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<br /> �s- �.�[�2784 MORTGAGE
<br /> . �_ � �.
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<br /> �J ' THI9-INDENTURE. made this 4th ��, of Ma9 , 19��. by end betwcen
<br /> 'i '-J'I1�Il�tIE•R � REINHARDT`�AND SUSAN' L. REINHAgDT. has6and and v f each in his and her own
<br /> .
<br /> M1.
<br /> ? ,.;.
<br /> , ,, ,
<br /> , ... ,:
<br /> right'and as spouse of the other,
<br /> of � ggl� Couaty,.Nebranka,.as mortgagor�,end Grsad Ialand Trust Company of Grand Island,a.corporation �
<br /> .orgenized mld�e�osttng�under the�lewa of Nebraeka with iW principsl office and place of buainess et Grand Island,Nebraska,as mortgagee; � . �� �
<br /> � W ITNESSETH:. T6at eaid mortgagor�,for and in coaeideration of the sum of �
<br /> **Four T}se��and Nt..o i.i ,..t d Fift3Lsad N /�nnthe** . - noua,�,�a�4�950_00 � , � �
<br /> � the receipt of which ie hereby acknowledged,do_by theee preeents mortgage and warrant unto seid�mortgagce,its auccesaors and aeaigne, - �
<br /> forever,all the following deacribed rea!eatate,situated in the County of 17 a 7 7 � � �� ' � �
<br /> and Stste of Nebraelca,to-wit: -
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<br /> ���t ��.Togethez with ell 2�eeting,air conditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment end fiactures,including screens,awniags,storm windows and -� r �' '�r ''�
<br /> .���'� �'doore,aad window ehadee or btinde,used on or in connection with said property,whether the seme are now located on said pzoperty or hermfter� '"��
<br /> -� .�Plnced:theteon.. � . - .s�;.
<br /> ��E� ���TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and singular the teaements,hereditamenta md appurtenences Chereunto be-�
<br /> �:;longing, or ia anywiae appertaining, forever, and werrant the tiWe to the same. Said morgagor-3—hereby covenant—with said
<br /> --�mortgegee that rFe� a=e .at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner�.of the premises above conveyed end described,
<br /> �and�� are aeaed of a good and jndefeasible estate of inheritance theeein,free aad dear of all encumbrances,and that�he�will
<br /> 'warreat and defend the title thereto forever againet the cla'uas and demaada of all persone whomsoever. .
<br /> .� � PROVIDED ALWAYS,end this instrument ia executed aad delivered W aecure the payment ot the sum of
<br /> � **Four Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and No/700thc** ���g���g50 00 1,
<br /> ��with intereet thereon,together with euch chargee end advances ae mey be due and payable to said mortgagee nnder the tenns and conditiona
<br /> �� , .of the promtnsory note of even date herewith and secured hereby,executed by seid mortgegor s_to said mortgagce,payable as expressed .
<br /> "� ia eaid note,and to eecure the performaace of all the terms and conditiona contained therein.1'he terms of said note are hereby incorporeted � �
<br /> t�eiein by thte refaence. �
<br /> It ie Lhe intention ead egreement of the pertiee hereto that thia mortgege ahall eleo secure any future advancea made W said mortgagorg_ �
<br /> � �by�esid mortgagee.end any and all u�debtedness in additioa to the amount above ateted whic},said mortgagors,or eny of t}aem,may owe to � � �
<br /> �� � anid mortgagee,however evidenced,wbether by noce.book account or otherwise.Thia mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between � .
<br /> ?• the pertiee hereto and t6eir heixs,persoml repeesentatives,succeasors end assigns,vntil all aa�ounts secured hereunder, including fut�re . �
<br /> � � . advancea.ere peid in hil!with mterest. � � �
<br /> �! The mortgagor_g_hereby aesign_to seid mortgagee ell rents end income arisiag at any and eIl times from said property and
<br /> , { heieby authorize eaid mortgagee or its agent,at ita option,upon default,to teke cherge of eaid propercy aad collect all rente and inrnme
<br /> ,� thmefrom��and�epply�t6e same to�the paymeat of iatereet.�Priacipal. insuranee premiuma. texee.aeeesammts.�repaira or improvem�ta� .
<br /> necmeary to keep esid property in teaeatable mndition,or to oLl�er ck�argea or paymente provided for herein or in the note 6ereby secured.This
<br /> xent aesignment ahall continue in force unt�7 the unpeid balance o[aeid note ia fully paid.The taking of possession hereundez shall in no manner
<br /> •:'���. y.,.Prevent or::retezd ereid.moctgagee in.tha collection of eaid aums by,foreclosure or.otherwiae.. . . .... . . .�� . .`.
<br /> :,� '17�e faituxe:of tbe mortgagee W asaert any of ita rigLta hereunder at any time ehall not be construed ae a weiver of iu right to assert the . .
<br /> ,,� nema at any.Iater time,�aed W imiet upon end entorce atriet complisnce with a11 the terms md proviaioas of said�note and of this mortgage. �
<br /> { If eaid mortgagor g e6all csuae to be paid W aeid moscgegee the entire amouat due it hereunder,and und�the terms and provisiona
<br /> of said mte hereby seeured,includ{ng future advancee,and any wctenaiona or ranewals theieof in eaordance witfi the terms and provisions
<br /> # theeof,s�d if��esid mortga�or_�ahall comp�y with all the.p�vieions of said note md of this mortgege,.then these presenta a6all be void: .
<br /> � otheewiee to zqmata in hill foroa and effed sad seid mortgagee e2�eli be anticled co the poeeeeeion oE�all of said PropertY.and may.at ita option. .� ,...
<br /> � der]ere the wL"ok b!eetd.uote a�all mdebtedaees represeated�thereby W be 3mmediately due and.paYabla...and may forec►ose this awrtgage ..-�s�"
<br /> or take sny otLv legal aetton to protect its�right.Appraieement waived.��
<br /> s� ;. Thie mo a6e11 be bio j � :+j` � ,
<br /> fy rt8a6e d'nig upon aud�eheL entue.to tha bene8t o[.the heire,execuWrs,adminietraton,auecesaors and aseigns ot the ��
<br /> reePective Partim^Itereto.' . ,. . : . ...� ... , .. . . � �
<br /> �+� „ „. . ,.. ,. -, ., � ..,- . . ,_ , ., �.
<br /> � � IDT WITNE9S WHEREOF,esid Morigegor_8_ha�[ehezeuato �p{.� hend. �_�.�'the day e�d year fieat above �"� +'
<br /> wr7ttan. �. . � - . � � . °�`:�., ,
<br /> �r� . .. ��. - . .. ` . - ��,�: ''.��;'Y�.-'if�
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<br /> �� Susa�q Ls Rein ardt
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<br /> _ _..,n.,�m, ...._:..,.,_ ..... __.._, �.., _ _.._._
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