� _ �
<br /> �$- U02783 MORTGAGE
<br /> I THIS'INDENTUItE. mads this Sth da of Mz+ � �
<br /> y y .�18�-.�by and��between
<br /> .,; ,.:., ,. , �. . . .. .� . .. . � . . ' � .. ;
<br /> ; _Jay G: Lees and L•oue11'a M. L.eas� h�sband and wifa each'{n his and her own rit{ht and' as
<br /> 7
<br /> ; sPouae of the other.
<br /> j _
<br /> ;.� of gall .County,Nebrmka,es mortgegor e,end Grand lsland Truat Company.of Grand Island,a eorporation -
<br /> orgenized and"e:isting under the laws�of Nebreska with its principal o�ce and pleoe of buainesa at Grandlsland,Nebraeke,as mortgagee; � �
<br /> W ITNE3SETH: That said mortgegor 9_,for and in comideratioa of the aum of .
<br /> ' T�iLe�7'housand Oae Hundred Ei h One and 95/100 - - - - - -
<br /> S��-' 'Dollcre�a'> � 3.181.95 �,
<br /> L6e raeeipt of which ie 6ereby acknowledged,do_by theee preaenta mortgage end warrant unW eeid mortgsgee,ite eucceaeors end aeaigna.
<br /> forever,ell the following deecn"bed real eatate,aituated in the County of Ha l l � �
<br /> and Stafs of Nebraska,to-wit: � i����
<br /> Southerly Seventy—Four Feet (74') of Lot Eight (8) of�Block One Hundred Twenty-Eight
<br /> ' (128), in Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> i ?:
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ' j ��;
<br /> ,� �'
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<br /> � ?� M
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<br /> � �Togetber with ell heating,air conditioning,lighting,md plumbing equipment and fixturea,including acreena,ewnings,atorm windosvs and � '� �
<br /> .�'� � doors,and window ahades or blinds,uned on or in connection witA said property,whether the aeme are now located on said property or heseafter � ��
<br /> � placed Lhereon � � "`���
<br /> a TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and aingular the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- ��
<br /> � loag3ag,or ia anywise eppertaining, forever, and werrant the title to tl�e same. Said morgagors—hereby eovenent—with asid� i � �
<br /> ' t mottgagee that�,he� aTe ,at the delivery hereof,the lawful owner�_of the premiaes abova wnveyed and deacribed, . .
<br /> � ead� �are eeized of a good md indefeasible eetate of inheritance tberein,free md cleer of all encumbrancee,end that�6e.�w�71.�� � �
<br /> ' i: �.warrent aad defend the title thereto forever egeinst the cleime and demande of all peraonn whomscever. . � -��
<br /> .� �� PROVIDED ALWAYS,and this instrumeat is eaecuted and delivered to secure the paymeat of the sum of � � � . � � _
<br /> t .�T}1TPF�. Thnnsxan�i (MP H�mdrt+d F.i�YT,(?n� an�l 95�100 - - - - -�j�=yf� 3�1R7_95 � .;�,�.
<br /> 4 . �:with inteiest thexnoa,together wit6 such cha:gee sad advanees ae may be due and payable W said mortgegee undes Lhe terms md mndiCions�� � . '
<br /> � �� of.tha promieaory aote of even date heiewith and eecured hereby,executed by eaid mortgagor_S_to seid mortgagee,payable as expresaed� ; , .
<br /> � - in eeid note,end to eecure Lhe performance of all the termn and conditiona contained therein.The terms of anid note are hereby incorporated� . � � . .
<br /> he=ein by thie refinence. . .
<br /> �� It te the inteatioa aod eg�eement of the arties hereto that thia mo � ' � ..
<br /> p rtgage a6ell also aecure a�y future advancea made to seid mortgegor_2- � .
<br /> � by seid mortgagee,ax�d my and ell iadebtedneea in addition to the emout�t aFwve stated which said mortgegors,or aqy of them, may owe to . � . �
<br /> said mortgagee,however evidenced,whether by nots,book eccount or otherwiee.Thie mortgage shall rnmain in full force and effect between � � � � �
<br /> the partiee hereto aad their heils,pereonal representativea, suceeaeors and assigna,until al!amounts secured hezeunder, including fvture � . . �
<br /> y. ndvanoea.are paid ia.full with intaeet. . �. � ..
<br /> ; � Tbe mortgagor_g_hereby assign_to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any aad all times from said property and . . �. �
<br /> i ksereby authorize aeid mortgagee or its egent,et ite option,upon defautE, to talce cherge of eaid property and collect all rents and ineome � � � �
<br /> � ,.'.,tberetrom�end�apply�;the seme�to the�peyment of�intereet. PnnciPal. insamnoe peemiuma. Wces, eaeesamenta. repairo or�improvementa�. . .
<br /> .j. neceesary W keep eaid property in tenantable oondition,or to other ehargea or paymente provided for herein or ia the note hereby secured.This �
<br /> s � t8nt aseignment ehall coatinue in force until the unpaid balance of eaid note ie fully paid.The taking of posaessioa hereunder shall ia no manner
<br /> .. 'r.�.,,P.Save�tot.,sdprd.eefd.mortg�gee��:ia:tLa coIleetion of neid aums.by.forecloeuze or ot6erwise... . .., . , .. . ;.... .. :,.. ..... .. � .
<br /> �� Tlae feilure of tha mortgagee to asaert azry of ite righta hareunder ai any time ahall not be mastrued es a waiver of iCs right to aseert the � � �
<br /> ��,:��. neme at aey lqter:time.��aad W ineiet upon md enforce atrict complieaee witla ell the terme end provisione of eaid note and of thia mortgage. � . . - ..
<br /> If.aeid mortgegor t;6 ahall cauae to be pnid to said mortgagee We en4ire emount due it heieunder,end under the terms and provisions . � . .
<br /> �� of neid note}�ereby aecured,including futu�advencee,and aay eat.eanione or renewala theteof in accordexe wiLh the terms and proviaions
<br /> thereof,end if eeid mortgagor�_e2ull comply with all the pmvielona of.said mte and of thia mortgage,thea theae preaeats ahall be void:
<br /> otLen+iee to:'emetn ia fiill fozce ead ef�t,md aeid mortgageephall be eatitled to tLe poeeeesion of all of aeid property,ead may,at its option, .
<br /> `.� ��deelem�the whole of eaid note and ell�amdebtedneee�preeanted thereby W.be immediately due and payable.end msy focecloee�thie mortgage "'��"-�:'� �;�.:
<br /> � or teke eny oE6�leg�l aetion to protect�te;right.Appetieement waived.-�� � . �� �' : . . , �.`;
<br /> � Thie moeEgage ehall bs biadiug;upon end a6ell enure.to Lhe.benetit of..the heire.��eeutore.edminietratoro.aucoeeeors and assigns of the �. .".� `�'��
<br /> �$ respectrve parEies�hexeW:�.. � . . . . .. ., �
<br /> . r- .� : � � ��. � � �� � . x.
<br /> � ��•. �... ,..� ': ' � _ ..'r
<br /> IPl WITNE83 WHEREOF,sait]MoiGgagor�_haY�herounto aet tIlei�, hand_.$_the day aMl year first ebove �"�
<br /> � Mntten' ��r "'�;�E
<br /> ,� _ � _... ,��.�
<br /> _ Lee
<br /> ��� � � � � Lo �s�M�. Lees ��
<br /> ��w �
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<br /> , t, , .; .. . . . _..
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