_ r �
<br /> not extend or postpone the due dute oi thc montlily iu.tnllments i•eferred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 hereof or
<br /> ' ' chan�e the nmount of such installments .
<br /> ; 10. Bo:rower Not Released. Extensioo of the tiine for ��a,yment. or modificntion of amortizution of the sums
<br /> s secured by this Vlortgage granted by I.endcr to nny �uccessor in intcrest of Borrower shill not operate to release,
<br /> � in any tna.nner, the ]iability of tl�e original Borro«•ei• an�i 13ori•o�ccr's successors in in�,erest. I.ender shall not be �
<br /> j required to commence proceedings against �uch successor m• refusc to extend time for payment or othenvise modify
<br /> ? � amortizution of the sums secured by tl�is \[ortgage I �y reasm� oi ;iny demand ir,��fe hp ti�c originnl Borrower and
<br /> ? Borrower's auccessors in interest_ �
<br /> 1 � 11: Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Anv forbearancc by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> '# � hereunder, or otherwise aHorded by applicable la�c, shnil not be a «•ai�er of or preclude tlie exercise of any right
<br /> r� � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurnncc or thc payrnent. of taxes or uthcr liens or charges by Lender
<br /> ,3 � shall not be a wniver of Lender's right to accelerate the �nuturity of the indebtedness secured by this �iortgage.
<br /> 12. $eaiedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in ii� is \Iortgetge are distinet and cumulative to any other `
<br /> � right or remedy under this \Iortgage or afTorcled b}• la•�� or c�quity, and mn}� be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> r ently or successively.
<br /> 00 13. Suecessors �d Xssigas Bound; Joint �d Several Liability; Captions. The co�•encints aud agreements
<br /> � herein contained shall bind, und the rights liereunder �hall inurc to, tl�c respectivc successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> ' and Borrower, subject to the provisions ot pura�raph 1 i Lercof. _111 r.uvcoant� und agrecmenfs of Borrox-er shrtll
<br /> be joint and se��eral . The capiions and I�endings of tLe par:xgr:�� �hs of tliis \ lort�;agc are for con �•enience only nnd
<br /> '; are not tobe used to inierpret. or define tl�e �uovi�ion, Lereof.
<br /> 14. Notice. Any noficc i.o Borro�vcr pro�•idcd for in thi� \lortgage .I�ull bc �;i��cn b�� �nailing such not,icc b}•
<br /> certified mail addressed to I3orro«�cr ac the Yropert }- :lddrec. �tate�i belo«�, osce�)L IOC .171V noticr. required under
<br /> paragraph I8 hereof to be gi�•en to Borro���cr in tlic �n;inner � �resc•ribeci 6y ap} �licnble ] :t�c. :1m- notice provided
<br /> for in this 33ortgage shall bc dcemed ro htt�•c becn gi��cn to 13orro��-er «�hen gi��en in the inanncr designated herein.
<br /> 15. IInifozm Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. 'I'hi� for�n o[ iuortgxge coinbinea iiniform covenants
<br /> for national use and non-unifortn covenants �vith limited �•xrintions by� jurisdiction to constitute a uniForm secu- ,;
<br /> rity instrument covering real property_ This \ fortgafie shall hc go�•erned by the la«• oF thc jurisdiction in which !
<br /> the Property is located. In the event that uny pro��ision or clnuse of t6is \Iortgagc or thc �Totc conflicts with �
<br /> appiicable law, such conHict shall not atfect othcr pro��isionc of thi� �tortgage or the Note which can be given ^
<br /> effect without tt�e conflicting provision , and to thi� end tLc provisioc�s of tl�e \ [ortgage and khe Note are declared s
<br /> to be severable. � „'�
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc 7urnisficd a conf�rmed co �y of this �Iort •a � '
<br /> tion or after recordstion l�ereof.
<br /> f b bc at t}�e time of execu-
<br /> 17. T:ansfez of the Property; Assumption. If all or uny part of the Property or an interest therein is aold `.
<br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender's t>rior written consent, excluding (n ) the creation of a lien or encum- ''
<br /> brance subordinate to tl�is Jlortgagc, ( b ) tl�e creation af a purchase tnoneti' security interest for liousehold appli-
<br /> � *%
<br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, de_cent or by operation of la.c upon the death of s joint tennnt. or (d ) the grant of
<br /> any leasehold interest of three years or less not contniniug av option to purchasc, Lender may, at I.ender's option,
<br /> declare all the sums secured by this �4ortga�e to be iminediatcly rluc and payablc. I.ender shall have wnived such � , ;'
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or trnnsfer, Lendcr cwd thc person to whom the Property is to be sold or F
<br /> transfened reacli agreement in writing tlint tlie credit oi suci � person is satisf:tetor}• to Lender and thst tl�e interest % g
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this �iort�age shall be nt sucl� ratc as I.ender sliall request. If Lender hus �vaiv�d `'
<br /> the option to accelerate provi3ed in t,his parssgraph 1 i and if Bm•ro�v�r's �ucces�ar in interest has executed u writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in «•riting by Lender, Lender shnll release Borron•cr from alt obligations under p
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If ?.ender exercises sucli option to acceterate, Lender shall :nai1 Rorro�ver notice of acceleration in uccordance
<br /> with parsgraph 14 hereof. Such notice �hall pro�•ide a �ierioc! ot not less thun 30 days from the date the notice is
<br /> msiled within which B�rrower may pa5� tlie swns drei.ired due. If Borro�rcr fail� to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period, Lender rony. �vithout further nutice or ilc�n.tnd mi B'orrower, in��oke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> ti'ON-LTD7IFORDf COVENA.\'TS. BOCI'O\t'CI' ;IR(Z LPRIICC t�lll'tllBl' C:OCCI72111Y, :ind a�ree as follo�v� :
<br /> 38. Aeeeleration; Remedies_ lxce�it as pro�•ided in � ,;u•ugrn� il � 1 i hcreof, upon Borruwer's breach of nny
<br /> eovenant or agreement of. Borrower in tLis \ Iort�;a�,n, , inclu.linF the co�•enauts to pay �chen due any sums secured
<br /> by this �lortgage, Lender prior to i�scelerntion �6ull iu:�i ! noticc to I3orro��•cr as � �ro�•ided in pnragraph 14 I�ereof
<br /> specifying: ( 1 ) the breach ; (2 ) the nction rcquired to cwr auch breach ; 131 a r.inte, not Icss than thirty days
<br /> from the date the notice is mniled to Borro��-er, h�• ��� liidi .ucli hre;icli wust be cared ; anri ( 4 ) that fnilure to cure
<br /> such breach on or before tl�e date specified in tlic noricr, niay re,ult in acccler:xtion ot the sume secured by this
<br /> • Vlortgage and sale of the Property. If thc breach is not cured on or before thc datr. �pecified in thc notice, 7,ender
<br /> at Lender's option may declare all of the swus sect�red b: tl�i. \Iortgage to be immedistely duc and payable
<br /> without further demand and may foreclose this \Iortguge b� ju�licial t�roceedin�. 7.ender shall he entitled to collect
<br /> in such proceeding ull expenses of foreclosure, including, hut not liu�ited to, costs of docuuientary evidence,
<br /> abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. Borrow�r's Right to Reiastate. 1Vot�s•itlistanding I.ender's ucccleration of t.he sun�e s¢cured by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower ahall have the right to hn�•e any 1>roceedings begun by Lender co enforce thia �fortgage dis-
<br /> continued at sny tirne prior to entry of n judgnent enfdtcing this \fortgnge if: (al Borro�vcr pays I.ender all
<br /> suma which would be then due under this \Iortgage. thc lote anri notes securing Futurc Advances, if any, had no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; (b) Borrower curce all breachee of an}• other co�-enants or agreements of Sorrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower pays all reneonnbir rs���nses inci�rred bv I ,ender in unforcing the ro�•ennnGs
<br /> and agreements of Bonower contained in this Vlortga�:e 3nd iii enforcin� I,ender� remedies as providec! in parn-
<br /> graph . l8 hereof, including, but not limited to, reasonnble attorney's fe� : and � d ) Borrower takes such ttction as
<br /> Lender may reaeonably require to Assure t.hat the lien of tlyis titortgsRe, i,ender's interest in the Property nnd
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the suma =ecured by this �iortgage �hnll continue unimpaired. Upon such payment -.--�
<br /> snd cure by Bonower, this Mortgage and tl�e obligstions �ecured hereby .ha11 remain in full fo�•ce and effect as if
<br /> no acceleration had occurred. ..
<br /> ZO• 1lamgnm�nt ol . R�ats; Appointmeat of .Receiver: Lender in Possession. As additional security here- � ��'" '
<br /> under, Borrower hereby aseigna to Lender th� rents of tlie Propen}•. pro�•ided that Borro��•er shall, prior to acceler- �{ +,
<br /> ' ation under pare�aph 1S hereof or abandonment of the Property, hnve the right to collect and retain auch rents A �
<br /> + as thep beoo`me due-and payable_ ' ���.
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> IIpon� a'cceleration underparagraph 18 hereof or ;ahandonment of the Yroperty, Lender, in person , bp agent „e . �. - zw<��
<br /> or by judicislly appointed receiver shalt bo entitled to enter upon , take �osseasion of nnd manaRe thc Propert,y
<br /> and to collect the rents of the 'Property, ineluding those pas4 due. All rents collected bv Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall ae spplied Sist to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rent,ti, including, but
<br /> not limited to;aeceiver'a fees, premiums on receiver's bond� und reasonable xttorney's fees. und then to the sums
<br /> secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver shall tx• liiible to Arrount onh� for tho=c r�ntv nctualh• rccci�•cd. �
<br />