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<br /> (Participation) �
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<br /> # , 7� da of ��y�
<br /> � 7'hie mortgage m�de and entered into this q
<br /> ' 1978 .byandbetween Design Flite Incorporated
<br /> (t�ereinafter referred to ae mortgagor) and Five Points Bank
<br /> `� (hereinafter referred to as
<br /> j mortgagee),who maintaine an o�ce and place of bueineee at 2015 N. Broadwell, Grand Island,
<br /> i Nebraska
<br /> � Wi2NFS3E7H� ihat for the coneideration hereinafter etated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged� the � � �
<br /> mortgagar doee hereby mortgage,xll.graat,aeeign,and convey unto tha mortgagee, his eucceesors aad aasigns,all
<br /> of the following described property situated aad being ia the County of Hal l �
<br /> Statdof Nebraska '
<br /> ,s Lot One(1) Fireside Interstate Plaza Subdivision, Hall
<br /> { County, Nebraska. A tract of land comprising a part o£ -
<br /> the West Half of the Southwest Quarter o£ the NorthwesC
<br /> ' Quarter CW�SW'zNW'�) in Section Seventeen <17), Township
<br /> Ten (10) Nor[h, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., ,.•
<br /> 't Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br /> � � To ther with and iacludln all buildin-s, all fixturea i�cludin but not limited to all lumbin 4eatin li htin
<br /> � Se K 6 6 P g• 6• g 6.
<br /> ventilating, relrigerating,incinerating,-dir conditionins apparatvs,and elevators(thc mortgagon c�reby declaring that
<br /> jit is intended that the items hreein enuinerated sl�all be deemed to have been permanently iRstalled ns part of the realty),
<br /> ' i and nll improvements now or hereaher existing thereon;the licreditaments and appurtenances a�d all ocher rights thcre-
<br /> onto bclonsing, or in anywise apperteinin&and eLe reversion and reversione,remuinder and remninderv, all rights of
<br /> , redemption, and the tents,istsnes,and profit�of t6e above describel property(provided, however, d��t thc mortgngor
<br /> ;= shalt Le entitled to ehe possess5on of said property and to coltect nnd retain t6e cents, iscues, and profi[s until default
<br />._� hercnnd�r). To have and to hold the same unto the mortgagee and the saccesaors in intcrest of the mortengce Corever �,
<br /> 7�- 3n fersimpi�oc sucl�ot6er estate, iF$ny, as is stated herein. ,,...'
<br /> ':t .»�-w, �
<br /> � Th�mortgagor covenanta that he is lawfully eeized und poeseesed ot and haa the right to aell and eonvey eaid
<br /> �, property; t2�at tho eame ie free from all encumbrancea except ae hereinabove recited; and that ha•}�ereby binde �; � '
<br /> himeeli sad his eucceaaore in iatereetrto watrant and defend the title aforeeaid thereto and every part thereof againet ;�`
<br /> ;,� �. .,.
<br /> lhcElaime o[.all pereons.whomaoever. �'.;t
<br /> p �.. .�:. �'. ' -�.'� . ... � .. . . . � � . .� .. � . . . �.�W Y4 �
<br /> � Thia inetrumenE is given to eecure thc payment of a promisaory note dnted May 17, 1978 . ',�, ;�°„'+�
<br /> :
<br /> in zhe psincipal sum of E 160,000.00 _ . ,signed by Richard E. Herber �
<br /> in behali:af- Design F1iLe Incorporated ,
<br /> �
<br />