<br /> � �
<br /> 78-- t3�28�6
<br /> : 52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGACE—(With Tax Clause) (Revised 1962) The Huamen G�ncrei Supply Hwax,Linmm,Ne6r.
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thut Daryl V. Beil7ce and Eleanora M. Beilke� Husband �
<br /> and Wife�
<br /> of HBll County,and State of Neb=35kd ,in conaideration of the aum of
<br /> r ` THREE THOUSAND AND NO/00��-_-__-__(E3,000.00)-----'_'_'-----------'--_-_-___��_DOLLAFtS
<br /> � in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Ronald L. BouL'ke aIld MclLtha J. BOt3I'1C0� HUSb0z1d
<br /> and Wife,
<br /> of Hall County, State of NebL'c35ka thc toltowing described premiaes situated
<br /> in FIH11 County, and State of Neb=dSkd ,to-wit: �
<br /> The North Fifty-71vo and Four Tenths (52.4) Feet of Lot Nine (9) in Block Four (4)
<br /> Koehler Place, An Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebras)ca.
<br /> � The intention being to convey hereby an absolutc title in fee simplc, including all the rights ot homestead and dower. �
<br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises a(wve described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said ��
<br /> �; mortgagee(s) and lo his, hcr or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the expresa . ��
<br /> condition that i[ the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administralora or assigns shall pay or ceuee to be . �
<br /> �. " pnid to the said mortgagee(s), his,her or their heirs,executors, adminiatrators or assigna,the grincipal aum of$3�0�0.00
<br /> i;
<br /> ec
<br /> payable as follows,to w;c: to be paid in 36 monthly installments, in the amount of 595.40, each � .. �
<br /> to include interest at the rate of nine percent (9%), the first payment to be due and
<br /> +� payable on the first day of June 1978, and eaeh payment thereafter to be due and pay-
<br /> able on the first of the month For the next 35 consecutive months� It is fUrther "
<br /> agreed: that the balance of this mortgage may be prepaid at any time without penalty. +
<br /> �i
<br /> fi 4„".
<br /> i� �, 4.
<br /> ,:5.
<br /> �'f with interest according to the tenor and eHeci of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date wit2�theae presente �
<br /> . and shall pay all tnxes and aasessmenLg levied upon said real estate,and all other taxes,levies and as9essments l,:vied upon this � � �
<br /> �. j! mortgage or the note'which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on .� �
<br /> ii seid premises insured for the sum ot$30�000.00 , loas,if any,payable to the said mortgagee,then thex presente � �� �
<br /> �� !� to be void, otherwiae to be and remain in full force. � � � �
<br /> . !� IT IS FUF2THER AGI2EED (I) That if the said mortgagor sha11 fail to puy such taxea or procure sucYa insurance, the � �
<br /> ;i
<br /> ;} said mortgagee may pay snch ta:ea and procure such insurance; and the sum so advanccd, with interest at I11IIB per ��
<br /> ; cent,ahall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the sazne. (2) That a failure to pay any
<br /> f� of said money, either principal or interest, when the same becomes due, or a failure to rnmply with any of the foregoing .
<br /> .. agreemenfs, shall cause the who(e aum o[money hercin secured to become due und collectible at once at the option of the . .
<br /> j� mortgagee.
<br /> , �j S;gned this lOth aay of May , ls 78 .
<br /> � �; In presence of ....��....K...�..i�l��RI.LI...".'.!.......... ................"--••"' ,:� .
<br /> �
<br /> ;i r
<br /> ; �� "........................................................................................ .Sa.�r........7.n..r.......�e��� .
<br /> ' ;; ..........................................................................---.......................... - - .._......._..........._......_................................................_............__.............
<br /> ;'s
<br /> „
<br /> 'r+f STATE OF..--'-'-'.I!TP.�x'215�3...-'........................... County of......H�a,...........----.......................: i
<br /> +{. Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came Ddiyl V. BEilke 3Ad Ele2nOz�a M. .
<br /> i� Beilke, Husband and Wife, -���� ,
<br /> known to me to bc the identical person or persons N�ho signed the fomgoiag instrument �.1 '� oa
<br /> � ?' thereof to be hie, her or their voluntary act and dced. .) �0����
<br /> � i �. Witnesa my hand and rial I on......."""'-'-..1.`,1.aY.._lOtll_'......... ...__......... �q�6 ��� ;
<br /> � � ��!�f p -- r� ��-- � � �.•.
<br /> . j�� My commieaion ezPiree:.. '�. ...L��"_""""'f'...��_.. 19._4.�_ . ....�----•�! i�� �= ���,�., �
<br /> - ---- �..-�.. . . . ..........Notary Public. F; ,••
<br /> �
<br /> + 3TATE OF...---•-•�_......._.............._••---•----••--........---
<br /> � t�r �,�.
<br /> � . •- - Entered on numerical mdez and filed for record '� � ji�'•�
<br /> '� �Counh' .........---•----........-•--.............----........---•.---..'....}av. in the Register ot Deeda 08ice ot said County the
<br /> �� �.,
<br /> � ................-......day of.---•------......._._.__..........__...---•. 19----........ at-----......_.._........-•-...o'clock and.--.........--�----..........minutee ._..........----......M., ��'�. :. .�
<br />.. , � aad recorded m Book.---------.......-_........._......._.of.....---•---.._. _--........_ ...----...__.....-----��---... � - ..«
<br /> � �� . _...._. _ at page.............
<br /> ,i
<br /> � �� --...--------...-------'-----------•---------..._....-'.................Reg. o[ Deede 3 .. .
<br /> �
<br /> j� By '--.....-'-_-'.........."-'........."""........................'-'--'..........Deputy � �
<br /> �'--=�9 .._-_-�: .__... _.__. . ,,,_. ..,_. .__._...... _.._ .. _ . .. � J
<br /> ._ .. _._.... .,..�- �
<br /> �
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