_ r �
<br /> 2.1—WARRANTY DEED F.1lon b Wolf Comp�m.Lincoln.N�br. �� � .�. �. � .
<br /> �$—,(102875 WARRANTY DEED
<br /> + ', Delbert D. Theaameyer and I,ois A. Theasmeyer, husband and srife, l
<br /> � _" $ , herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> } ' '" '
<br /> � 'in conaideration o! ��en Thousand and No/100-----------($T,��.�)_----�llara
<br /> received from grsntee, does grant, bargain, s�ll, convey and confirm unto
<br /> ��
<br /> Frank E. Kolar, a single person�
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the folloH•ing described real property in
<br /> y ..................••.Hg��_....................................... County, Nebraeka:
<br /> LOT THIRTY—FIVE (:5)a in R & B SU3DIVI3LON,
<br /> STARhP TAX _
<br /> r:�aY 1� �9�8
<br /> $��BY_���-'s1-'---
<br /> j
<br /> . �
<br /> '7 To have and to hold the above deacribed premiaes together with all tenements, hereditameats
<br /> 1 and appnrtenancea thereto belonging nato the grantee and to grantee's heirs and asaigns forever.
<br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and aesigne
<br /> ` ; that grantor is lawfully aeised of said premisee; that they are free 4rom encumbrance
<br /> � eacept for easementa and restrictions oP record,
<br /> ? that grantor has good right and lawful anthority to coavep the eame; aad that grantor warrants and �rill
<br /> J defend the title to eaid prem.ises against the lawtul claims of all pereona whomsoever.
<br /> Dat., Iisy 12 19?8 ,-.
<br /> ; . .. ......... . -•...................................... ...................................._.._.._....................................._..
<br /> ; lbert D. Th meyer
<br /> '' �•��eG� ..... .............................._........................_............................
<br /> •. .F..�tz'�,��'�1.�
<br /> ';'
<br /> Lois A. �easmeyer
<br /> �
<br /> E ............................................................... ................................................................•••_............_..
<br /> ��.i. . � � .. �
<br /> A
<br /> '.i� . � .. � . �
<br /> .. ;. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... . . .. ....
<br /> 1.:
<br /> iSTATE OF NEBRASK�,Connty of......Hall.........................................._:
<br /> _ � .
<br /> _ Y ,�`
<br /> ,� Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, peraonally came
<br /> ' F' .�. � � :,.... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . � ':�
<br /> �;1 Delbert D. 1^.ieasmeyer and Loia A. Theasmeyer� husband and xife,
<br /> ;.:.i x
<br /> :� . , _ .
<br /> , . ,.,.
<br /> � ,„.�....: �t
<br /> .; } �
<br /> � �own to me to be the identieal perewn or persons who signed the foregoing instrnment and aclmowledged � �,: �, '
<br /> � "" the ezeaution Lhereo!to be his,her or�heir voluntary a 'and deed. �� '�`
<br /> � W�tnese my hand and aotarial aeal on ... . . ... .....1� _. , 19.7 .;,.. ,. .�,�
<br /> ry , .. . . . .....�.Y��'f fa.....�:'�Totary Publia ` .
<br /> � ,<. ; ._._. . . -
<br /> � .,.. _ �Mwis. , , , �f -7
<br /> s } � W �'. �, My commiseion ezpirea .......C/�/�S� fl`�........., 19.�.�.
<br /> ���7w1 G .. ... ... `
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