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<br /> U02932
<br /> 78- �!l�RT�=A�E
<br /> ;
<br /> ( ' THI3'INDENTLTRE. mede Wde 13th �Y of MSY � lg 78� by and between �
<br /> ;. ��
<br /> ` "�LOI�ALD G. �PITl?fAD7 AND MARI�►N,K. PITTMAN. husband 'and mtfe 'each in hisi and hnr r�an -,;
<br /> right aad 'as s'pouae of the'other,
<br /> of Hall ��p�y,Nebranka,as mortgagor�,and Grand Ialand Truet Company ot Graad Island, a coiporation � �
<br /> � organized mid exinting under the�laws of Nebraska with iW princtpaloffice and place of busineae at Grand Island,Ne6ranka,ae�mortgagee; �.
<br /> �f W ITNESSETH: .That eaid mortgagor $ ,for and in coneideration of the sum of -
<br /> f **Five Thousand Four Huadred Fiftv—one a*,d 67 700rt,Q**
<br /> i - / Dollars ia�. 451_67 �,
<br /> �
<br /> �����i �the�roceipt of which Is hereby acimowledged,do_by these preseats mortgage and warrent uato said mortgagea,ita aucceasors and assigns, . � �
<br /> � forever,alJ lhe following deseribed real estate,aituated in Lhe County of H811 �
<br /> �
<br /> md State of Nebreeke,to-wit: �
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> `�3 NEBRASKA. �
<br /> i
<br /> r�,�:
<br /> •�
<br /> �
<br /> '3 ... . ' . • �,
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<br /> �.¢ . � Together�wit6 all heating,air waditioaing,lighting,and plumbing equipment end fiatures,including aereens,awninge,atorm windowa and x �
<br /> � �� doore,and window s6aden or blinda,uaed on or in connection with said property,whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter °`
<br /> pleced Lhereon.
<br /> .�.��TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and aingular the tenements,hereditamente and appurcenances thereunto be• .
<br /> � �� bagiug,or in anywSae appertaining, forever, aad warrant the title to the same. Said morgagor�_hereby covenaat-with eaid � ��
<br /> mortgngee that�.he_y are ,at the delivery hereof,the lawful ownar�-af the prnmiaea abwe eonveyed and descri6ed,
<br /> end are eeized of a good md indefeesible estate of inheritance t�erein,free and clear of all encumbrances,and Chet�the�Lwill �
<br /> warrant�and defend the tiUe thereW forever againet the cleims and demands of all persons whomsoever. '
<br /> ��� � PROVIDED ALWAYS,end thie iastrument is executed and delivered W secure the payment of the sum of .� ��
<br /> , � **Five Thousand Four HundrPA Ft fry_nnn and-.67�t nnr�,�** po����y 5�,51.67 �,
<br /> with intereet Chereon,together with euch charges and advances as may be due�and payable to eaid mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br /> ..� of the pmmieeory note of even date 6erewith and secured hereby,executed by said moKgegor 3 W said mortgagce,payable as expcessed � ; � .
<br /> . ia eaid note,and to aeeure the parformance of all the terms and conditiona eoatained theeein.The terau of said note are hereby inwrporeted . �
<br /> ���( . .heiein by t6ie zeference. .
<br /> It ie the inteation aad agreement of the pertiea hereto that this mortgage ahall also secuie eny futurn advancea made W said mortgagor� �
<br /> .�� by seid mortgagee,and any and ell indebtednesa in eddition to the amount ebove stated whic}.said mortgagors,or any of them,may owe co � �
<br /> ' eaid mortgagea,however evidenced,whether by note,book account or otherwise.This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between �
<br /> �.� �the perties hereto and their 6eira,persoml repreaentatives,aucceaeoro and aesigns,until sll emounte secured 6ereunder. including future � �
<br /> �� advances.nre paid in fuL'with inteieat. �
<br /> � The mortgagor��hereby aaeign_to said mortgngee all'enta end income arising et any and all times from said property end �, .
<br /> hereby authorize said xnortgagee or ite agent,at ite optioa,upon defauit,to talce charge of said pmperty ead collect all rnnts and income
<br /> �,a� ��therefrom md apply the aeme�to the payment of intereet, Principal, ineurance premiuma, texea. aseeesm�ts. repairs or improvements - . . :
<br /> � necesaery to keep eaid property in tenmtable condition,or to other cbargea or paym�ta provided tor herein or in the note h�eby secured.This . . .
<br /> rent assignment ahall continue in force unW the uapaid balence of said note ie fully paid.The taking of posaesaion hereunder shall in�w manner � � . �
<br /> ;, � ...prevent.or.reterd.eald mortgegee�.in Lhe�collection of eaid eume�by foreclosure.or otherwiee. . . _ . ...
<br /> Tha�failure of the mortgagee to aesert any of ita rig6ts hezeunder at any Lime ehell not be eonstrued ea a waiver of its right to assert the
<br /> � eame at any later Cime,and W insist upon and enforoe etrid comptiance with ell the terms aad provisions of naid note and of this mort.gage.
<br /> . ���� � � If said�mortgagor-'$� ehell�we to be peid to eaid mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder,and-under the terms and provisions . � �
<br /> ",x:9... �. of esid mte hereby aecu�ed,including future advancee,and any ezteaeiona or renevvals thereof in accordence wiEh tha terms and provisions � �� �
<br /> ",;�� � thereof.�and lf�seid morEgegor�_ahall comply with all Lhe provieione of said note�md of�this mortgage,thea t6eae preeeata�at�all be void: .
<br /> othswiea W remein in full foxce�and effect,a�l eaid mortgsgee ehell be entiUed to the�poeeeseioo of all of eaid property,and mey,at its option. �: �
<br /> �,� declsze the whole of ea&1 note and all indebtedneea�reprenented thereby W be immediately dne and paYable.�and mey foreclose�this mortgage � �„r....-
<br /> L'.k or teke auy o0her legel ection W pmLeet its right.Appraisement.weived.��. : � � , � . . � : � .
<br /> �This mortgage ehall be binding.upon md ehall eaure to the bene8t of t6e heire,e�cecutora,edminintratore,succesnon and assigns of the � t � �
<br /> �`� xeePective Pertiee bereW.` ... .. � . .; . .- _.. �. . y��
<br /> .:
<br /> .
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<br /> � � �HV WITNES5 WHEIiEOF. ea5d Mo � � rtini r `� �,. �, � . . L � .
<br /> .� -. :tgegor.8�_�ha.Yt_heseunW�eet hand.s—the day and year�rsc abave �����.
<br /> wrltten. . ' _
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