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<br /> 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(Wliff Tax Glauae) (Revised 5962) T6a HuWnm General 3uyr,ly Hou.s,Linwta. T7ebr.
<br /> i KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That LOUlS S. Kitchens and Gabriele D. Kitchens, 2dCh
<br /> � in his own right and as spouse o-f the other, �
<br /> ? . of� Hd�� County,and State of Nebras ka ,in considerntion ot the sum of � . ' �
<br /> ' � '---- ---- '--------- ----- ' �� H�
<br /> � Three Thousand Seven Hundred ($3,700�-------------- -- --- DOLLARS �
<br /> in hand paid,do hereby SELL and CONVGY unW Owen 6. Benson
<br /> o� Hd�� County, Stete of Nebraska the following deecribal premises situsted
<br /> �n Hdl l County, and State ot Nebraska ,to-wit:
<br /> ,'
<br /> � +
<br /> � � Lot One (1), Commerce Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,
<br /> � Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> :� ; '�
<br /> � � This mortgage is subject to a first and prior mortgage given to Equitable ;:
<br /> � Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, dated r
<br /> ', � Jime 15 , 1977, in the original principal amount of $17,200.00 '
<br /> � �� recorded as Document No. 77-003307 in the Office of the Register "
<br /> ; '� of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, on June 6 , 1977. ;
<br /> ' �� �;
<br /> �
<br /> ; i� !�
<br /> � � ;'
<br /> R
<br /> � {� i;
<br /> � �� +€
<br /> ; �;
<br /> ; � ,
<br /> ��� !
<br /> s !:
<br /> a �� The intention bcing to convey hereby an absolute tiUe in fee simple, including all the rights o[ homestead and dowen ��
<br /> :.�; (� TO HAVE AND 1'O HOLD the premiaes above deecribed, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging,unto the ea�d f�
<br /> .t �� moNgagee(s) and to his, her or their heire and aseigna torever, provided always, and these presenta are upon the ezpreas t; �
<br /> condition that i1 the xaid mortgagor(s), his,her or their heirs, esecutors, administzatora or aseigna shall pay or cauee to be ti
<br /> ���i . �� id to the said mortgagee(s), his,her or their heirs,ezecutors, adminiatrntors or asaigos,the princi 3 a��0•00 �s� �`
<br /> � pal sum of$ .
<br /> i� payableesfollows.w..�c: Forty-six Dollars and Eighty-eight Cents ($46.88) on the 16th day #< i.
<br /> ` i of July, 1977, Forty-six Dollars and Eighty-eight Cents ($46.88) on the 76th day of :} �
<br /> z � August, 1977, and Forty-six Dollars and Eighty-eight Cents ($46.88} on the 16th day �� '
<br /> ' of each month thereafter until the full amount due including interest is paid. Each ��
<br /> i � installmen# includes interest at the rate of nine (9) percent per annum. f ;
<br /> ] p
<br /> � � �i ��
<br /> � with intereat according to the tenor and e8ect of the mortgagors written promissory aote bearing even date with theae presents f
<br /> � end ahall pay all taxes and aeaesamenis levied upon said real eatete,and all other t�ea,levies and esses�enta levied upon tfus #s.
<br /> ���� mortgage or the note'which thia mortgage ie given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on ,j� �.�
<br /> '�':�� � seid premiaes inaured for the sum of$ . loas, if any,payable to khe said mortgagee,then these preeente ' . �
<br /> �� � � to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. �f ,-
<br /> � i IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the eaid mortgagor sYaall fail to pey auch tazes or procure auch inaurance,the i�t
<br /> �fsaid mortgagee mey pay auch taxee and procure euch inaurance; and the eum eo advanced. with interest at 9
<br /> ( Per t�
<br /> i t cent, shaU be repaid by seid mortqagor, and this mortgage ahell stand as aecurity for the same. (2) ThaY a failure to pay any
<br /> . of eaid.money, either principel or interest, wben the same bQcomee due, or a failure to �vmply with any of the foregoing '( .. . .
<br /> ''�! '��agreemente, shall cauae the whole sum ot money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the ;f � �
<br /> ,�.�F � mortSa6ee•� t; .� . .
<br /> y S;g„��,;5 16th day of June , is 77
<br /> , � S
<br /> ' � . J . �
<br /> , In presence of .l�f'^,.dk_.5,.'.. .t. .......................__...
<br /> -�--....----
<br /> �/ VV1J �.► t''
<br /> ', ""'...'"'_""'"""'"«""...__............................... "" " -.�Y.�..... !_.. ...._aLS��f..�:�..'.�./.Mf..................._.. .. �� .
<br /> ............ ................................
<br /> � � ��""� I��� GABRIELE D. KITCHENS
<br /> ,
<br /> ,i
<br /> •--_.._... � . . ........ ......��1 .. ....... ......._....... ........_.............----....__........._.............••-_._. .
<br /> ;i
<br /> - :;
<br /> ' - NEBRASICA---.....----................ countr ot---.......Hal T......................_------•-0 ,
<br /> � srwz� oF_...__.._...._..__.._.._.._.. . Loui s S. Ki tchens and Gabri el e D `
<br /> � Before me, a notary biic quali6ed for said county, penonally came � �
<br /> ; � � Kitchens, each in �iis own right and as spouse of the other,
<br /> 7 � - Imown W me to be tbe identicsl pereon or persom who eigaed the fomgoing " eat a�p the ezecuhon ;
<br /> �# .�thereof to be his.her or their wluntary act and deed. � �n�mowY•S�a�Exq�� .. , �� �,
<br /> � . June 16, ,...,_ ecembar 7, 9Tt t, +
<br /> t �(�� / �-��y
<br /> �tnesn xay hand and notanal eeal on.._.................•-•---.-•-.--........_........_...._.............
<br /> �� MY oommieaioa ezpires:l�t.Pl.ICk+�U,d.i.J....7 .Lrr��-�'G. �.. . . . . .....-------NotarY Public. _ .�C �
<br /> t, ,
<br /> ; �. ,
<br /> 19.. ._.._ ..... p ,� .� . ..
<br /> ._...----^ "7' '----•• ,. r--....
<br /> ��3 -- ' . . . ��
<br /> ' .... � �, , .
<br /> � STA�E'�`OF. -•-•�.._.._._ _ _..._...„._. Entered on numerical indez and Sled for record '� � � -�.
<br /> .._ _... :.i :
<br /> � ... :. County _......_.__.:...:_._._._...._.._� .....Y.._......---•••-}�� in the ReSister of Deeds O�ce of eaid County the ii �ry`. ^
<br /> ;� ` � ,
<br /> y^,; '• ' day of...�..�..._....--•-' . 19....:__._. at.._....._..•_•-_. .._.o'clock and........._.._....._...._...minutee � �'
<br /> ._...____,•....� ........._.__...__.. ...__ .................__..M d•r: :
<br /> �` 2
<br /> ; ' � aad recorded'm Book ................................_of:_.... ._........_.--•....-•--��e--�..._....._..�......_.__----�-•-- "�'x,
<br /> �,
<br /> „ ,..y. ,,; .t ,,,
<br /> ,p . � � � � . � �..........__..»_.�..._......._...__......_..._..._....----.._....._ReB. of Deede � .,
<br /> ��� .�. � . . �� � � .. . . By_•-•'....._..__.......__.....•••••--.......----_..............................._...Deputy � .,
<br /> �. .. . � . ... . . � ..
<br /> �..._._._ _ .�...�..�_.._�.��_,..___..._._.�-.._,_.___..___.__—__� _.� ._. ._:__ .__ _ _ . _._..
<br /> . . . � _._.�.---_.�.�.�._....-__...�__-. �..__. . �.�._.. __. . _ -...__ ; .:...._.... �
<br /> � ,
<br />