� �
<br /> FHA FORM NO.2143M This form is used in connec-
<br /> (Rev.May 1976) tion with mortQages insured
<br /> ' M�R1'GAGLj' under the one- to four-famil,V
<br /> � �q provisions of the Nationai �
<br /> "' 78� ��e7 016 Housin�Act. �
<br /> r
<br /> 4,
<br /> f
<br /> TH[S MORTGAGE,made and executed this 1-8 day of April q,p,
<br /> 19 78 ,by and between Terry D. Anderson and Donna T. Anderaon, husband and wife, �ointly and
<br /> each in their own right,
<br /> of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska,party of the first part,hereinafter called
<br /> j a corporation organized and existing under the laws of The United States of America . i'
<br /> t party of the second p•rrt,hereinafrer called the Mortgagee.
<br /> i
<br /> WITNESSETH:That the said Mortgagor.for and in consideration of the sum of TWENTY THREE THOUSAND ONE HIJNDRED
<br /> ` � FIFTY AND NO/100----------------------------------DoOars Ig 23,150.00 ).paid by the Mort-
<br /> gagee, [he receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted anJ Sold :md by these presents dues Grant. Bar- �
<br /> ! gain, SeIL Convey and Canfirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the folluwing-described ic
<br /> real estate,situated in the County of Hall .and State �
<br /> ; of Nebraska,ro wir. �• �
<br /> a �
<br /> .� � �1��. . �
<br /> �,
<br /> . � Lot Nine (9), Block Ten (10), i.n Gilbert's Addition "
<br /> ,:
<br /> � to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> i .
<br /> 4:
<br /> `, �.
<br /> �' i
<br /> ;,
<br /> ,. i
<br /> � 3
<br /> r
<br /> � of the Sixth Principnl Meridian.containing in all City Property acres according to Govern- '
<br /> mentsurvey:
<br /> �� TO HAV E AND TO HOLD the premises ahove described,with all the appurtenances thereunto belon�ing and including
<br /> : all hwting,plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate "
<br /> 1' un[o the Mortgagee,and to its successurs and assigns,Corever.The Mortgagor represents to,and covenents with,the Mor[ga-
<br /> • j gee. that[he Mortgagor has good right to sell and wnvey said premises; that they�ire free From encumbrance;and that the
<br /> �, ' Mortgagor will warrent and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,and the s�id Mortgagor here-
<br /> by relinquishes all righ[s of homestead,and all martial rights,either in law or in equity,and all other contingent interes�s of the
<br /> Mortgagor in and[o the above-described premises,the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title,in fee simple.indud-
<br /> � ing all righ[s of homestead,and other rights and interests us aforesaid.
<br /> t` PROVIDED ALWAVS,and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions,to w-ie
<br /> 9'
<br /> � The Mortgagor agrees to p•ry lo the Mortgagee,ur order,the principal sum of TWENTY THREE THUUSAND ONE HiTNDRED
<br /> � FZFTY AND NO/100-------------------�ollars(S 23>150.00 ).with interest from
<br /> date at the ra[e o( eight and three fourths----------- per centum( g_7g %)per annum on
<br /> the unpaid balance until paid.The said principal and interest tihall be p•ryable at the oRce of Fisst Federal Savings and
<br /> � Loaa Association of Lincoln
<br /> � �� Lincoln, Nebraska .or at such uther place as the holder of
<br /> ' � the note may designate in writin�,in monthly installments of ONE HUNDRED NINETY AND 52/100--------
<br /> Jt11y �9,�$ Ik�19 s IS lgp•g2 ).commending on the fint day of
<br /> .and on tfie first day vf each month thereafter until the principal and irn
<br /> ,: terest are fully paid, except that thc final payment of principal and interest. if not souncr paid, shall he due :md
<br /> � payable un the first Jay of June 2003 , ;a1I according to the terms of a certain promis-
<br /> sory no[e of even da[e herewith e+eecuted by the said Mortgagor.
<br /> `�' ?he Mortgagor in order more futly[o protect the security of this Mortgage,agrees;
<br /> .��__, .
<br /> �, 1. 7'hat he will pay the indebtedness,as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is rcserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an �
<br /> amount equal to one or more monthly payments on the principal that are next due on the note,on the first day of any month
<br /> �, prior to maturity:Provided.howevu.That written notice of an intention to exercise such privilege is given at least thirry 130)
<br /> �. days prior to prepaymeoi. �
<br /> ; • �t: .
<br /> 'R' Z That.[ogefher with,and in addition ta the monthly payments of principal and interest payable undcr the terms of the !'jx ,:: �
<br /> note secured hereby,the Mortgagor will pay to the Mortgagee,nn the first day of each month until the s:iid note is fully paiJ,the ;�y;,
<br /> ,': foltowing sums: •
<br /> . . . � !a/Anamounl zulRcimt lo provide the holder hereof wifh funds ta pay Ihe neat mongage inwnnce premium if th�.t instrument nnd the no�e ucureJ herehy - .
<br /> � are msured:or s monthly ohurge Iin Iieu of a monQage insurantt premi�ml if Ihey arc hetd hy Ihe Secretary of Hou�inK and Urban fkvdopmem.a�ful- �
<br /> . lows:� � . � � .� ' • . �
<br /> �
<br /> f
<br />