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<br /> REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORM F�e zoa aev. i—»
<br /> I� r
<br /> � � ��
<br /> : ;$ ,.
<br /> t 78-� Ufr2�23 Da�e �y �2, �9�8 f� ,_ �
<br /> , , �
<br /> ►r ��
<br /> .,�� James R. Turek and Imogene M. Turek, husband and wiPe {; � ' � x
<br /> ;.� �� � f
<br /> ,� . . Mortgagors, ��
<br /> � Hall Nebraska ^.
<br /> �af � County. , in consideration oS� �� �` �
<br /> '��� � Lhe aAvance of the Drinclpal sum recited in the note hereinaiter described,recelpt of whlch 1s acknowleQged, hereby (� k� �"'
<br /> mortgage and convey to k`
<br /> ,.� 1�
<br /> ? TNE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, 1� '
<br /> of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address i° �'
<br /> t is Fsrm Credit Buiidinq, Omaha, Nebraska 68t00, i� "`
<br /> � , fS :
<br /> Mort ee subJect��to�oil, F{ �' f:�
<br /> � 688 ( gas, and mineral rlghts owned by partles other than Mortgagors• existing easements of �;
<br /> recorQ: reservations in UnSted States antl State patents;and the rights of the public Sn all hlghwnys), Lhe following-
<br /> 4 �
<br /> -.'+ descrlbed real estate�Sn �11 County, Nebraska ,� �
<br /> '� ' �.
<br /> , �� SEC. TMP. R6. ft � y.
<br /> ; ' N'-g SE� (except 1 acre in the Northeast corner leased to- - - i� '�z}�;
<br /> ! School District 16, Hall County, Nebraska, by lease qj k'
<br /> recorded in Book D of Miscellaneous, Page 181) - 30 11N 11 W 6th P.M. ��
<br /> z5 �-
<br /> �i��. ' �f � y `f`�.
<br /> I s ; f 2
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<br /> � 2! ! _ q z��.
<br /> ;� � _ _
<br /> if =
<br /> :�� containing 79 acres, more or less, together wlth all of the rlght, tltle, anA Snterest ;� j , .' ' ��
<br /> � �(now owneaorhereafter acqulrea) of the Mortgagors ln sala propercy, tncluGing nll buildings, Smprovements,fixtures, �
<br /> or appurtenances chereon or hereaScer placed thereon; ail water, Lrrlgation, ana drainage righcs� the tenemenLs, 1�
<br /> �bereditaments, anA appurcenances thereto and the rents, Sssues, rrops, and profits arlsing from sa1Q lantls; and (Sf �� t
<br /> the Nortgagors� rlghts Sn the publ�ic domain are required by Mort�gee for �ecurity purposes) all leases, permits, ij e
<br /> .licenses,or pr1v11eges, appurtenant or nonappurtenent to sald mortp�sged premises,now or hereafter Sssued, extended, � ;j ,�
<br /> � or reneweA to the Hortgagors Dy tne llnited States or the state in which Lhe above-descrl�ed property is located or i� ��E�
<br /> .ac;y deparG�nent, Dureau, or agency thereo2. i
<br /> k
<br /> . Thls mort�a.P,e ls �51ven to secure a promSssory note of even date herewith, executed by Mortgagors to Hortgngee, Sn j� ` � K � w�c
<br /> the princSpal sum or��XTY-TWO THOUSAND ONE HTJNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - t
<br /> pqyable wlth Snterest 2cCordlnq r,o Che terms of saltl note, the flnal DOLL.ARS, r�
<br /> { payment being due antl yayaDle on the flrst day f� �4�
<br /> .� � �af Re,p mb r��007 . 'R�is conveyance shall be vold upon the pryyment of sald promissory note iiii' ' '.
<br /> S i ` �
<br /> Thls�mortgage Ss subJect to the provlsions of THE FAAN C!iEDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental �'
<br /> Lhereto.. The proceetls of the loan .secured hereby will be used for the purposes specified in the Hortgagors� app11- �� �w
<br /> cation for said loan anG authorfzen Dy sald Act. _� � z�._
<br /> � The Mortgagors, and each oi them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners of Lhe mortgageG real property; Lhat they `�
<br /> w311 defend the tltle against all claimants whomsoever, and that said Droperty Ss free from all encumDrances; thac � �
<br /> s-� Lhey�will keep all the Smprovements, SSxtures, anG appurtenances occupied anQ in good repair and permlt no acts of << �
<br /> waste• and they will relinquish all rlghts of homesLead 1n said premises,and covenant anQ agree with the Mortgagee, �( s
<br /> as follows: � .
<br /> s
<br /> ;;�. .(i) That they w111 pay when due all taxes, llens, �udBnents, or assessments which may be lawfully assessed against fi . s1,"
<br /> the Droperty herein mortgaged_ � �.
<br /> � (2) That they will insure anQ�keep SnsureA bulldings or other Smprovements now on or which may hereaiter be placeC l� �
<br /> � o�1�sa1Q premises to the satisfaction of the Hortgagee,such lnsurance pollcy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause �� '+�
<br /> 't,�� .� with�the� loss thereunder to be Dayable to the Hortgagee. AqY sums recelved may De useQ to pay for reconstruction x� ``
<br /> � of the QestroyeQ Smprovements; or, if not so applied, may, at the option of the Mortgagee, be apylied in payment of �'� � ��
<br /> Y� � .any Sndebtedness, maturetl or unmatured, securea by this mortgage, ;S- n�
<br /> � �(3�� To pqy ell rents, fees, or charges now Que or to Decome due under the terms of each lease, permit, ilcense, or �7 � -
<br /> Drlvilege on the�puDllc Qomaln which Ss appurtenant or nonapDurtenant to the.mortgaged premises, whlch has been =$
<br /> �lsaued,:extended,or renewed Gy the United StaLes or the state in which the above-descrSbeG property is lncated; and � `� �
<br /> .to peMarm.and�observe �every act, covenant, condltlon, and�sLSDulaLlon necessary to kaep each of the same� in good � ��'
<br /> standing; �aad,to Leke,.evex�y necessary atep Co secure�the reissue, renewal, or eztension oi each oi the same; and to �� �z
<br /> sasign, �walve,�pieGge,� or enGorse��ta the Tiortgagee�each �lease, Dermlt, license, or privllege if Mortgagors� rights ;�„
<br /> in yubllc�Comaln are requlreA Dy�Mortgagee for security purposes. i � :,
<br /> (a)�.: That �1n the event Lhe Nortgagee is.a yarty to any 1ltigatlon affecting the securlty or the lien of its mort-
<br /> � I � �
<br /> gage,'including auy.`suit�by�the�Martgagee toforeclose thls mortgage or aqy suit Sn which the Nort �`
<br /> gagee may be named � + �,:�? .�'.
<br /> r2'Darty defandant in whlch 1t is obligat�.tl�to.Drotect Sts rights or lien, including condemnation an� bankruptcy �. � �� ;:
<br /> yr'oteedings,��the Mprtgagee.may incur�.expenaes�and�aGvance payment for abstract fees, attomey fees (except to the� �i � ��� 5:
<br /> extent pronlblted by�law), costs, exDenses, and other cnarges. � � �
<br /> �y',�F'
<br /> (H1 � That SA�,the eveat the�Mortgagors�.ia11�,�Co DaY�when due any taxes, llens, �utlgments, or assessments, or fall to !� � � �:E.ie„"�r
<br /> -k" maSntein insiu�snce.as hereinhefore.provlQeQ, or Ssil to pay rents, fees, or charges under the Lerms of any lease, it � - ��
<br /> n D�`m1t, llcense, or�privilege: or Mortgagee Ss required co incur expenses for abstract fees, aitorney fees, costs �
<br /> � expanses,and other��.chargea�.ln.coanection�xith 1ltigation, Martgagee may meke such yayment oryrovide such insurance is . � � �.
<br /> or�incur suclt nbllgatloa,�anQ the amounts pa1Q therefor���sDall becane a part oi the indebtedness secured hereby due
<br /> and DeYable�.lmneGiate�y, nnQ shall bear Snterest rran�the.date of pqymeat at the same rate as proviaea for default
<br /> �; la�the note:�. . . . . .
<br /> Y� �..: , . .. .. .
<br /> . `
<br /> . _...Y�._-�.._.�—:�. . ._ . .. ._ . .._..
<br /> . . . . '".__—.___._...._,__�_.:...._ .:��.:.... _ :.,,.. . ._.. . _..,, ,t,.. ...._. �
<br />