� _ �'
<br /> � �
<br /> M O R T G A G E
<br /> ,� . �s-�U02775 _
<br /> THIS INDENT,URE,made this - �7� da of ApDil $
<br /> . . . . Y , 19_�, between �
<br /> Br.� F'. PmcGor an3 na�ici.a �'. Pztiic.�t:,r, husY.+and and wife _
<br /> Iof the Cotmty�ot ��- � � - 3tste oi �-�a�a _, hereinafter designated, whether aingular or I
<br /> pla�al,for'the'putpoae of brevity, ae MORTGAGOR, and
<br /> - i bsavity,as MOATGAGEE.
<br /> , hereinafter designated,for the purpose of
<br /> '��� WITNE3SETH:That whereas the Mortgagor has heretofore executed to the Mortgagee the Mortgagor's note in the amonat �
<br /> or s 51,600.60 to secure payment by the Mortgagor for certain building materisla sold by the Mortgagee W the MortEcaqor,
<br /> � NOW THEREFORE,in conaideration of the premisea, the Mortgagor dces hereby grent,bargain,sell and convey unto�the naid �
<br /> Mortgagee, the�Mortgagee's succes,cors and asxigns � � � �
<br /> torever,oll the tract or panel oi land lying and being in the County of_ �11 ,State of �'braSka
<br /> deectIbed as followe. to-wrt: ' � �
<br /> ' j
<br /> As set forth oh the attached EX�2i:J1L�i,
<br /> which is made a part hereo�
<br /> : j
<br /> i
<br /> j
<br /> ; �
<br /> TO FiAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with the hereditamente aad app urteaancea thereto belonging to the said �
<br /> ''! Mortgsgee, and Mortgagee's auccesaors and assigns, forever. And the said Mortga gor,for ssid Mortgagor and Mortgagox'e hein, �� ,�;
<br /> ( admfnistrators,successors,and assigns does covensat with the said Mortgagee,and Mortgagee's aucceasora and sanigna, as followa:
<br /> 1 That the Mortgagor is lawfully seized oi said premises snd has good right to sell and convey the same; that the same are iree fzom ,�;
<br /> aA enenmbraaces; that the Mortgagee and sald Mortgagee's successora and aasigns shall quietly enjoy and pos�ess the asme; and "ti�
<br /> � that the Mortgagor will warrant and defend the title to the same againat all lawful claims not hereinbefore epec�cally escepted. � ��:��
<br /> . PROVIDED, NEVERTAELESS,that if the Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee,or Mortgagee's auccesson or aaaigaa,the �� �
<br /> ' gum of g51,600.60 �
<br /> .� _ —according to the terms of said principal promissory note.aforesaid. due and payable as followa, to-wit: ��
<br /> . � <."��
<br /> ' . �
<br /> ���;
<br /> i 3'�
<br /> � -
<br /> ? One Hundred Eigh �c ecutive monthlp inatallments oP s286.67 each, or more, on
<br /> sthe tat day of each and Qvery month co�encing with the �et day of Auguat 19�8,
<br /> s and everY month therea.Fter vntil the tti].1 s� of �5�,600.60 ahall have been paid.
<br /> together with ail aums advaaced in protecting the lien o4 this mortgage, ia paymant of ta�cea on said premisea, insuranee premiuma �
<br /> covering buildings thereon, principal or intereat oa any pnor liens, expensea and attorneys' fees herein provlded tor, and sums �� �
<br /> � advanced for any ot}ier purpoae anthorized herein,and shall keep and pertorm all ot the covenants and agreementa herein contained,
<br /> theA thia deed to be¢ull and void,and to be released at the Mortgagor's expenae. .
<br /> jAND THE MORTGAGOR, for Mortgagor and Mortgagor's heirs, administrators, succesaors, and assigns, does hereby � � �
<br /> ,� wvenant and agree with the Mortgagee and Mortgagee's succesaors and assigns,.to yay the priacipal suin of money and intereat ,- .
<br /> sa above apec�ed; to pay all tazes and asaessmenta now due or that may hereatter become liens against said premises�at least.ten. � �
<br /> .' daqa before penalty attaches thereto:to keep any buildings on said premiaes inanred by companies approved.by the Mortgagee�againaL � �
<br /> #= losa by fire and windstorm for at least the b¢lance due on the mortgage snd to deliver�to said Mortgagee the polieiea�tor=aneh- � �
<br /> insuranoe with mortgage claase attached in tavor o£ said Mortgagee,or b�ortgagee's eucceaaora or sasigns;�to pay,when�due,��both� � � �
<br /> principal and interest ot sll prior liens or encumbrancee, if any, above meationed, snd to keep ssid premiaea Sree and�..clesr of.all� � �
<br /> other prior liena or encumbrances; W commit or permit no waste on said.premiaes and to keep them ia.good�repair;��to�complete � �
<br /> forthsvsth any improvements which may hereafter be nnder cov�se of eonstruction thereon, and to pay any other expemea and�
<br /> attorneqe'Sees incurred b� said Mortgagee, snd Mortgagee's successors or assigns, by reason ot litigation with any third party � � � �
<br /> for the protection ot the 13ea of tl�ia mortgage.
<br /> IN case o4 failure to pay said tsxes and asaessments, prior liens or encumbrances, expenaes and attorneys' feea sa � � � �
<br /> above apecified,or to insure ss�d buildinga and deliver the policies as aforesaid, the Mortpagee, or aaid Mortgagee's suweasora or ' � � �
<br /> . aaeigns,may pay sach tazes,assesamenta, p=ior liens, ezpenaea and attorneqa'fees and interent thereon, or efiect euch i�murance, � �
<br /> sad the euma so paid shall bear interest at the higheat rate permitted by law from the date of auch payment,shaII be impressed ss ��
<br /> sn additionai lien upon aeid premisea and be immediately due and payable from the Mortgagor,and aaid Mortgagor's heiza,adminia-
<br /> trsWrs,aueceaeora,or aaeigas to asid Mortgagee,said Mortgagee's successors or aaaigna;aad this mortgage ahall,from date thereof, � �
<br /> aecure the repayment of such advances.
<br /> � IN csae ot detsult in eny of the foregoing covensnfs, the Mort�agor hereby suthorizea and empomers said Mortgagee,aad � �
<br /> . Mortgagee'n auccessore and assigna,to torectoae thta mortgage by judic�al proeeedinga or to aell aaid premiaee at public avction aad
<br /> ' conveq Lhe same to.��e'��purchsaer��in�fea.simpl6 in accordance with the atatute,and ont of the moneys arising from snch sale to xtain �� �
<br /> i� all autns secured hezeby,�with interent and all�Iegal coats and chsrges of such forecloavre and the aiaximum aCtorneqa'feea permitted � �
<br /> : . �bq lsw, which costs:,cha,j��a�uid fees,thc'Dfortgagor herein agreea to pay._
<br /> IN TE3TIMONITWHE�OF, the� for�gbing inatxument haa been ezecuted by the Mortgagor che date and year rrat above �
<br /> �i�. . .. wriEtea_ � ..
<br /> $
<br /> � +.�: "1�_
<br /> , in �
<br /> �$ � � ,�l �
<br /> � Rti,.ice� _ Procto M�•:� ��' _,
<br /> -� _,- - �` '"`�v�
<br /> „x. _�. �,�:
<br /> i f _� , �
<br /> d"" ^
<br /> Patricia F. Pro or M'-� �
<br /> a �.. �
<br />, i L—
<br />