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<br /> --��, '��' _�(t��Fw.�i.__..._� _..._,...� __.._____�___._._�_ _____ _-__..�..___--�=-_'___ ��
<br /> 52•A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(Wlth Tax Clause) (Revised 1962) 1te HuBman G.�r.l euyp�y Home,Lineoln,Nebr. �� ��
<br /> ICNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Earl J. Hardy and Linda R. Hardy, Husband and +�
<br /> i Wife, each individually in his and her own right and as spouae of the other, � �
<br /> 'i � of �. Hal2 . County.and 3tate of� Nebrask8----____---_-_----�in consideratioa of tbe sum of ��-
<br /> FORTY THOUSAND AND NO/100--------------- --��� h
<br /> � . in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVESC unto The First National Bank of Grand Zsland, � �"
<br /> ; i
<br /> o(��� Ha11 � County, State of Nebz'ask8 the tollowing deacribed premises aituated j
<br /> � in Hall County, md State of Nebraska ,to-wit: �
<br /> �;
<br /> A Lot Eleven (11) in Block Three (3) Normandy Estates, an �! �
<br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. 'S'
<br /> i�
<br /> �4
<br /> 4 l ��
<br /> � ji
<br /> r � i� 4:
<br /> i ; ;
<br /> # � �� � ;
<br /> : ��
<br /> � � t ,� ,,
<br /> �� �,;.
<br /> � � The intention beinF�rnnvey hereby an absolute tiUe in fee simple,including aU the righta of homestead and dower. �a S � � �
<br /> E TO HAVE AND TO I-IOI.D the premines above described, with all the appurtenancets thereunto belonging, unto the seid � _ � �
<br /> "�{ mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and essigns forever, provided ttlways, and these presenta are upon the.ezprena �9 �$
<br /> a�.-
<br /> �.���� �oondition that it the said mortgagor(s). his, her or tY�eir heira, exe�cutocs, administrators or assigns ehali pay or cause to be S +�
<br /> ' 40,000.00 � ' s' ��
<br /> � paid to the said mortgagee(s),his,her or thein c�irs, ezecutors, administrators or asaigna,the principal sum of$ ( " y
<br /> �. : . payable as follows,to wiY. � ( � �..."'��
<br /> t J
<br /> $40,OU0.00 principal payment, plus accrued interest, on October 27, 1978. ( x
<br /> �� i ��:
<br /> l�
<br /> �`� � i r
<br /> �� i
<br /> 1 z� `
<br /> ' '� with interest acmrding to Lhe Lenor and effect of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with theae preaeaffi �� � '.,r
<br /> ; � . and ahall pay all taxee and essessments tevied upon said real estate,and all other taxes,tevies and assessmen}s levied upon thia
<br /> � � � mortgege or the note'�vhich thic mortgage is given Lo aecure, before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on t
<br /> � � � said premisca insured for thc sum of$ 40�000.00 . toas,it any,payable to the said mortgagee,then theae presents ��
<br /> i � to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. '
<br /> �}
<br /> � � �IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagor ahall fail to pay such taxes or procttre such insursnce.�the �{¢r i.
<br /> , � � �,aaid�mortgagee may pay such taaces and procure such insurance; and the sum eo advanced, with interest nt 11X Per tf ,
<br /> cent,shall be repaid by eaid mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand ss security for the et�me. (2) That a failure to pay aay (�
<br /> �� � .of said money, either principel or intereet,when the same becomee due, or a [ailuze to comply with any of the foregoing � °"
<br /> } agreements.�ahall cauee the whole sum ot money herein secured to bernme due and collectible at once at the option of�the � � �
<br /> 3 mortgagee_ . �� ,-
<br /> : Signed this lat day of M3y , 19 7 .
<br /> i
<br /> `'� � In presence of ..��.. .:........ . ..••--�-•--� -��-•----.._..---.............._ i :
<br /> � �S
<br /> � , Barl J. Aardy �;
<br /> � ��7_`— _ ..�� - �.. .. .......................-.._.........__..........._.
<br /> ......
<br /> , ._..__.........--•--......................_.............................................. Linda R. Hardy
<br /> i -�•- -�--:-_... ........................� ------•---• �
<br /> � --... ....--. .................----.....------• ---........_...........-�---Y.......
<br /> 3 ` � � �
<br /> , � gT ��. .�1�7rAl4l.Ga...........----.......---�, Count of...........H811.....-•------_.................: ��
<br /> '� �'-, � oy�,�,,� � pvblic qualiSed tor said rnunty, personallycame E8Y1 J. Haldy and Linda R. HBrdy� �� ;�� . � ' � ,�`�
<br /> y �� �N:E�A<•;y i..
<br /> :
<br /> . � o�ba�to. � be:the eatical person or peraons�who signed the toregoing inatrument and acknowledged the ezecution
<br /> � - e����as� e'u voluntary aM and deed. �.
<br /> .
<br /> S �
<br /> F ,. .��p,� � . �
<br /> �� -
<br /> �� , yp a- Yny�• notenal seal_o2o_.......--PIa,�?�.L---........_.. .......<..... .._., ...... .�� _ c'-:;.
<br /> �'
<br /> � - L�iD ...... J �
<br /> �. '. 0 :_..__.. ._��_........... 19.r3�.... ...._..-•...........:. ..... ..............._..Q.._.""""'J..Notarv Public.
<br /> _ � � _. _.. . E�
<br /> "� � ` : OF�1 �� �: � ��� �".
<br /> ,� ' � a. . i+3akg �. . . . Entered on numerical indes and filed foz record �� i� . ��� �
<br /> 5. ' �;wtnh' .._..-.._...—.—_- 'Aa�• --••.--^ •-• -•-•}�.� � in the Regieter of Deeda Offx.�e of eaid County the } . � ;�-: t.
<br /> ,
<br /> . - ' p �:.a
<br /> � -' • _.::..._.:.-.-._�:..dar of..� � � - � � ��� ls aa.._.._.. _._.._•••_.._.o•ctorx ana...._.__..........__......minacea._......-----•---.•-M•, . i � �,``;. ';� ;
<br /> �..� and morded in Book ... ..of •• ---'-'---•••--at Page----_.._.__ ii %��.' ��• ;
<br /> , � ......... ......... ._....... � .._ . '-------�--------..._.... i;
<br /> _.
<br /> ��
<br />�;,,� � . .�. � � � � ....--•._Reg. of Deeds !I . .
<br /> .._..__....._._........._._.._...._.._......._.._.._�------•
<br />� ry ' �.: . . - . . . . . � �i
<br />. .:; .��� . . � . �.. . � By._».._....---•---•--..___..........__..----•----�---�----......_._•-•-.--._.DePutY 1,
<br /> ,
<br /> ..y ...� . . . . .. . �� . �� � �
<br /> i i.
<br />