1 �
<br /> �8� 0 0 3 0 4'7
<br /> The grantor YMCA BUILDING COR.POR.ATION of the City o£ Grand Island, Hall
<br /> ( County, Nebraska, a/k/a, YMCA BUILDING CORPORATION OF GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska, a
<br /> � non-profit
<br /> a corporation organized and exiating nnder and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebx'aska
<br /> in consideration of $1.00 and a transfer of assets to successor corporation
<br /> received from grantee; does grant, bargain, aell convey and confirm unto
<br /> The Grand Island YMCA Holding Corporation
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br /> Hall
<br /> ; ................................................................................ Coanty, Nebrsska: ,
<br /> Lots Three (3) and Four (4) , in Block Two (2) , Arnold and Abbott's
<br /> Addition to the City o£ Grand Zsland, Nebraska, and that part of North
<br /> Washington Street lying adjacent to and westerly o£ Lot Four (4) , Block
<br /> Two (2) , in Arnold and Abbott's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, being a tract 40 feet by 130 feet.
<br /> Grantors further covenant that said conveyance was authorized by a
<br /> unanimous vote of inembers present, at a special membership meeting
<br /> on June 5, 1974, for which notice was given in accordance with N.R.S.
<br /> 21-1943 <Reissue 1977) .
<br /> STAMP TAX I ._
<br /> MAY 19 i9�3
<br /> i $5��r��BY--�j„E�G�
<br /> a
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> To have nnd to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and
<br /> appurtenancea thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns foreven
<br /> And the grantor for itself and its successors does hereby covenant with the grantee and witls
<br /> grantee's heira and asaigns that grautor is lawfu2ly seised oF said premises; that they are free from encum-
<br /> branee except easements and restrictions of record,
<br /> ,i that grantor has good right and Iawful anthority to eonvey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br /> ` defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of nll persona whosoever.
<br /> t In witnesa whereof, grantor has hereunto caused its corporate scal to be affiaed nnd these
<br /> presente signed by its Preaident.
<br /> ; Dated �Y �q 78. of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> , . ... slarxd....N ...�...�?.on-P.rofit �
<br /> � ora ,_.
<br /> $. : �- �
<br /> 't •• .. .... a;
<br /> .......... . .... .... . . ; ..
<br /> // � , .
<br /> �� STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of .......f7.A.F.G...... ................. ............:
<br /> ,.i :
<br /> ` ^ Before me, a notsr
<br /> � , y pnblic qualified i said unty, personslly came
<br /> ;� YMCA BUI•LDING CORPORATION of the City of Grand Island, Hall president of
<br /> w County, Nebraska, a/k/a, YMCA BUILDING CORPORATION of Grand Island, Nebraska, � ;
<br /> � 'a non-profit corporation ,; ;' p
<br /> , a corporation. #� � � �
<br /> �# J mown to:me to be the President and idEntical person who aigaed the forego;ng instrnment, and acknow- ' ' x,+
<br /> i. �.<
<br /> ledged the execution thereof to be hie voluntary act and deed as such offieer �nd the voluntary act and +"„ ' � A:�
<br /> �4 deed of said corporation and thst its corporate xealwas thereto affiaed by its anthority. `T �'�«�
<br /> , ;,�� . : . . � ,
<br /> ,�; Witneae my hand and noLarial seal on ..........M�.Y.........1� .......-..._ 19.�$.:...
<br /> _�
<br /> , �a�Ytra� .Q..Z�....�K:?�.G.(!G�.�c,;:1........ Notary Public.
<br /> � �� ..•-
<br /> , tirew /�; (}'
<br /> My commission eapires ..LL.'�.,l,l g(3,1. �
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<br /> .... .. ......................... 1 . ......
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