. . AP . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . � .y ��..
<br /> ' � � ' . ,�j _��. . .._._.__�..`_..w . . _.. ._.._ .,....;.. .. . . �� .
<br /> .� . . _._._---___.....4,..'"""""_""'"'_....... _.. ..._.�:....._..__.._.,_.. ..... ... ... . . ..:..__„ "_ �• _._ .
<br /> _��'�-'I.-�-._._._._..__� ._ _ .�i__—.
<br /> 103-B—SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED (Revl�cd 1981) T6e 8nllm�n Uenval Soyyi�Houie,L.aeoin.NeDr. . . �
<br /> t�
<br /> y KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTB,That We� MiChael M. O�Connell and Edna A. O�Connell� I}
<br /> ' each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other, �'i�
<br /> �
<br /> �.. �j
<br /> ; - �3
<br /> a ,herein called the grantor whether one or more t.
<br /> in conaideration of Twencty-one Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars & no�l00ths ($21�900•00) ��
<br /> r,
<br /> receiyed from grantees,does grant, bargain, aell convey and eonfirm nnto Donald I,. Harmon and ��
<br /> Ann B. Hsrmon� husband and wife, �i
<br /> �� �'
<br /> r
<br /> as joint tenants with right of survivorship,and not as tenants in common,the following deacribed real property in }�
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska : `t
<br /> The Sonther�y F3fty-six (56) Feet of the Northerly One Hundred Thirty-+two (132) ��
<br /> # Feet of the Easterly One Hundred Thirty�-+two (132) Feet of Block Nine (9), Windoip2�'s €�
<br /> � Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha]1 County� Nebraska, together with a
<br /> 4;
<br /> �i permanent easement over and across the Norther�y Severity–s3.�c (76) Feet oY the �; _
<br /> � Easter�y One Hundred Thirty�two (�32) Feet of Blocic Nine (9), Windolph�s Addition,
<br /> Y
<br /> above described� for the purpose of mai:xtainirsg, repairing and replacing a water �;
<br /> � { lina as the same is now located on the Northerly Seversty–six (76) Feet of the �;
<br /> 3 � Easter7y One Hundred Th3rty�two (132) Feet of Block Nine (9), above described� '
<br /> ? said water line now connected with a stop box located in John Street, a11 w3_thin ��
<br /> � the Citq of Grand Island, Nebraska and sub�ect to an easemerit for utilities as (j , -,
<br /> � the eame mw exist on or in the property being conveyed herein !s
<br /> f�
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenementa,hereditaments and appnr- t
<br /> tenancea thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and asaigns of the snrvivor of !� };
<br /> them forevea ��
<br /> E�.
<br /> ,And.�rantor does herebp covenant with the grautees and with their assigna and with the heirs and assigns
<br /> ' of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfuilp seised of said premises;that they are free from encumbrance i ` `
<br /> a except easemersts and restrictions of record ��
<br /> � �# �'
<br /> that grantor has good right and Iawful suthority to con��ey the same; and that gtantor warrants and will defead �7 ;�
<br /> the titie to said premiaes against the lawful claime of sll persons whomsoever. ;�
<br /> _ � It is the intention of all pnrties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grant�es, the entire {
<br /> jfee simple titie to the real eatate shall veat in tLe snrviving grsntee. �i
<br /> £ y
<br /> Dated �� // 19 �d� .
<br /> � . � � '�� . .. � Y � ,r
<br /> � ... _N�4RASKA.�S�CUJNENTARY. ................ O ........._................ �# i,
<br /> � STAhhP TAX �Q,G�'� Mi,qha i�M. .��,i}n .
<br /> . � _..... i��t�Y l:i �i 978 ..... .......��. ,/1:/�1.�;i�l�� `I: ..... ..,;. �.......... ��
<br /> : ! ........................ ....... ...�.�w��.._..... .��.,�.�Z...C�'�...���.............. .. ;
<br /> �� �.
<br /> � . q�/�,�� .'�........._..... . Edna A. 0'Connell........... .............. `
<br /> , •$iGa'.��[L...BY� ��
<br /> 1: STATE OF...NebT.88kS_.........,County of..$P11.................: ��
<br /> f' Before me, s notary pnblic qualified for said county,personally came �j,chael M. O�Connell and �I
<br /> ' Edna A. O�Coruie]1, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other� '
<br /> ��
<br /> , � t
<br /> ' ? lmown to me to be the identical pereon or persona who aigned the foregoing inatrument and ackno�vledged the �?
<br /> '� eaeeution thereof to be his,her or their voluntary ac d deed. {�
<br /> � LL ?;
<br /> Witnees my Land and notarial seal on. . .... ... .��.••••......... ........19.��.. !f
<br /> :� � r "
<br /> .' , ,�:pEtAL110TlIR�-itabdN�MalFf ���,�,.�,� �r:<� E� �. : 1
<br /> � COLLEEN SIMON ..... ........�...... ... . .... ...........Notary Pnblic ,
<br /> "# � MyCanm.Exp.Nw.B�j9p di
<br /> ....
<br /> ,� =� My commissioa ezpires......"'^.1n'.`��.G...._.. 19��..
<br /> "'� � �$R�ATP bF. ._..... ..." . ... � � �J � ��.
<br /> � � .. ....._. ...... �:.:..:....}�. �' � ��
<br /> counsy - �! �`. �
<br /> � � Entered oa nnlnerical indez an�i fi2ed for record in the B,egister of Deeda Office of said County the �j a��-, `
<br /> � .7:_....., . ..... ._. ......_. ........ ..._...... � �
<br /> _day of. ,19.. ,at.. .o'clock and.. .minutea _M., #� �'-'
<br /> � and reeorded ia Book.....:..............of....................at psge...... ....... E� °� ��.,`��
<br /> r
<br /> .i. . . . . � . . . . . . . . . S'� � <s'"=.. :.'i+� .
<br /> ,�_ . _ � .. . . � . .. _ �� � . .
<br /> ,r � � . . ...............................g-...... ......_. .,
<br /> � Re of Deede "
<br /> ,; ' ,.. By .............................. .........Deputy
<br /> ,� �
<br /> --'— __ _.. __.. _...__ _
<br /> _ � . . _- ----:_—_��-------- --,---��_ ___ . _..._ . _--_ _..._._.__ _____._ ...__._.
<br /> �--
<br />