� �
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<br /> � c � , us an an wi e; . � . , us an an wif �
<br /> � oarh in hic a��{ h[:r nwn rinht an(1 ac c ni �ac n4 th +t,
<br /> of the County o► HALL and State of NEBRASKA ti
<br /> ereinafter called the party of the firs! part,in
<br /> consideratlon et THI RTY THREE THOUSAlJD FI VE HUNDRED Af�D NO/100----- nOLLARS,
<br /> in haad paid, do hereby grank bargain,eeil and convey unto the Home Federal Savings�i,uan p,asodation of Grand Island,
<br /> Grand Island,Nebraska,and its euccessors and assigns,the following resl rstate,situated 3� HAL L
<br /> County, State o+ NEBR,qSKA _,� towit:
<br /> Together wlth all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all covenants in all the title deeda running with sald real eatate,
<br /> and all the reats,iasues and profits arising tLerefrom after default in performance of any coveaant or conditlon hereta coa-
<br /> tained;and warranfs the tltle thereto perfect and clear except for this mortgage.
<br /> During the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree:
<br /> First. To pay all taxes and spedal assessments levled against saId premises, including all tases and assesaments levied
<br /> upon thls mortgage,or the debt secured by this mortgage.
<br /> Second. To keep all buildIngs thereon insured against loss by fire,lightniag and toraado in some company, to be ap
<br /> proved by the said Home Federal Savings& Loan Association of Grand Island in the sum of F �nsurab l e va 1 ue � for
<br /> the beneflt of the said Association,and its successors or assigns; and to deposit said policies wlth said Assodatton,aad shall aot
<br /> commit or suffer any waste on said premises, and shall put and keep said real estate buildings and improveme�s in good
<br /> order. -
<br /> Third. To pay or cause to be paId to tLe Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of C=rand Island, its successors or
<br /> aeelgns,the sum of s THI RTY THRFE THoliSa�m Fi vF HIIN(1RFf1 a�n n�p�i�� DOr.i.ARS,
<br /> payable as follows:
<br /> ' $33,500.00 DUE MAY 15, 1979.
<br /> , �
<br /> � ' wYth lntereat thereon payable,according to the tenor and effect of the one certain first mortgage note of aaid mortgagors,
<br /> bearing even date with these preeents. After maturIty said bond draws interest at the rate of aine per cent per annum.
<br /> If'said taxes and assesaments are not paid whea due, or if the buildings on said premises are not Insured as abave pro-
<br /> vided,or if any of said intetest is not paid when due,then said w�q]�debt shall become due immediately,at the option of the
<br /> esid Associatioa,and shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of 7��per cent per annum. �
<br /> The mortgagor� hereby aQ_a oip.. to said mortgagee all rents and income arisIng at any and all times from said
<br /> R�PertY,and hereby suthorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and
<br /> � coIleet all rents and income therehom and apply the same to the payatent of interest, principai, insurance premi�s,taxes, �
<br /> d esaeesments, repairs or imprpvements neceasary to keep said property in tenantable rnnditlon, or to other charges or pay-
<br /> ments provlded for Lereln or in the note hereby secured.Th3s rent assignment shall rnatinue in force unta'1 tLe tinpaid ba1-
<br /> ance of eaid note is fully paid The taking of possession bereunder sLall in ao manner prevent or retard said mortgagee in
<br /> the collection of said sums by foreelosure or otherwise. � ,
<br /> Whether said debt becomes due by lapse of Ume, or by reason of the failure of the party of the first part to comply
<br /> tvlth any"conditioa herein,the said Home Federal Savinga & Loan Assoctation of Grand Isiand, the successors and essigns, —
<br /> � ehall'Lave!he rlght to begin the foredosure of this mortgage at once on the whole debt hereby secured,.and to iaclude �
<br /> ° therein a11 teaes, assesameats, insurance premiums and costs, paid by it or them; or said Association, its successors or
<br /> assi8ne, may forecloae only as to the sum past due, wlthout injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impairment
<br /> of the lien thereo£ -
<br /> And t6e said first party and the makers of said note> espedally agree and declaze that the separate estate of each and �
<br /> epery,one of tLem, iaciuding both that now owned and that Lereafter acquired, is pledged and bound for the payment of
<br /> ; the debt hereby:aecured: �
<br /> �" After the commencement of any ault ia forecloaure the plaintiff therein shall be eatItled to the lmmediate paesession of
<br /> seid premises aad tha appolntment of a receiver therefor, notwithstanding they maq be the homestead of the occupant and ,,�...:.. ,'+�
<br /> .:'
<br /> s .notwlthsteadin8 the parties liable for the debt may be solveat, and the firat party hereby consents to the appointment of a
<br /> Receiver upoa the productioa of thfs indeniure, wtthout other evidence_ 7'
<br /> * The fore8�8 conditioas and agreemeats, all and aingular,being fully performed.thls conveyance shall be void,other- I i.;. :,' '
<br /> "wlse to be snd zemain ia full force and effecL. J .
<br /> � ��ed thi.. 16th ��Y ot MaY 78 ';
<br /> . D., 19 " ;:�7
<br /> _ v� :
<br /> Ia px�eaenoe�of . . � �� �'�'
<br /> td. Jan ch Donn 1: J�n i sch
<br /> -`lC�t.- �'7, s � �c,:
<br /> } Thomas . oon drey Mc oon
<br /> �errenCe R.,Franicer porufihy �•1.'Frauk�r I
<br /> .,��..... �i ._ J
<br />