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<br /> ���" �03056 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE
<br /> � , us an an wi e; R. FRAN R A D DOROTHY P4. FRANKER, husband and wife
<br /> e�ch in hic anrl hPr nwn ri9ht an�l aa cnn�icPc n4 thP nthar � . .
<br /> of the County o� HALL and State of NEBRASKA �ereinafter called the party af the flrst part,in
<br /> ' constderatioa of TH I RTY THREE THOUSAND F I VE HUNORED AND NO/I 00-----------------------nOLi.ARS,
<br /> ia hand paid, do hereby graat,bargain, sell and convey unLo the Home Federal Savings de Loan Aasodation of Grand Island,
<br /> Grand Ieland,Nebraska,and its succeasois and assigns,the followIng real estate, situated+� HALL
<br /> CoaatY,State oE NEBRASKA , , towit:
<br /> Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging,aad all covenants in all the Utle deeda mm�ing wlth aaid�realestate,
<br /> and all the rents,iesues and profits aris[ag therefrom after default in performance of aay covenant or'conditida..herein coo-
<br /> tained; aad warrants the title thereto perfect and clear except for this mortgage. ' •
<br /> During the time this mortgage is ia force the mortgagors agree: �
<br /> FYrst To pay all taxes and special assessments levied against said premises, induding all taxes and assessments levied
<br /> upoa this morkgage, or the debt secured by this mortgage.
<br /> Sccond. To keep all buildings thereoa insured against loss by fim,lightning and tornado in some company,to be ap-
<br /> � proved by the eaid Home Federal Savings&Loan Associaflon of Grand Island ia the sum of � �n s u ra b l e va I ue for
<br /> the benefit of the said Association,and its successors or assigns: and to deposit said policies with said Assoclation,and shall nM
<br /> ' commit or suffer any waste on said premises, and shall put and keep said real estate buildings and improvements 3n good '
<br /> order.
<br /> Third. To pay or cause to be paid to t6e Home Federal Savings & Loan AssodaUon of Grand Island, its successora or
<br /> assigns,the sum of y TH I RTY THREE THOUSAND F I 1IE Ht wnRFn aND N�/�oo-------------------DOLLAxs,
<br /> payable as follows:
<br /> $33,500.00 DU� MAY 15, 1979
<br /> wlth iatereat thereoa payable,according to the tenor and effect of the one certain first morLgage note of said mortgagors,
<br /> bearing evea date wlth these presents. After maturity said bond draws interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum.
<br /> •If said taxes aad assessments are not paid when due, or if the buildings on said premises are aot lnsured as above gro _
<br /> vided,or if any of said interest is not paid when due,then said v�t��ebt ahall becomc due immediately,at t6e optioa of the �
<br /> aafd Association,and shall thereafter draw iaterest at the rate of 2�Rec�per cent per anaum.
<br /> The mortgagor 5 hereby assigb— to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at aay and all times from said
<br /> property and hereby suthorize said mortgagee or its agent, at Its option, upon default, to take charge of said property aad
<br /> collect all rents and inrnme therefrom and apply the same to the payment of iaterest, principal, insutanee premiums,iaxes,
<br /> � . �esseasments, repaira or improvements necessary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to other chargea or pay- . � . � �
<br /> ments prov3ded for herein or in the note hereby aecured. This rent assigameat shall continue in force until the unpaid bal-
<br /> ance of said aote is fully paid. The taking of possesaion hereunder ehell in ao manner prevent or retard said mortgagee ia
<br /> the collecttoa of sald suma bq foreclosure or otherwlse.
<br /> Whether said debt becomes due by lepse of time, or by reason of the failure of the party of the first part to comp�y
<br /> wlth aaq ebndition herein, the said Home Federal SavIngs & Loan Association of Grand Island, the successors and aasigns, �
<br /> ahall have the right to be�n the foreclosure of this mortgage at once on the whole debt hereby secured, aad to include
<br /> thereia aii taaes, assessmenta, insuraace premiums and costs, paid by it or them; or said Associatioa, its successora or
<br /> aseigns, may foreclose only as to the sum past due, without iajury to this mortgage, ar the displacemeat or impairment
<br /> of the llen thereo£
<br /> ' Aad the'said first partq and the malcers of said note, especlally agree and declare that the separate estate of each and
<br /> `''every oae of them, including both that now owned and that hereafter acquired, is pledged and bound for the payment of
<br /> ;tthe.debt hereby secured.
<br /> After the commencemeat of any suit in forecloaure the plalntiff thereia shall be eaHtied to the immediate possesston of �
<br /> �satd premises;and-the appointme.nt of a receiver therefor, notwithstanding they may be the homestead of the occupant and
<br /> �;notvvlthstandin8�e psrtiea liable for the debt may be solvent, and the first partq hereby consents to the appointment of a .,,.; .,-+�
<br /> `' '-Receiver upon the producUon of this-indenture, without other evldence. –�""'"
<br /> The foregoing condittons and agreemeats, sil and aingular,be3ng fully performed,this conveyance aLall be void,other- =
<br /> i , wiee co be ena�rmain tn t�u farce ana efiecc. � : � '
<br /> ���*h:. I6th . �y at Ma D,� ig 78 `' s
<br /> , . e,
<br /> In presence oi ;
<br /> re / . an i sc /y� Ponna M. J F i c `'=�
<br /> � �11t� �� �/!. / ot��' _. y,
<br /> ; �Y _�...�c Tj�.flmas J. cA19on n IX. Au ey McA IAon
<br /> '' i..���+.. 1 �e�.t4P �ld,t+,�.tl,...t 737 �� 4 It
<br /> � +- " Terrence R. Franker porothy P4. Franker
<br /> ,-.-s�–,_._ J
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