> aeid mortgagee�- �� and.W 1tS heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and these presenta are upon the �prese h :` r
<br /> �
<br /> - �condition that if the aforesaid mortgagor , their heirs, executora, adminiatratora or essigne ahall pay�or cavee�to be �' " ' �'{w���
<br /> �, paid to the�said mort,�egee , Lt9 heies,executors,�administratore or asaigna,the aum of Thirty Seven.Thou- � �x4 `��
<br /> � sand Six Hundred Thirteen and 88/100 ----------------------nouare,payabte aafoLows,tawit: � , �' �'r �� �``���
<br /> Ttiirty Seven Thousand Six �cmx aaY or , ls � ,, �r°�.,�
<br /> Hundred Thirteen and 88/100 -noua,�on u,e 17th aay ot May , 19 79, � � k�,��
<br /> f s„��,��
<br /> . . � � Dollara on the day of . . ,29� .. �.a
<br /> . Dollara on the day of � , ;g . t �� sk�.
<br /> � � � . � . �. Dollars�on the daY of . , 19 k �'' ���'.
<br /> ;�.,t with interest�thereon at �,�� per�cent per ennum, payable monthly g,y�y,�c�l according to the teaor and�effect of � ��'
<br /> � a certain promiasory note of eaid .Harold F. Rosenkotter and Judith A. Rosenkotter
<br /> . ., . � . . . � . � � : 5� 9
<br /> bearing even date.with.these Presents.and ahall pay all taxea and aeses�enffi levied upon eaid real eatate,and all otl�er t�es, , � k`'�..
<br /> ; � leviea and aseeeemente levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage ia given to aecure,before�the eeme becomea . � ' 4�'�':'
<br /> deliaquent;�and�.keep the bvildings on eaid premises insured for��the aum of$ n�a, loea. if.any, payable to s } �'� �
<br /> the���eaid mortgagee.�then theae preaente to be void, otherwiee to be and remain in�full.force. � . � � � � � � �,:�{t`��,,
<br /> :�.IT I3 FUATHER AGREED (1)�That if the said mortgagor ahaU fait W�pay auch tazea or pronire auch insurance,.the � r 'xs;:.
<br /> { eaid:mortgagee may�pay such�tazes and procure euch inaurance; and the eum ao advanced, with intereet at - per ceat { -f
<br /> F shall be peid�by eaid"mortgagor, and this mortgage ahall stand ae security for the saxne.� (2) Thflt a failure to pey aay.of-seid �� ' - �"
<br /> u�, �,?
<br /> money, either.principal or intoreat when the same becomea du e,or a failure�to cromply with any�of the foregoing agreemen}a, � . � ,:
<br /> ahsll cauee��the whole eum�of money herein aecured to bernme due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee. ''
<br /> i 'si�,ea ohie 17th aay uf ..i���2:`.�1.._...�... ....-••---•--.. .._.._..._.....�._ �{ ^ a s
<br /> May is g . t
<br /> E . in preeence ot' -Harold_F. Rosenkotter.._.......--•--.._._-•--••---•-...._..___ �I �F3a
<br /> , .
<br /> -. - ��--- ---..._..-. �. ��:��.�G
<br /> � .
<br /> � ��:��-....--��-�---..... .. . �
<br /> , J'u fi... . �RoseriTt�t'e"r•- �
<br /> ..._:,. .:_. .__....:.. ._:__..:_ .:...••-•......_.:...._................ .._..----._..._..........__........_.........---....._...................�...._-.... -
<br /> �� � <' � i�
<br /> .s x _:Nebraska ._...:..:.:.... Counsy oe.....---Hall......................._.......__..: �
<br /> BTATE O�__ � � ;
<br /> �,,Befor'e me,1 a morary�a1,c yuatisea for ea,d county, per,onauy came Harold F. Roaenkotter and iudith �� +, y,�
<br /> �A Rose"tikotter
<br /> � ` 12n"#' ta me be !he�' �+Lcai pexsoa or peraons who ai ed the fore ' • �� . '; .i":
<br /> � � 11��td beg�����dQ�tHbir .. Sn 8oing..u�stn�ent and aclmowledged the czecvhon � , .; N
<br /> : voivatary acf and�.deed. . . � -�� � � . . � r ta^e
<br /> �� ' �?.�€ . Nc7 ARY � _ �w""��7'.�
<br /> k�Vitilaess sny riai aeel on. � f �
<br /> .11lfSaT.17 ..... ._.��:���cs�e 4
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<br /> .. ��.. . •=, n,��isar- _ .�--_ . . • •-•...�-%---_...xoce�s A.uuc�
<br /> _ .. }
<br /> '��a:. SPA'fiE30F .........._..�... �� •---v;- �:� � Entered.�on numeri�l�indez and ffied foa� record' � -,. a
<br /> °�x�' + f Count,}, ..�..,_:._.._? „�� ia the ReBister of Deede O�ce of esid County the �j�
<br /> � ` � --.d�Y oE--........� 19-_... aL:.. _..�'dock and_.. . ....._.........minutea....._...............M., �! �„
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