� �
<br /> ].1—MARRANTY DEED F�Iton b Wdi Caawer.Lincoln,N�br. � . . .. .
<br /> �g� U 0 3 0 4 8 WARRANTY DEED
<br /> HAROLD GADE and ALICE GADE, husband and wife, each in his and her �
<br /> r own right and as spouse of the other,
<br /> t
<br /> ` , herein called the graator whether one or more,
<br /> • - ia oonaideratioa o! THIRTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($13,700.00)
<br /> raoeived irom grantee, doee grsnt, bargain, sell, convey and conlirm unto
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following deacribed real property in
<br /> ' ............................Hall.............................. ��ty, Nebrasks: Parti of the Northeast Quarter of
<br /> the Southwest Quarter (NE�SW�S) of Section Twenty-four (24), in Township Eleven (11), North,
<br /> Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described
<br /> as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the North right of way line of the Union
<br /> Pacific Railroad Company, said point being at the intersection of said right of way line
<br /> with the North-South one-half Section line through said Section 24, thence Northerly along
<br /> said one-half section line two hundred and five (205) feet, thence deflecting le£t eighty-
<br /> nine degrees and twenty-two minutes (89�22') a distance of eighty-one and four tenths
<br /> (81.4) feet, thence de£lecting left ninety degrees and £orty minutes (90�40'), a distance
<br /> of two hundred Pifty-five (255) £eet to a point on the North right of way line of the
<br /> Union Pacific Railroad Company, thence Northeasterly along said right of way line
<br /> ninety-five (95) feet to the point of beginning.
<br /> .ri
<br /> � To have and to hold the above deacribed premisea together wIth all tenemeate, hereditaments
<br /> ; and appnrtenancea thereto belonging nnto the grantee and to grantee's hairs and aeeigns forever.
<br /> � And the grantor doee hereby ooveaant with the grantee and with grantee'e heirs and assigna �:
<br /> t thst grantor is lawfaily eeiaed of esid premieee; that they are lrea lrom encumbrance
<br /> that grantor has good righL aad lawinl anthority to coavey the eame; aad that grantor warraats and w�71
<br /> detend the title to eaid premisee againat the lswful claims o!all peraona whomsoever.
<br /> Dated MaY �y 19 7g .
<br /> ...
<br /> ..... ..
<br /> ' f7F'SR7aS1CR"D'OCt7t�lE'IVTJ3f4Y... ..........
<br /> � � •� ...�'�..�..,.i�..
<br /> ..... . ..... ..... .......
<br /> STAMP TAX aroF���de
<br /> '.' ............. ........... • -
<br /> ...M�li`..l.g..}g�............. .......... .... �..s...... �:�s...................................
<br /> . ... . ... .
<br /> • Alice Gade '
<br /> `' 9�:sl.,......,.�....•$Y�. ........ ....................................................................................
<br /> $TATE OF NEBRABSA,Conaty o!.....................Hal 1.......«..................
<br /> Betoze me, a aotary public qnalilied !or esid county, penonally came
<br /> Aarold Gade and Alice Gade, husband and wife,
<br /> ,i� � . . . .. . .. . . ' . . . . . � . . . w.Y�...,.,.. .Y:
<br /> � �. '
<br /> i „ Imowa to me to be the ideatioal perran or per�ona who signed the foreQoing inetrnment and aalmowledged J = �
<br /> the eseentioa thereo!to be hie,hes or t,�eir volnntary aot and deed. -- ry
<br /> �. f,.
<br /> ' 78 x � ,
<br /> �tnen my hand and notarial sesl on ................ ...Ma ...........a7 .�......../..�...., 19............ '_° �=.;9
<br /> Ll-IESLEY^.
<br /> S,�KER «».... . ... ��-�E4.�=�•�_..... NotBry Public. �. ,�h `�
<br /> .. '- , ..�Qenerel NcNaryawte ot Neq'r„ . . p -�J�y/ . .
<br /> .,� �MY Comrtilssion Expire� . .MY'OOmIDlYIOII".Ozpir9B ��l;��tT.'.Z�.....�/.:..�................. 19.y(/
<br /> . �� [rtay 20.1979.�
<br /> � �
<br />