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<br /> �8j U o 3 0�� REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE
<br /> McALOOtJ, husband and wife; AND TERRENCE R. FRANKER AND DOROTHY M. FRANKER, husband and wife �
<br /> of tLe County nt_ HAL and State oi_NFBRASKA �p,reyoefter called the party o! t6e first pnrt,tn
<br /> conaideratlon of THIRTY THREE THOUSAI•JD FI VE HUNDRED AND NO/100----
<br /> • �OLLARS,
<br /> 3n hand paid, do hereby graaL,bargaia,ee11 and convey unto the Home Federal Savings&Loan Assoc;a}�oa of Graad Island,
<br /> Grand 7sland,NebraeYa,and its aucceasors aad asstgns,the followiag real estate,situated i., HAL L
<br /> CountY, State of n�Faoncue �., towlt:
<br /> Together wlth all the appurtenances thereuato belonging, and all covenants in all the title deedn running wHth said real estate�
<br /> and all the renta, iasues and profits arlsing thpsefrom after default in performance of any covenant or condition lip:iseia con-
<br /> tained;and wartants the tiUe thereto pertect and clear except for this mortgage.
<br /> DurIng the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagois agree:
<br /> Flrat. To pay all taxes and special assessmeats levled against said preailses, iacluding all taxes and assesaments levied
<br /> upon thls morlgage,or the debt secured by thIs mortgage.
<br /> Second. To keep all buildIngs thereoa insured against loss by fire, lightaing and tornado in some company,to be ag
<br /> proved by the said Home Federal Savings& Loan AssociaHon of Graad Island in the aum of� �nsurab l e va I ue „ for
<br /> the benefit of the said Aseociation,and its successors or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Association,and shall not
<br /> commit or suffer any vvaste on said premises, and shall put and keep said rnal estate buildings and improvemenls in gopd
<br /> order.
<br /> Third. To pay or cause to be paid to tLe Home Federal Saviags & Losn Assoclation of Grand Islaad, its saccessors or
<br /> asaiBns,the aum of s—TH 1 RTY THREE THOUSAND FI VE H "JDR � ANfI r������ ,��L��
<br /> payable as Sollows:
<br /> 'y $33,500.00 DUE PdAY f 5, 1979.
<br /> :;
<br /> � -
<br /> ;
<br /> � wlt7�lnterest thereon payable,according to the tenor and effect of the one certatn first mortgage note of said mortgagors,
<br /> � bearin8 even date with these presents. After maturity said bond draws iaterest at the rate of nine per ceat per anaum.
<br /> �If sald taxes and assessme�s are not paid when due, or if the bn9ldings on said prem9ses are not insured aq above pro-
<br /> vlded,or if any of said tnterest is aot paid when due,then said ty}��bt shall become due unmediately,at the option of the
<br /> said Association,and ahall thereafter draw interest at the rate o�'�er cent per annum,
<br /> T6e mortgagor 5 Lereby �g�_ ��d mortgagee all rents and income arising at any aad all times from said
<br /> property aad hereby suthorize said mortgagee or its agent, at iffi option, upon default, to take charge of said property and
<br /> collect all rents and income therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums,taxes, �
<br /> assessments, repairs or Improvements neceasary to keep said property i¢ tenantable condition, or to other charges or pay-
<br /> me�a provided for herein or ln the note hereby secured. This reat assignment ahall eontinue ia fone unYil the unpaid bal-
<br /> snce of said note is fully paid..The taldng of possessIon herennder ahall ia ao manner preveat or retard said mortgagee in
<br /> the collection of saId sums by foreclosure or otherwlae. �
<br /> Whgther:said debt becomes due by lapse of time, or by reason of the fallure of the party of the firat part to comply
<br /> with any condition herein,the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Aasoclation of Grand Island, the successors and aasigns,
<br /> s�ial1.Lave the rlght to be�a the foreclosure of this mortgage at once on the whole debt hereby secured, and to include �
<br /> t�rein a11 taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and costs, paid by it or them; or said AssociatIon, its succeasuxs ur
<br /> aasigns, may foreclose oaLy as to the sum past due, without injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impairment
<br /> of the llen.thereo£
<br /> And the said first party and the makers of said note,especial�q egree und declare that the separate cgtate of each and
<br /> " every one o�U►em, inclu n ta
<br /> �8 lwth that now awned and that hereafter acquired, is pledged and boand for the payment of
<br /> ' �the debt'hereby secured.
<br /> Af�er the'commeacement of any suit la foreclosure },he plaint3H thuein shall be entitled to the immediste passesaion of
<br /> saId pteailaes and'the appointmeat of a receiver therefor, aotwithstanding they may be the fiomestead of the occupent and
<br /> notwithstanding.the partles liable Sor tfte debt maq be solvent, and the itrst --c--=� ,
<br /> � -8eceiver u P�'tY bereby conaents to the appointment of a . �
<br /> pon tiLe p�actuction of this indenture, without other evidence.
<br /> The foz+egoiri� oondtf(ons and agteemeats, a11 and singulaz,being fully performed,this coaveysnce shall be vo3d,othen � '�
<br /> wlae to be snd remairi Irt fulI fone aad eHeck
<br /> S18ned chi• I bth a Ma �: �
<br /> � D.. 19 7 i: d
<br /> In Ps'eseIIce of S. x:-:. z ' ?` "'.j;
<br /> Fred bi. Janisch� , Do na�.J� isch
<br /> .' /L c�
<br /> ....itiflmas oo�n/+ rey oon
<br /> . , . `.-�MP wct_ ��ro�. ' �.
<br /> , '� """ Terrence R. Pranker po othy '^. Franker �
<br /> .. , .�
<br /> _. ,._ �.
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