I �
<br /> �� .( (6) To use the loen evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized� by the GovernmenL � .
<br /> (� To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br /> against the pmperty, including all charges and assessmen[s in connec[ion with water, water zights, and water s[ock
<br /> pertainiag to or reasonably necessary to the use of the real property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied
<br /> upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereot or of the note or of
<br /> said indebtedness under the lews of Nebraska, and prompdy deliver [o the Govemment without demand receipts evidencing
<br /> such payments.
<br /> : , (S) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at its � . . � � �
<br /> . � requesq to deliver such policies co the Government.
<br /> � (9) To maintain impxovements in good repair and make repairs required by the Government ; operete the propeKy in a good � . � �
<br /> ` ' � and husbandmanlike manner, comply with such farm conservation practices and farm and home managemen[ plans as the
<br /> i � Govemment from time to t�me may prescribe; and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or impair-
<br /> � ment ot the secu p*:c,'¢G_2Yq�,d hereby, or, wi[hout the written consent of the Government, cut remove, or tease any timber,
<br /> ,� � gravel, oil, gas, c�al�ofh�� �i,nec.als except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes. .
<br /> (10) To comply I1=ladf5, >ordinances, and regulations affecting the property .
<br /> (11 ) To pey or reimburse t e o'�►ti7ttenC for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection o[ the lien
<br /> �and priority hereof and to the enforcement o[ or the compliance with the provisions hereo( and of the note and any supple- �� � �
<br /> ^ mentary agreement (whether before or after default), including but not limited to costs of evidence o[ title to and survey of
<br /> the property, costs of recording this and other instruments , attorneys' fees, trustees' (ees . court costs , and expenses ot � . . .
<br /> � advertising, selling, and conveying the property. " � . � �.
<br /> (12) Nelther the property nor any portion thereo[ or interest therein shali be leased, assigned , sold ; transferred, or encum- . . . . . �
<br /> bered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Government shall have the sole and
<br /> e �ciusive rights es mortgagee hereunder, including but not limited ro the power to grant consents , partial releases , subordina-
<br /> tions, and satisfaMion, and no insured holder shall have any right , title or interest in or to the lien or any benefits hereo(.
<br /> (13) At all reasonable times the Government and its agents may inspect the properry to ascertain whetherthe covenants
<br /> and agreements con[ained herein or in any supplementary agzeemen[ are being performed . � . � . . �
<br /> (14) The Government may extend •rnd defer the maturity of and renew and reamortize the debt evidenced by the note
<br /> or any indebtedness to the Govemment secured hereby , release from liability to the Government any party so liahle thereon.
<br /> release portions of the property from and subordinate the lien hereof, and waive any other rights hereunder , without affecting
<br /> the lien or priority hereof or tl�e liability to the Government of Borrower or any other party for paymen[ of the note or in -
<br /> ' debtedness secured hereby except as specified by ihe Government in writing .
<br /> . (15) If at any time it shall appear to the Govemment that Borrower may be able to ob[ain a loan from a production credit _ � . � �
<br /> ' association, a Federal land bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit soume, at reasonable rates and terms : � � . � � � ,
<br /> [a loans [or similar purposes and periods of time, Borrower will , upon the Govecnment 's request, apply for and accept such � . - �
<br /> loan in suf(icient amount to pay [he note and any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay for any stock necessary to be
<br /> purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such loan . �- � � �
<br /> (16) Default hereunder shall constitute default under any other real estate, or under any personal property or other,
<br /> t security instrument held or insured by the Government and executed a assumed by Bormwer, and default under any such
<br /> other security instrument shall constitute default hereunder.
<br /> (17) SHOULD DEFAULT occur in the perEormance or discharge of any obligation in chis instrument or secured by chis �. . � �
<br /> instrument, or sltould any one of the parties named as Borrower die or be declared an incompecent, a bankrupt, or an
<br /> '; insolvent, or make an assignment for the benefit of credicors, the Government, at its option, with or wichouc notice, may:
<br /> 4 (a) deelare the entire amount unpaid under the note and any indebtedness co che Governmcnc hereby secured immediately
<br /> � due and payable, (b) for the account of Borrower incur and pay rcasonable expenses for repair or maintcnance of and takc
<br /> � possession of, opera[e or renc the property, (c) upon application by it and production oE this inscrumen[, withouc ocher � ''" `
<br /> � evidenee and without notice oE hearing of said application, have a receiver appointed Eor the property, with the usual powers
<br /> of receivers in like cases. (d) foreclose this instrument as provided herein or by law, and (e) enforce any and all other rights
<br /> ! and remedies provided herein or by presenc or future law.
<br /> ( 18) The procteds of £oreclosure sale shall be applied in the following order to thc payment of: (a) costs and cxpenses
<br /> � ineident to enforcing or complying with the provisions hereof, (b) any prior liens required by law or a co�np etent court to
<br /> be so paid, (c) the debc evidepced by the note and all indebtedness to the Government secured hereby, (d) inEcrior liens
<br /> of reeord requ'ued by law or a competent court to be so paid, (e) at the Government's option, any other indebcedness
<br /> of Borrower owing to or insured by the Govcrnment, and (f) any balance to Borrower. At foreclosure or ochcr salc
<br /> of all or any part of the property, the Government and its agents may bid and purchase as a strangcr and may pay the Govcrn-
<br /> ment's shaze of the purchase price by crediting such amount on any debts of Borrower owing to or insurcd by thc
<br /> Governmrnt, in the order prescribed above.
<br /> (19) Borrower agrees that the Government will not bc bound by any present or (uturc State law , (a ) providing for
<br /> valuation , appraisal, homestead or exemption o( the property , (b) prohibiting maintenance of an action for a deficiency
<br /> judgment or limiting the amount thereof or the time within which such action must be brought , (c) prescribing any other
<br /> � statute of limitations, (d) allowing any right of redemption or possession following any foreclosure sale , or (e) limiting the
<br /> ` conditions which the Government may by regulation impose , including the interest rate it may charge , as a condition of
<br /> , approving a transfer of the property to a new Borrower. Borrower expressly waives the benefit of any such State laws.
<br /> Bonower hereby relinquishes, waives. and conveys all �ip,hts . inchoate or consummate , of descent , dower, and curtesy.
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