;� � i � �
<br /> --� ----7-8--�:Q2q8-1 ____ _ __ --� -- __-- -.: : : ,:-_ ' _---
<br /> � j 53-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—With Tax Clause(Revised 7962) 'rhe auamm Geneeal suppiy Hauee,L;ncom,Neba � , � .
<br /> �( i�
<br /> � KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT We, Bob deKok and Ellen Pf. deKok, husband and {�
<br /> t, wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the othe+-, '�
<br /> � i,
<br /> (Mortgagor ) �b �
<br /> � ( of Hall County,end State of Nebiaska ,in conaideration of the aum of �+ �
<br /> � Fifteen Thousand and no/100------------------ DOLLAR3 fi
<br /> i in hand paid,do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto St. Paul National Bank �
<br /> ;
<br /> { ���
<br /> ,! (Mortgagee ) -�
<br /> tf of How87cd County,and Stste of Nebraska the foilowing described premieea ;� .
<br /> ` eituated in HSll County, and State o[ NebTa3k3 trwit: � �
<br /> i �i
<br /> ' 1.� Southerly Eighty Feet (SO') of the Easterly r:
<br /> � (, Thirty (30`) Feet of Lot Eight (8) in Block �'
<br /> ;'� Thirty-six (36) in Original Town, now City
<br /> {� of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> i� ji
<br /> ��
<br /> jf f{
<br /> S �l
<br /> �! �i
<br /> 1�
<br /> �
<br /> �f E,
<br /> '�
<br /> { �� �
<br /> I{ The intention being to convey hereby an absotu[e tiQe in fee ximple including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br /> ; TO fdAVE AND TO HOLA the premiaes abov¢ described, with all the appurtenances lhereunto belonging unto the k' .
<br /> � ,
<br /> said mortgagee and to �tS heir�und asvigns, fozever, provided always, and these presente are upon the ezprees ;
<br /> � condition that if the a[oresaid mortgngor , their heirs, executors, adminixtrators or assigns ahall rAy or cavae to be f; �'��
<br /> G� paid to the said morq eqee , it5 hr.ira, executors, administrators or assigns,the sum oL ;
<br /> i� Fifteen Thousand and no/100----------------- Dollars,payabieasfollowe,to-wit �'
<br /> f �'
<br /> Two Hundred Ytaenty-five and no/I�acson thu lOth day of June . 19 78 il
<br /> i j Two Hundred Twenty-five and no/]�ars on ehe lOth day ot each month thereafter , i9 };
<br /> � ! Dollars on the day oE and the balance of the , 19 �',
<br /> Dotlara on the day of loan due May 17, 1981. , 19 '�
<br /> � 3 Dollars on thc day of , 19 �+ � �
<br /> a �
<br /> ? } with interest thereon at 9� per cent per annum, payablemonthly �me�c all aecording to the tenor and e8ect ot i` �� �
<br /> b �! a certain V+omiasory note of eaid Bob deKok and E11eII M. deKok '
<br /> t t i+
<br /> � bearing even date with these presents, and ahall pay all tuxea and avaessments levied upon said resl estate,and all other taxes, �; �
<br /> levies and asseasments levied upcm this mortgage or the note which this mortgege ia given to secure, before the same becomea
<br /> ' delinquent,end keep the buildings on eaid premises insured for the sum of$ (oss, if any, payable to '�
<br /> �! � the said mortgagee, then these presents to be void, otherwise to be and reaiain in full fozce. �`
<br /> �j
<br /> � �� . IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagot ehall tail to pay such taxex or procure such insurance, the � � . . .
<br /> eaid mortgagee may pay such tazes and procure eiuch insurance; and [he sum eo advanced, with interest at per ceni i'
<br /> ' � ehall be paid by said mortgBRor, and thia mortgage shall etand as aecurity for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any of eetd i � �
<br /> t � �� money, either principal or interest when the same becomes due, or a failure Lo comply with aay of the toregoing agreemenb, (x �. � �. ��
<br /> E 1�
<br /> f� ahaU cauee the whole sum of money herein securr.d to bernme due and collectible nt once at the option of the mortgagee. ,• ' .
<br /> � � Signed this 17th day of �Y --.;;1JJ9 78n. . /� '� .
<br /> �e� El In preeence ot x^�E:�+'�-�'����'���i�"..:_-_.•-- �;' � . . . . ���.
<br /> ... . .............................
<br /> ' �I �_�.:��.:... .�'.r......�=�.�.... _......................_
<br /> ;:
<br /> ,
<br /> ; ;,
<br /> ; �: ........-�----------------..............-------........_................................ ....... ._.. .. .. ...... ...................................................................._..-.--- ,,
<br /> :...� +.. ""......................""'"""................."'"""...........'""".................... ............. ....... ..................... .......................... ... ..................."""....__..._... f� . �
<br /> . � �
<br /> t STATE OF....----NEBRASKA------�•----�..................... County oL..---�Howard...--�---�----..._....--�---0 ii
<br /> �' Before me, a notary public qvaliSed for said county, pereonally came Bob deKok and Ellen M. deKok, �;
<br /> -� husband and wife
<br /> ;lmown to ma to be the identical pereon or pezsons who siqned the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the ezecutioa j? � .� � - -
<br /> 3 � .thereof - ..' . act and deed. �
<br /> Vpi ` �Bfl�ts 1 n................. May 17 78-..-• lF ;
<br /> � -^ �MY commise�on esPu�W�'•�-�-'-�---••-----_._... 19..78............. ......................�......._...� .._.......---..Notazy Publia �� � -- �' '
<br /> -- .
<br /> � �`�^ I;
<br /> �' STATE OF ........__..............••-••..._---._..._....._._.......... Entered on aumerical indez and 51ed for record �`(� �.
<br /> �" �
<br /> � ��y�. � � . . . } in the Regiater of Deeds OBce of eaid County the i1. .: ;=' �
<br /> �
<br /> ._._.:_...._.._.._..__.._..._..___'-•.._._.._......�.. � ��
<br /> ; s,: �
<br /> . .� � � �. . . ! .,
<br /> ,�.'� �� . daY of.....__�-•-• � --.... 18...___..-.at.._....�•••-•-- --__...o'clock end_...._....--••-�---.._......mmutea.................. M., �.; .. � , �:
<br /> -.......W_r...__ ..._.......___........._ ....__ ,�
<br /> .... '; ..
<br /> r�1 ^.. 1 . . � . • � i{ -'�.; � �.z.::?;$� .:
<br /> .R .{ aad xemrded m Book.._----..._.�__».�_._.............of.........__....�.__..---••---••_.at PBBe---------•-_.._.......----•------- `
<br /> (
<br /> � � � ....__.......__..."--••---'.............••-'----'--...._.............,----.....Reg. of Deeda '�':
<br /> I. �� . . . � . � . BS'•--.....................-------�----_._........-----...--�--._....----. .....Deputy I �
<br /> . � �
<br /> �
<br />