<br /> .. .�� . . . _ .. . . �
<br /> � �
<br /> � .. , _
<br /> „ _ .
<br /> ,,
<br /> ; ��, �
<br /> � ,. .
<br /> q ,
<br /> ° � not extend or postpone the due date ot khc montlily .iristnllrnent, referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or �
<br /> .,. � L [ a. a:
<br /> f chaage the amount of such instAllments. ;, " a i x�z'
<br /> ' 20:, $orrower,Not Released. Extenaioz� of tlie tiine for ��ayment oc inodification of smorkization of the sums " �^ ` s , ,r` ��, �;
<br /> �f` secured 'by this.l2ortgage 'granteci by I,ender to any� succeesor in interesC of IIorroiver sliall not opernte to release, k�, - ; ; a � '��'
<br /> in anp iinanrier, the ]iability of ;t6e originui Borrower and Bon•on•cr', successors in interest. 1,ender shall not be 4 ` � , �' ;
<br /> �l I 1 4 C �
<br /> � required to commence proceedings a�ainst sucL successor or refu;e to extend time for payment or othetwise modify +t ' • +� { �' ` ` , "
<br /> �' amortization of,the sums secured by this �tort�age by renaun of any demand made by the original Bonower and t� , �4 `'�
<br /> `'Borroover's auceessors in interest: , � � ;
<br /> 12. ' Forboarimce by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbenrance by Lender in exercising any righ4 or ' remedy � � `
<br /> hereunder, or otherwise afforded by app(icnble la�v, si�all not bc a wuiver of or precludc the exercise of any right i < � t
<br /> ; � or remedy hereunder. Tl�e procurement of insurance or t}ic payment of taxes or other ]iens or cl�argea by Lender k:�, , ' , < - '?'
<br /> � shall not be a �vaiver of Lender's right to accelerate the matarity of the indebtedness secured by this b4ortgage_ : �s;` � � 3��I�;
<br /> ', T"� , I2. Remedies Cumulative. AII remedies provided in tl�is \fortgage ure distinct and cumulativc to any other g" , x �� �
<br /> . � right or remedy under this, �Iortgage or �fiorded bp law or equicy, and may bc esercised concurrently, independ- � . , 5
<br /> ; V ently or successively.
<br /> � a3. Succeseozs cmd Assigas Bowsd 7oiat and Several Liability; Captions, The cos�ennnts snd agreements � ;
<br /> l herein conEsined ahall bind, and t6e rights liereunder shall inure to, t6c respectivc successors und assigns of Lender �` .� `�"
<br /> � and Borrower, subject to the provisiona of pssragrapli 17 hereof. All coven:snts and ugrecments of Borrower shal! � � �° •
<br /> ^ be joint und several. The captions and headings ot the fia7•ssgra� ih� of thic \ IortRnge :tirc for conveniencc only and ` '''" '
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or definc thc provision, I�ereoL F= = �^
<br /> 14. Notiee. Any notice [o Borrower pro�-icie�i for in thi, �Iortgrtgc siiall be �,i�•en by �nailing cuch notice by � ' ' ' ` ' '` `
<br /> certified mail uddressed to Borrowcr at the Yroperty �lddres. .t3ted befo��- , except fa• :any notice required under �
<br /> t , ; .� ' „ �,:
<br /> paragraph 1S hereof to be given to Barro�ctu• in tlic �uunncr pre�cribed b�• ;�p���{��►��� �;i«•, an�. notice provided � '� "�?
<br /> for in this 3iortgage shall bc deemed to tui�•c becn given to I3orro�•er �vhen ;iven in thc ruanner designated herein. � ; "'^
<br /> IS. Uniforia Mortgage; Goveming I,aw; Severability. This t"orm of �nortgnge combines uniform covenants b rt � 1 ���''�
<br /> for national use nnd non-uniform covenants witli limitcrl ��ariations by jurisdiction to constitutc zt uniform secu- f ', � � �r e�, 4�;
<br /> rity, instrument covering real property. This \Iortgage shafl bc gor•erned by the la�r of the jurisdiction in which ' • �T'�r
<br /> the Property. is located. In the event that any provision m• ctausc of this \fort.gnge or the Notc conflicta with 3 ` �. ' ,�
<br /> upplicable law, sucki conflict shall not affect other provisionn oi this �Iortgage m• the \Tote �a-hich can be iven t + �"��f�
<br /> 'effect without the conflicting provision , and to this end the provisions of the _liortgage and the Note are dec ared ° ; r' ` � ��^���
<br /> to be severable. � ��
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this AIortgage at the time of execu- � '' �w � s' ��" �
<br /> tion or after recordation hereof. �,�
<br /> � � xr#,�1 �; �
<br /> 17. Tr�sfer of the Properiy; Assumption. If ;il! or any part af the Property or an interest therein is aold � =a,r� �9 '� "'�
<br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior �vritten consent , excluding (u) the creation of a Iien or encum- � ; , ����'"'�'
<br /> brance subordinate to this �iortgagc, ( bj Uic creatimi of u purr,6a;e �noucy security interest for household appli- ;� , ���;,;� ; �
<br /> snces, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or b,y operation of lzi�c upon thc death of a joint tenant or (d ) the, grant of �, "�*; `� ''�s-„%��ry
<br /> any ]essehold interest ot three yenrs orless not confnining :in option to purchase, Lender inay, at Lender's option, � ` t , � r,y�, ,�
<br /> w ..'{ �,
<br /> declare all' the sums secured by this :�iortgage to bc imtnediutel}• due tu�d pnyuble. Lender shall have waived such � � �f l w,�,� � " ,
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tl�e sale or trnnsfer, Lender i�nd the persun to whom the Property is to be sold or �
<br /> tranaferred reach agreement in �vriting iliat ttie credit of sucl� person is satisfactory to Lender and that the intereat ` � ' � ' ` � A
<br /> paysble on the sums secured by this vlortgage st�all be at sucL r:�te as I,ender shnll request. If Lender I�as waived '
<br /> the option to accelerate provi3ed in tl�is parugraph 1 i anci if Borrower's successor in interest hns executed a, writ- t 'E ' r'
<br /> ten sesumptionsgreementaccepted in writing by I.ender, Lender shall release Borro�ver from all obligatione under `
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note. s
<br /> If Lender exercises sucl� option to acceler�te, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance e �
<br /> with parsgraph 14 hereof. Such notice slialt provide a period of not les� tl�an 30 dtiyc from the datc the notice ia �
<br /> mailed within which Borrower inay pay ihe sums declured duc. If �3orro�vcr fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> expiration :of such period, Lender muy , n�ithout furtl�cr noticc or demand on E3'orro�ver, invoke an • remedies ' ('�� �°
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. J per- ,�;• ;
<br /> ,' ` � �
<br /> � ` , �� t 4�
<br /> . NON—U.1`7FORM COVENAXTS. BOI'1'O�VI'7' � .ill(.� I.ender furtlier co��enant _ and anrec as follows : . , _:�
<br /> 18. Aeeeleration; Bemedies. Lxcept �i. ��rorided in ��au•ugr:�� �6 17 licreaf, u�>on Borrower'c breacli of any ' � ' �� ��:
<br /> covenant or agreement of Borro�eer in tl�is �IortgnKc, including tLc covenants to pay �t•hen duc nny sums secured ' = �" ` '
<br /> by`this 1�Iartgage, Lender priorto ncceier�tion shull wail notice to 73orro�i•er as providcd in parsgrapt� 14 hereof ° ' '`
<br /> specifying: ( 1 ) the breach ; (2) tl�e action mc�uired to cure such I�reacir, 13 ) a datc, not lc�s thnn thirty days k`;
<br /> from the date thc notice ie mailed to 13orro��•cr, l,y �chich >uch breacl� n�u�t bc cinrd ; and (4 ) that Cailurc to curc � �
<br /> buch breach on or before tlie date specified in the notice �t3ay resulE in acceleraition of tl�e suuic secured by this �
<br /> Mortgage and sale of the Propertp. If the breach is not cured an or }.ieforc tlic dste specified in t.he notice, Lender , ;= ,`
<br /> at I.ender's option may declam all of the swns secueed bv thi� \iortgu�e to be immediatcly due and payaUle
<br /> without further demand and may foreclose this 1�Iortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shall be entitled to collect �� `"
<br /> in sach proceeding all expenses of foreclosure, including, but not limited to, costs ot document.ary evidence, Y ''�
<br /> i
<br /> abstraets and title reports. ;.;
<br /> 18• Borzowe;'s Right to .Raiastate. Notacithstanding I,endei's neceleration of the swnc secured by this ' f
<br /> ' Mortgage, Borrower shail have the .right to have any proceedings t>egun by Lendcr to enforce thi� il4ortgnge dis- A "
<br /> �_ coatin'ued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfq}�cing khis _lTortgnge if : (ul Borrower pays Lender sll 5 '
<br /> aums whicli would be:then due under this 13ortgage, the \*ote :mci notes securing Faturc Ad�•xnce�, it sn5•, had no I r `✓ ' ?
<br /> � tacceleration .occurred; ( b) Borrower cures all breachen of any other covennnts or agmements of Borrower con- '' "`'
<br /> sinetl in tl�is Nlortgage ; ,(ej Bacrower pays all reasonuble ex}�ense� incurrecl by l,ender in enforcing the covenants v ` w < ^' ry°'
<br /> aad;agieeajeate of,Borrower contained`-ia .t5is .\•Iortga�;e and in enforcin�; Lender's remedies tts provided in para- ? �
<br /> .. _ . '._ s ti „�r .,;
<br /> graph 1S..hereof, inaluding, but not limited Lo; reasona�le atiorney's fees ; and 1 d ) Borrower takes such action as '
<br /> T.en�r risay reasonably require to assure that the lien of this �iort "`"�""`
<br /> gage; Lender's interest in the Property and
<br /> , Borrower"a obl�gation to pay the suma secured bp this Slortgnge shall continve unimpaired. Upon such payment
<br /> ' ahd cuie ISyBorrower,' fihis M6ztgage and the abli�ationa secured 9lereb�• shuli reinain in full force and effect as if
<br /> � no saceleratioa had occux�ed J �
<br /> ' '� ` r�" '"``� 3 ���, �°���' APFo��mt: of. fiseeiver, Lendes ia Poasessioa, ps additional aecurity here- �^
<br /> , undet,�rBoaoo¢er heretiyaase�gas £o Zender tlie renta of- the;PropeM.y„ hrovideci that Borron•er shail rior to acceler- " 'j
<br />�+��� atiomainde�^psr�grs`ph 18 }iereof or abaado�nent of thc Property, have. the right to coliect and �retain such rents '� r
<br /> , . .
<br /> � ��� � a,� �a "
<br /> A+'
<br /> psyabie. ,,,�x,r.L
<br />� ��nn g°ee�erat�°fl n�de�' P�Bi'$Ah 18 hs*eof or afiandomnent of the Yroperty, I,ender, in Person , b�� agent
<br />; or vd'ic�ally nppp�� recciver shail be enti't]ed Lo cnter uron, take nossession of and �nanage the Prop¢rty
<br />�, an21;�tf coil�c�"�L�e rents o�" thp' �tipeity; ina�udiag `thosc ''xiast due. All rents cotlecteii by i,ender or t.hc receiver
<br /> eftalF'be a�pliCd 8rst'tp payment of the oos£a aof �nana�ement of the Property an�1 collection of rent.., including, bul �
<br /> not limited�to; rece;ver+a £ees, prem»g,on receiver's bonds and reasonnble attorney's fees. and then to the eums
<br /> secured bythis Mortgage. Lender and the receiver aliall he liable to account only for those rents actunlly received .
<br /> -a . ,i ,. -.,. r. . _. _ . . . . . . . �.
<br /> . . . . � . .. , .. . � .
<br />