� �
<br /> ,
<br /> � � �8-� U02792
<br /> � ,
<br /> ` Fran�sS J G G�E thier and Sha1ritM.bGautnie�ESTER LAKE . INC . . WI+RSOOS. and
<br /> = ( as joint tenants ) ( as�ar�rts- �rrtonam��-fas -so�e -ow;;sr) ( sbrike out
<br /> } portion not applicable) w�iether one or more , � LESSEE . '
<br /> Lot 4 , having a lalce Pootage of 100 £eet ,
<br /> � � l . D�scrit�tion oP l ��remises : situated on the East side of the West
<br /> portion o Kuester L e, and 5eing on a part of the E�SW'� in Section 13 ,
<br /> Township 11 , Range 9 , in Hall County, Nebr _ , bounded on the Easterly side
<br /> of the common road ; such lot is as shown on a plat in the possession of the
<br /> " 2 . Term of lease - Lessor
<br /> ; 35 years , commencing Anril 28 , 1978 and terminating
<br /> � ' . � n�,- ; l 9 '7 � 9n7 '� ' . . � � .
<br /> 3 . Option to extend term :
<br /> Lessee has tYie option to extend the term of thia lease for an
<br /> t additional 35 years by giving Lessor notice thereof , in writinq ,
<br /> by July 1 , 20�2 .
<br /> 4 . Riaht to assianment o£ lease : '
<br /> � ` . Lessee has the right to assign this lease provided -
<br /> ' ( a ) Lessee has complied with all terms of this lease _
<br /> (b) Lessee trans £ers to the new owner all interest and
<br /> ownership of the Lessee in the common stock o£
<br /> Kuester Lalce , Inc . .
<br /> (c ) The new Lessee agrees , in writing , to abide by tYae u„
<br /> terms of the lease so assigned , any new lease for -
<br /> ` � these premi. ses , and to abide by the Agreement ` G ;'
<br /> ' entered into by this Lessee with Kuester La7ce , Inc .
<br /> ;; on or about Novembe 'r 4 , 1974 , the terms of which �
<br /> # are incorporated herein by reference . �
<br /> ( d) The new Lessee shall be entitled to a new lease £or ;;.
<br /> � a 35 year term. The term may be ,longer if consented E+.
<br /> s to by the Lessor _ C � `
<br /> { � e) Any sub-leasing must have the Lessor ' s approval .
<br /> f ( £) The Lessee has the absolute right to conditionally
<br /> � assign this lease to any mortgagee for the purpose
<br /> { of furnishing such mortgagee additional security .
<br /> � 5 . Rent :
<br /> � The Lessee shall pay to Lessor , as aruzual rent , payable in
<br /> advance and on or before July first each year , sucts rent as
<br /> may be anaually determined by the Lessor under the followinq
<br /> ' formula :
<br /> � • The annual rent shall be an amount , each year,
<br /> i equal to the result of dividing the total •
<br /> ' i ' number o£ residential lessee-stocicholder lots
<br /> 1 into that year ' s anticipated net budget needs
<br /> { of the Lessor .
<br /> : ,•
<br /> � The computation of the annual rent shall be done by the
<br /> � Lessor , but stiall be uniform among all lessee- stocicholders
<br /> ' of Kuester La}ce , Inc . In any event , the annual rent of
<br /> 1 the Lessee shall not exceed One Hundred Dollars ( $ 100 . 00 )
<br /> , j unless a ma,jority of all lessee-stockholders of Kuester
<br /> g• ; Lake , Inc . (one vote for each share) , present and votinq
<br /> ? ' � at a special meeting called for that purpose , shall
<br /> :, aPProve the eame .
<br /> , ,
<br /> : f , 6 . Access -
<br /> , .�
<br /> � • � The Lessee shall have access from' the leased premises onto c
<br /> ' the Lessor ' s roads and shall also have the right to use `
<br /> # the lake for boating , swimming and fishing . T'hese access •� t. '`�M �
<br /> � righta are in common with the other leaseholders at �, , j �
<br /> fi Kuester La7ce . N; ,
<br /> �� . . ., , . . � . � � � Y* r.
<br /> M h . p
<br /> ° . �6�-aE. . Prior -I:eases : ," -��� •
<br /> C -, 3
<br /> ,�; ` This ' leas.e repl'aces and supersedes any prior lease for said =� ' � -:',� `, >�
<br /> ''"` premises 'whicta ;the� lessee or his predecQssors in title may '�_� � �� ''' ��� -
<br /> � hatre l�eld. ' _ , � , � '-� «. k �
<br /> .
<br /> � .
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