� �
<br /> ' ' � a8—TE�S'SH�HI'3F�ORM Z�ASE is macie ���✓ 1 3, I 9 rl '7 , by and between
<br /> JOH.N H. NIEDFELT (t11e Landlord), and
<br /> ODLDNY FnO�, =NC., a California corporation (the TP*+��t) .
<br /> I In oonsideration of the �erms, covenants and �nditions in that cert.ain lease
<br /> � between the parties dated (��� 1 3 , 19 ri'� (the Lease), and executed
<br /> sisiw.itaneously herewith, Iandlord�hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hires fran Z.andlord
<br /> the propei-ty described in "Exhibit A" which is attached hereto, initialled by the parties
<br /> and made a part hereof, upon the tern�, caveruints and conditions contained in the I,ease.
<br /> The tezm shall be for a period of twenty-five ( 25 ) years unless sooner
<br /> tezmis�ated in acoordance with the terms thereof, oarmencing on the easlier of the folZow-
<br /> ing dates: (a) the date whicki is thirty (30) c3ays following.the last in time of final
<br /> inspections and approvals of the iir�ro�m�nts re£erred to in Section 6 by a11 go-rern-
<br /> rr�nta2 agencies asserting jurisdiction with respect thereto, or (b) the date on which Tenant
<br /> shall open the leased pr�nises for business to the public, whicYaever shall first occur. In
<br /> the event that the expiration of the said thirty (30) day period does not occur on the first
<br /> day of the month, or the Tenant shall have open�ed the leased prcmises for business to tYie
<br /> pul�lic on a day o:her th��.-i the Pirst day of the montY:, then �'�e tezm hEreunder shall com-
<br /> mence on the £irst day of the month next succeeding the expiration of said thirty (30} day
<br /> period, or next succeeding the o�n�*� of the leased premises for business, whichever shall
<br /> first occ�r.
<br /> The Lease, arnong other things, oontains an option t�o ext.End the term for one
<br /> ( 1 ) periods of five ( S ) years each upon and subject to te�s, covec�znts and o�n-
<br /> ditions stated therein.
<br /> It is agreed that the puz-pose of this instszam�t is to give notice of the
<br /> Lease, including wi�out 1imi.tation ti-ie option to renew contained therein, and a11 rights
<br /> and obligati.ons of Landlord and Ten�vit hereunder are govemed by the tesms, covenants, ...
<br /> oonditions, litaitations and restrictions contained in the Lease. In the event of any
<br /> ir�ronsistency, the provisions of the Lease shall govern.
<br /> ' BJ WIZi�SS WE�REOF, the ��-*;es have executed this SHORT FORM I�EASE as of the
<br /> day and year first above written. '
<br /> � -7-�-���• �`�lJC�C!� Bl' �.r� �i /.,�,� f�Yl.u�_ ��7_
<br /> BY v / BY �G. y�
<br /> STA2� OF NEBRASSA )
<br /> ) ss. �
<br /> OOLIlVTY OF ��, ) -
<br /> � APRLL 30� 19'7T , before me, the u:xiersigned, a Nota�.y Public
<br /> in and for said State j�Ei'sonally appeared JOHN H. NIEDFhZ.T , kncwn to me t�o
<br /> be the person whose name is subscribed ta the within instnmient and acknawledqed that
<br /> she/he execuked the same.
<br /> WiZS1E'SS my hand and official seal.
<br /> ��WI G �IRIi�Ta�N� �i�... � /�'�%ct/�s�
<br /> �'��b►��� Notary Public in and for said State
<br /> STP.TE OF a�� o�v��� )
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> QOta'��SC OF 0�'a v� e, �
<br /> On �a� �3, l�l '7'1 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary� Public
<br /> in and for said State-,�personally appeared ��v c�"��(�(,ev s , kno.an to ire to
<br /> be the 'P.es�61ex.�.. and �ol-.t. �. K.�cQ� , knaan to me to be the
<br /> l��G�-�r e���4-�'� of COIANY F000.S, INC_, the oozporation that
<br /> e>secuted the within inststia�nt. ]e�own to mz t,o be the persons who execut.ec: the *,�.
<br /> within instrtsnent on behalf of sai.d corporation therein nameci, and actcnc�wlPdged to me •="`;�>� . y
<br /> that such oorporation executed the within instsiarent pursuant to its bylaws or a reso- �"
<br /> lutian of its Board of Directors. � �iy�'
<br /> � I' WITI�SS rtiy hand and�official seal.
<br /> .,;�, .
<br /> ,�„ ,.,,�.,..,�,,,,,.,,.,, ,,,.,,wµw�� _(� - < <,L/1�3�.� .,�
<br /> � �, ,OFFIC�AL SEAL
<br /> CHRISTf Nq L. WOOSLEY� Nor,n• Public in -for saic3 Sta
<br /> '. '�� t' NOTARY 7'UOLIC ^AliFnn'Nlq � '
<br /> . . � � PRINCIAAG 6FF1:E IN
<br /> . 1 , VRANGECGUW.�w.u� �,....�...t �
<br /> , ��Y�mission Expires pec. 12, t377 {
<br />