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<br /> �g— U02974
<br /> �
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 6296 .
<br /> An otdinance creating Street Improvement District No. 955; defining the boundaries of
<br /> the district; providing for the improvement of a streec within the district by paving, curbing, _
<br /> guLtering, and all incidental work in connectioa cherewith; and providing for an effective
<br /> date of thia ordinance_
<br /> SECTION 1. Street Zmprovement District No. 955 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraeka,
<br /> ia hereby created.
<br /> SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br /> Beginning on the section line in Capital Avenue at a poinc 300 feet, or 91.44
<br /> meters, east o£ the east line of Iilinois Avenue Foinq south of Capital Avenue;
<br /> • thence running south on a line parallel to and 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, east
<br /> of the east line of Illinois Avenue, also being the eas[ line of the west 33 fect,
<br /> or 10.058 meters, of Loc 21 in Geer Subdivision, for a distance of 399.9 feet, or
<br /> 121.89 meters, to the north line of 20tti Street: thenee running wesc oa the norch
<br /> line of 20th Screet for a distance of 660 feet, or 201.168 meters, to a point 300
<br /> feet, or 91.44 meters, wes[ of the west line of Illinois Avenue; thence running
<br /> north on a line parallel to and 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, west of the west line
<br /> of Zllinois Avenue, also being the west line of the easc 24 feet, or 7.315 meters,
<br /> � of Lot 31 in Geer Subdivision, for a distance of 399_9 feet, or 121.89 meters,
<br /> to the section line in Capital Avenue; thence running east on the sec[ion line
<br /> � in Capital Avenue for a distance of 660 feet, or 201.168 meters, to ttze poinc o£ -
<br /> beginning, all as shown on the plat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
<br /> . incorporated herein.by reference.
<br /> � SECTION 3. The following street in the districc shall be improved by paving, curbing, :
<br /> �- guttering, and all incidental work in connection therewith:
<br /> Illinois Aveaue from che existing paving in Capital Avenue to the north line ", �;
<br /> ' of Twentieth Street.
<br /> `; ; . "
<br /> Said improvements shall be made in accordance wich plans and specificatioas prepared by ehe
<br /> Eagineer for the Ci[y and approved by the Mayor and Council. I
<br /> ;; SECTION 4. The improvements shall be z�ade at public cost, but the cost thereof, excluding
<br /> intersections, shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in the.district specially benefitted
<br /> • as provided by lacr.
<br /> , SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from snd after ita passage,
<br /> approval, and publication, iaithout the plat, as provided by la�+.
<br /> � SECTZON 6. This ordinance, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the office
<br /> o£ the Register of•Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> SECTION 7. After passage, approvaT, and publication of chis ordinance, notice of the
<br /> ;� . .
<br /> czeation of said district shall be published in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal
<br /> � nevspaper published and of general circulation in said City, as pzovided by lav.
<br /> t�►acced MAY 2 5 1978 . •
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