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<br /> � �i 53-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE— �h Taz Claux (Revieed 1962) The ,�+sn cmerat suppty xwmo,i.tomm.Nebc. �
<br /> iy
<br /> ��� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE3ENTS: THAT Robert Laverne Spiehs and Evelyn N. Spiehs, ij
<br /> � husband and wife, as joint tenants with right oF survivorship, each in his own rights and 's.G
<br /> ( as spouse of the other (Mortgagor ) t� �
<br /> 1� of Hall�. � � County,and State of N@I�I'8Sk3 __-�n cronsideration of the aum of � .
<br /> j �Twenty�Two Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Four and 40�100 - --DOLL.�xs •!
<br /> in t�una Peia,ao hereby SELL end CONVEY unW Commercial National Sank & Trust Co., Grand ±
<br /> �� Island, Nebraska, '
<br /> � � (Mozceagee ) "�
<br /> �; oE Hall County, ana scace ot Nebraska the following deacribed premisee �
<br /> �� eicuaoea in Hali Cou.�ry, ana sceee at Nebraska co-w�e: The West twenty-
<br /> one (21) feet Lot tlu�ee (3), East forty (40) feet Lot Four (4), Block Three (3) Blain �
<br /> �j Addition, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska �
<br /> L
<br /> il In the event the title to said reat estate is transferred, or cantracted to be transferred,
<br /> E� from the undersaid for any reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal !
<br /> ; sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable at the holder hereof. �
<br /> i� Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated in one 'f
<br /> instance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the sarne in the event of
<br /> j� any subsequent transfer.
<br /> �I b
<br /> „
<br /> i! �k
<br /> ii 1�
<br /> �< 'i
<br /> i;
<br /> i� �'
<br /> i} ��
<br /> �i The intention being to convey hereby an absolute tiUe in fee simple including all the righffi of homestead and dower.
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above dexribed, with all the appurtenances thernunto belongiag unto the ��
<br /> '� V '
<br /> � aaid mortgagee end to LtS heirs and assigns.forever, provided always, and these presenta are upon the ezprees iI
<br /> �� coidition that if tF�e aforesaid mortgagor , their heirs, executors, administratozs or asaigns ahall pay or cause to be '` �� ' ��
<br />. i� paid to the said mort,agee , 11:5 heire,executore, administrators or aseigns,tha aum ot Twenty Two Thousan �Y
<br /> �� Four Hundred Twenty Four and 40/100 --------------------- �ug,s,t,ayabieesfonowe,to-wit: � ;.. ` } l
<br /> �(; One Hundred Eighty Six and �3a�3cn�m�kac aay oe , is �f ; L
<br /> 1y BT�SOO -------------------- Dollarson she lOth day of October ,19 76 F: �
<br /> fs and continuing on the same l3edfe�amasla�c aay ot ,is f{ �
<br /> i� day of each successive month :FDa�Faexmxmx day of . 19 �4
<br /> �� thereafter until fully paid. �o�tancmxnhxx day of ,is ii
<br /> �i with intereet thereon at per cent per annum, payable monthly 3L3El47�tall according to the tenor and eHect of (�
<br /> �f �aertain pzomiaeory note of said Robert Laverne Spiehs and Evelyn N. Spiehs �!
<br /> i,
<br /> � i` .j �� �
<br />� {j bearing even date with these preaents, and shall pay all taxea and esaesamenta levied upon said reel eatate,and all other tazee, �(
<br /> � Il� levies end aeeessmenta levied vpon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage ia given to secure.before the same becomes
<br /> �
<br /> �j delinquen4 and keep the buildinga on said premisea insured for the sum of $ n/a losa, if any, peyable to ,
<br /> �+ the said mortgagee, then these preaents to be void, otherwiae to be aad remain in full torce. t
<br /> � �j
<br /> �j IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That i[the said mortgagor ahall fail to pay such taxes or procure auch insurance, the ,
<br /> eaid mortgagee may pay such teses and A�re such insurance; end the aum eo advanced, with intereet at per cent td
<br /> �i ahall be paid by said mortgsgor,and thia mortgage ahall stend as aecuzity for the same. (2) That a[eilure to pay eny of said i! �
<br />. � �j money, either principal or interest when the eame becomee due,or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreementa, �l
<br /> �� ahall cevee the whole eum of money herein secured to become due and collectible et once at the option ol the mortgagee. ' ' , � .
<br /> " sisned thia 30th aay of A ugust , t976 `
<br /> �� � •/) � {
<br /> . �-- //
<br /> + , �y �� �� �,
<br /> li In Preeence o L:::.-�'Cl4-ZT""'__""'.� . .. .. .__ ._.............. it . , ' '. .�.
<br /> .. �
<br /> ,i ; -d� � � . .- - --- __....... .... . ........... ...
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<br /> ij
<br /> � .... ... ............. ...... ...•---.....---..... -.--......._-----.......---------.._
<br /> �
<br /> ,, :
<br /> ,. ..._.. ... .. ---_. ............................. ..---�---......_...._.............__......-�----......._....._.......- <
<br /> , '
<br /> ;
<br /> j� .............................-•--.........__................_.--��--�--..............---..........._..... ..............---..__......---•--.............._....----..__............._......_....---.....__...._......-
<br /> j __N bra8ka __,_ . Coun Hall . "
<br /> ���' 3TATE OF �... �ry.-�.......Q.--- .-.._.... . ty oG.........----................................._... e
<br /> �$efore me, a no blic ualified for eaid rnunty, peraonally came Robert Laverne Spiehs and Evelyn �
<br /> I" N: Spiehs C." Orlf 9.SAGEit ' �
<br /> lmown W:me.to�be th denti �j ��or� �wbo sign ed the foregoing ' rumen d ac�owledged the ezecution �; � -
<br /> , ..thereof to be 1us.�her eir�u�S7�� e,n�eed.�+ ` . {-.
<br /> w . , Stato o Idabras a (��`
<br /> .., Witnees mY . , ....----.. . _... �j
<br /> � A:. . ... .. . ... _ . _.. { '�
<br /> .� . "... ...
<br /> " �.t`�'. ��.._..... �' ,, .4..�
<br /> �
<br /> ., ,HIy mmmiesion e=P r ••- --•- ----. .-. 19.�.d. ---- -••-- •._ .- _ - •�-,! ...............---.......Noiary Publia f� � ':
<br /> ,- . �. . . .r .
<br /> »
<br /> ,. ATE�OF . ... . � ---l . . . Entered an n '�1 indez and 8led for record �1S �a s� .:
<br /> . .. r°8' in the Regiater of Deeds Odice of eaid County the !j � ; �.
<br /> (7�itr ..� ... .•••_ ..__ ..:._ .. ......J
<br /> � ---....._.�...tL1Y af- .: � � �_._.. 1� � at...___._____.___..._o'clock and.............-----....._....minutee....-_............._M.. ,� � �s <" xrrr. :
<br /> �� aad'cetorded in Boolc. : ..............of.. .....at page......--•......_...._. -x.�., .•�3
<br /> i i,,..
<br /> ......... . ...... .�........ .........._........... � ....
<br /> �� ._................_.__...._»..._._........._......._..._..............._....._.RCg. Of Deede I �
<br /> ..._.........••---........_.---.... ..._. I
<br /> BY_"'_....._.__...__..._._......_. ......DePutY ,
<br />� . . .�-- �__� -�� . �.. __.__...�..� _.._ .:.._.. ..._: -. . ._.�-- _ ...-- �
<br /> .� _�.�� _.__... ___.._._�._..__ n _._.
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