� �
<br /> ? �`$--+ 4�02806 MORTGAGE
<br /> fTHIS INDENTURE. made thie 9th day of �Y . 1918_. by end between �
<br /> � Jera].d. I:. RoBertson and Judith I. Robertson. husband and wife�.each 3n hia and her amn
<br /> ;
<br /> right and as spouae of the other,
<br /> oF �11 County, Nebreska,as moetgagor_�.,sad Grand Island TYuat Compeny of Grand Islead,e corporation
<br /> orgsnized ead erieting under t6e lawe of Nebraska with ita principel office and plece of buainesa at Grand Islend,Nebraska,ea mortgagee; � .
<br /> WITNES3E7'H: That aaid mortgagor�—,for and in conaideration of the sum of ��� � �
<br /> Fif teen Thousand Three Hundred Nine and 45/100 - - - - - - - - �p8�� � 1�p9�45, _�
<br /> the recaipt of which is 6ereby acknowledged,do_by these presenta mortgage and warrant unto eaid.�m8stga$e6-"�td succesaots and aseigns. �. �� � �
<br /> ..,. .. ,r.,,ct c.....`s . .
<br /> forever,nll t6e followingdeecribed reel estate,aitnated in the County of Hall � ` � � � � � � �� - � .
<br /> and State of Nebraske,to-wit: �.. ��
<br /> Lot Ten (10) in Block Three (3) in the First Addition to the Village (now City)
<br /> of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> 4
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<br /> .� Together with eli heating,air conditioning,lighting,md plumbing equipment and fiaturea,induding acreens,ewnings,atorm windowa and .. y,„��
<br /> �doora;and wiadow shades or blinds,used on or in connection with said property,whether the same ere now located on said property or her�fter � "
<br /> ..pleced thereon. � .. �
<br /> ! . ';� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,toget6ar with all and eingular the tenemente,hereditamenta end appurtenances ChereunW be-
<br /> S
<br /> � longing,or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title W the same. Said morgegor s—h¢reby eovenent—with said
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> � mortgagee that�._he 3� az� ,at t6e delivery hereof,the ls::ful owner�_of the p�emises above conveyed and described, �
<br /> ��� � arc+ ��of a good and indefeesible eatate of inheritance thecein. fine and dear of all encumbrances,and that�he3Lwill � �
<br /> � wnrrent and defend the tide thereto forever egainat the elaims and demands of all persona whomsoever. �. �
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS,md this instrument is eaecuted end delivered to secure the payment ot the sum ot ��
<br /> �� Fifteen Thousand Three H�mdred NinP and 45/100 – – – – – – ��ry�t 1i,3091�5 1.
<br /> with intereet thereon,together with auch charg�and edvancea ea may be due and peyable to seid mortgagee under the tezms and conditions � �
<br /> �,�� � of the promiseory note of even dete herewith and aecured hereby,executed by said mortgegor�w said mortgegee,payable es expressed � �
<br /> ;��j in eaid note,and W eecure the performence of all the terms and coaditions contained therein.The terms of said note are hereby incorporated � � . � �
<br /> herein by tLin reference. • � � .
<br /> It is the intention and agreemant af the partiea hereto thet thia mortgage shall also secure any future advaneea made to seid mortgagorl'i :� � . �� .
<br /> by naid mortgegee,snd any and all indebtednesa in addition to the amount above statecl whic6 seid mortgngors,or any of them,may owe to ��� � � �. ,�.
<br /> � eeid mwtgagee,however evidmced,whe[her by note,book account or othenvise.This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between �� .
<br /> the parties hereto and their heus. personal representatives,succeaeore and essigns,until ell amouats aecured hereunder, including future ��. . .
<br /> advanoea.ere paid ia fuil with interest. � ...
<br /> The mortgegor_3_heeeby aeaign_to said mortgegee ati ients and income arising et any end all times from said property end . .
<br /> � hereby suthorize said mortgegee or ite egent,at ita option,upon default,to take charge of said property end collect all renW end income - - �,
<br /> ..j� ....�thecatrom and.apply�Ehe eame W�the�PaYmeat of intereet. Pri�ipal..iasurance premiums. taxes. asseasmente. repnira or improvementa ; . . .
<br /> ,;..{ aeceaeary to keep aeid ptoperty in tenentable condition,or to other chargea or payments provided for henin or in the note hereby aecured.This � � . , ,
<br /> rent aesignmeat ehell wntiaue in force until the unpaid balance of eaid note is fully peid.The taking of poasesaion hereunder shaL in no manner
<br /> :�i ptevent ot reEard.said.mortgegee�in the coLectioa of said aums by Soreclosure or otherwise. � .
<br /> � . . .. . . .. . . .
<br /> a The failiue of�the mortgagee to aeeeet my of ite rights hereuader at any time shall aot be coneWed as e weivar of its right to easert the . .
<br /> �-�j seme at any later time,and to iaeiat upon and eaforoe atrict compliance with ell Lhe terms and provisions of said note and of this mortgage. � � �� ��� � �
<br /> '�- If said mortgagor�8 ehaU uune W be paid to eeid mortgegee the entire amount due it hereunder,and under the terms and provuions ' �� �
<br /> �i of naid mte hereby eecuied,ineluding future advaneea,and any eztennions or renewals thereof in aocordence with the terms and provisions :
<br /> �,.� � ��thereof,and if aeid mortgagor$ ehall�mply with all tha provinione of aaid aote end of thia mortgage,them these presents ahall be void; � � . {
<br /> � � ot6erwSee to zem�nin in tull foroe and eHect,end eeid mortgagee ehell be entitled W the poseeeaion of all of eaid property,and mey:at its option. '.� � � �� �
<br /> "..� �.-dectere.the whole of seid note and nll iodebtedneae reprmented t6ezeby to be immedietely due end payable.and mey foeecloae.thSs�mortgege � . � ;,»_*.".�'
<br /> # or tslce any other legal action to p:otect ita right.Appraieemeat waived-. . � � � � p
<br /> �. Thie morEgage aball be binding upoa and ahall enure Lo the beae8t of the 6eire,ezecutoro,edmiaiatrsWre,aucoeseon and asaigns of the � ;
<br /> � eeepective pertiee�6ereW... � �'. :' . � .. . � . . .. ,� � . �, :+
<br /> IN WITNES3 WHEREOF,aaid Moetgegor S±ha ve ye����� their �d�.the day and year�xat above �;
<br /> .� S svritten_ ._ � � . � f ��
<br /> �_� - ... � . . � � , � � 5.�;,4 + .
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