<br /> �
<br /> � _ _ ::
<br /> _.. � =� ti�a2=811_ _ . _ _
<br /> 52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax Clauae) (Revised'1962) 7'6e HuBman Gmm�l Supp�y Houee,Linmin,Nebr.
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PftESENTS: That Earl G. Austin and Jean L. Austin� husband � wife
<br /> " 130 North Arapahoe Grand Island, Nebraska '
<br /> �. '. of Hall County,and State of Nebraska ,in consideration of the sum of �
<br /> � i; Two Thousend Nine Hundred Eighty and 51/100------------------------------------.�OLI.ARS �
<br /> �': ia hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Home Loan Corporation !
<br /> �; 416 47est Third Grand Island, Nebraska ;;�
<br /> ;i of Hall County, State of Nebtaska the following described premises aituated �
<br /> in Hall County, and Stete ot Nebraska .to-wit:
<br /> . �i Lot Seven C7), Block One (1�, Dale Roush Subdiviaion, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> in E'�SW'� Section 14� Township 11 North� Range 10 West of the 16th P�tL '�
<br /> ii
<br /> ' i'�
<br /> i,
<br /> j'i
<br /> i:
<br /> ' The intention being to convey hereby an abaolute title in (ee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dowen !! � -
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above dexribed, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto tbe aeid ��( � �
<br /> , mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and aeaigna torever, provided always, and these presents are upon the e=preee ;(. � .
<br /> condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs, e�cecutora, administratora or aseigns shall pay or cauee to be �;i � �
<br /> ; paid to the said mortgagee(s),his, her or their heia, e:ecutora, adtninistrators or asaigns,the principal sum of$2�980�31 � �. �
<br /> ' PaYable ae followa.to wit: '�: � �
<br /> Thirty—Six payments of $107.30 esch beginning June 16, 1978 with a like �;
<br /> payment due the 16th day of each succeeding month th�reafter and the final
<br /> �i gaymer_t a�d izzterest due May 16, 1�#81. j�
<br /> ; �
<br /> ,, �� �
<br /> ; �; _.. ._.._ i� -
<br /> �.�. I�A%p�r monflr en ihn p�re of�h�vrw�id or7Mip+l b�l�n2�nm In��nu d 3300 2'R..p.�r monM on M�r �. � .
<br /> ..p�rf M M�u PNd prieKipN-bN��In�.ewa of �pp�nd�W in ue�u d 33d0 ly'R y�r men�h'on �i
<br /> � Ap�Kl�d,rote S.�h+r �rr of iM �np�id p:incip�l bN�nc� � w�ef f70C�nd r In�scw� ,pp� . �
<br /> of iMe.asf:�� � ��.�+ Mv..+�lmbr ef iuch una�id w1�tlpN.Wl�np(wNlch b�h�rpvtnd dNclwui��of eh�� �; .
<br /> u+�d in compurl�.q ch�rpw h�r�i� :n cemPli�na wIM NW.�nk�I�w).ud rep�Mrr MM uW d�f�uM �nd
<br /> 1
<br /> daam�nr eh�ra�. r
<br /> , : __ ...a., it � .
<br /> .�........__......._ i: �.
<br /> i .._.._._ . . .. � .
<br /> � with interest a000rding W the tenor and effect of the mortgagora written promieaory note bearing�even date with thene Preaente `� .
<br /> ��.j and ahall pay all tezes and a9seasments levied upon said real estate,and all other t�ea,levies and esaeeameab levicd upon this !;
<br /> � � mortgage or Lhe note'which this mortgage is given to secvre, before the saaie becomea delinquent, and keep the buildings oo ��
<br /> � naid premisea insured for the sum of$ , loea,if any,payable to the seid mortgagee,then theee preeeate "' '.
<br /> '. to be void, otherwiae to be and remain in futl torce. ��� : .
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgegor ahall tail to pay such tazea or pzocure wch insurence,the !�' �
<br /> i said mortgagee may pay such tases and procure such ineurance: and the sum so advanced, with interesL at per j;
<br /> � cent,aha11 be repaid by eaid mortgagor, and this mortgage ahall stand as security [or the same. (2) That a failure to pay aqy �; .
<br /> ot said money, either princinal or interest, when the same becomee due, or a taiture to rnmply with any of the foregoing �
<br /> agreemenfa, shall cause the whole aum o[money herein seaared to become due and collectible at once at the option ot the !! �
<br /> y I
<br /> mostgagee. ��
<br /> I .t 3igned thia Sth day of May . 19 78
<br /> . �� �, In precence of .......��Z'��j��s-���..�....---•............._..._......
<br /> ; .��^��
<br /> CE G.�ys...iP3�r�
<br /> � � ....._.............•--�-------... .-/(�--�j/�--J�-- ............. ................ . .. ......... . ..... . . ........j..%'........................._....
<br /> y/ ; ... ......... - .. ..C.
<br /> : d (�/j{�/�/ ��'' (J an L. Austin),�
<br /> .. .; ...................__.....'"�IFi�'"""'l...�y��r..:..nr..�'................................... ...................._......................_..................L`.'_....""""""""""..."""'".......... �t
<br /> /
<br /> ii' 3TA1'E OF.................kTsbrB&lca..---................_..., Counlv of..--'--..._--............_11.8.11....._.........: ;;
<br /> � � Before me, a notary public qvalified for said rnunty, peraonally came
<br /> - Earl G. Auatin and Jean L. Austin� hvsband & wife
<br /> �� j =�? � known to me to be the identical pereoa or persons who eigned the forngoing instnunent end acknowledged the ezacutioa .,
<br /> � / yJ���
<br /> thereof to be his,her or their voluntary act and deed. �
<br /> # � Witneas m'y hand �t�4��'�e;'1�'etl7eDf�-...��.._.- --. ..................... .�9...?.�...
<br /> j .., F� -''� � �� /J
<br /> ;. . ..Iyly aommiseioa eip rge . .:.:. . ��.�"�c�:�. . 1 ...._..... \��• �/.% ��1 e..l Notary Public. . _ _.
<br /> � _ .:. -----•-- ' ' -�--- �' .2�..d.s� ��,
<br /> k�., . ..�a ++„fay�n•r��n,�•h.+•7a icR9 � ij
<br /> t 1" STATE''OF . . . . _ 1 Eatered on numerical indez and filed tor :eoord
<br /> i ......................................_......._.... .I
<br /> < ,.�.�..� ,(. . .��,�, . � �� in the Register of Deeds Office of said Couaty the -;
<br /> , ......_ � .....• -»•----...._...._.............._..
<br /> .. ��. ���. :...; ' . .� .;
<br /> . . ....�__._....__.day oL.._ ......•••--._�.._._......_., 19......._.... at._.............__.....___o'clock and..._..............---.--.._...minutes...._............_...M ::
<br /> , , : and recweded in Book.. ......__......------.......of........................._.............at page..................._.........................
<br /> `-��--'�� ��1 -----.._..-------......................_.......----....----��---..........Reg. of Deeds
<br /> `i
<br /> i� !! By_.._-'-'-'-•---..._-•_-_-......----.......--_ �Wt7' �.
<br /> ._ ...r_=_.�a.r—_.�: .=�__— _ . ._.. ._... - .. -.. ,�. . . . . . . .. ..
<br /> i, _..__._______..�_.._. . ..._._ . __....___..__ _.....__ . __._. _
<br /> �
<br />