<br /> _ � �
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<br /> 78---002'777 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE
<br /> ( -�`�
<br /> ot tLe County o� �li and State of Nebraska heretnafter called the party of the firsf part,9n
<br /> � comideration ..� TWENTY TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100-----------------------Tpr.r.e�c,
<br /> ic luad paid. do hereby�ant,bargain,sell and conveq unto the Home Federai Savings&Loan AasociaUon of Grand Inland,
<br /> Graad Island,Nebraska,aad ita auccessors aad easigns,the followiag reai rBtate,situated l� �11
<br /> County, State� Nebraska ,�.towit:
<br /> ;
<br /> i
<br /> Together wlth all the appurtenances thereunto belonging,and all covenants in all the title deeds running tviih said real eatate,
<br /> and'all'tLe.reats,issuea and proflts arix[ng thereErom after default in performance of any rnvenant or rnnditlon hereia con-
<br /> tataed; and werrants the Utle thereto perfect aad dear except for thLs mortgage.
<br /> During the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagois agree:
<br /> JFIrst. To pay all ta�ces and special assessmenffi levied agaiast said premises, includiag aII taxes and assessmenis levted
<br /> upon thia mortgage,or the debt secured by this mortgage.
<br /> Second. To ]ceep all butldings ihereon insured against loss by£u�e, lightning and tornado in some company,to be ap�
<br /> � a
<br /> prooed by the said Home Federal Savings Qc Loan AssociaHoa M Grand Island ln the sum of � insurable value^ for
<br /> tLe benefIt of the said Asaoriatlon,and its successox�or assigns; and to deposit said polldes with said Aasociation,and ahall not
<br /> commit or suffer any waste on said premises. and shall put and keeP said real estate bulldinga and improvements in good
<br /> order.
<br /> SThird. To pay or cauee to be pald to the 8ome Federal Savings ds Loan Association of Grand Island, its sncceasors or
<br /> 3 � �e�m�� 1WENTY 1W0 THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED'AND NO/100-------------------- DOLLARS. ' �
<br /> � payable as follawe:
<br /> i
<br /> a ,.,.;'
<br /> � $22,800.00 DUE MAY Lst, 1979.
<br /> �t��� � �
<br /> �
<br /> 3 with intereat thereon payable,according to the tenor and effect of the one certain first mortgage note of said mortgagors,
<br /> � 6earing evea date with ffiese presents. After maturlty said bond draws interest at the rate of nine pes cent per annnm_
<br /> Tf eaid texes and assessmeaLs are not paid whea due, or if the buildinga on said premlaes are not insured as above pro-
<br /> vlded,or if any of said interest is aot paid when due, then said whole debt shall become dve lmmediately,at the option of the
<br /> i aaid Asaoclatton,aad shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of nine per cent pes annum.
<br /> The mortgagor hereby assign_ to said mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all times from said
<br /> � property aad hereby authorSze said mortgagee or its agent,at its option, upon default, to take c6arge of said ptroperty and
<br /> ' ,' ''collect alI rents and iacome therefrom and apply the seme to the payment of interest, pz3ncipal, insarance premiuma,taaes, �
<br /> assessmenis, repaira or Improvementa aecessary to keep saId property in tenantable conditlon, or to other chargea or pay-
<br /> me�s provided for Lereia or in the note hereby sec�ed.Thls rent assignment shall continue la force until the unpeid bal-
<br /> � ance.of said noLe is fully paid The takIng of possession hereuader shall in no manner prevent or retard said mortgagee ia
<br /> tLe.00llection of said sums by foreclosare or otherwise.
<br /> t Whether said debt becomea dae by lapse of time, or by reaeon of the failure of the party of the first part to comply
<br /> ° with any'condiKon herein,the sald 8ome Federal Savings dc Loan Assoctation of Grand Island, the successors aad as�gns,
<br /> � sha11 have tLe right to begin the foreclosure of this mortgage at oace on the whole debt hereby secured, and to include
<br /> there3n all taxea, asacasmenLs, ins�saace premiums and coats, pa3d by it or them; or said Asaociation, its successoia or
<br /> � ,., assIgas, may foreclose on�y as to the aum past due, w3thout injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impairment
<br /> � of t�liea thereoL
<br /> And the said firat pertq aad the makeas of said note,espec3ally agree and deciare tbat the separate estate of each and
<br /> cvery one ot them,including both that aow owaed and t6aL hereafter acquired,1s pledged and bouad for the payment of
<br /> i the debt herebY secnred. #
<br /> � , Atter the,00mmencemeat oP any suit in foreclosure the plaintiff thereia ahall he entitled to tLe immediate posseaslon of
<br /> ' �d..pre�gisea smd the appoiatment of s receiver therefor, notwithstanding they may be the homestead of t6e occupant and
<br /> s f + ,�.���l�f"j�aptHng the parttea.liable for the debt may be aolveat,and the fust party hereby coasents to the appotntmeat of a --.--� �'3
<br /> � f j,'� v�ilD��the P�luction of this indenture, without other evidence. q,.
<br /> �� �" f�,n�ose coaditions aad agreaments, ail and siagular,beiag fully performed, tl�ie conveyaace ehall be void,other- (x ;: '�
<br /> �t: � '� �e�fii�z�oala�in tull Sot�ce-aad effeck � ' �
<br /> „ �..: � +;
<br /> � � ���,�a�t7�Ym s �8th � � �y of �� MSv n D., 19�$ . . . �^ `.�., ..
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<br /> �'SG i/O�.1/�- �J �-�-'-- �':
<br /> ; '. s•of` Ar�� Yresi,de t`���-��N ro d Areha'rt, as an individual
<br /> ATTEST'- s-" /— .L
<br /> '; 'Dwayne T_ uglas, Secretar �
<br /> . , ,.:w.�: . . , ,.. �
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