r � --,
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASBA, County of ....................................................: ,.'
<br /> Filed for record on ................................. 19........at................_........... o'clock ........................ M. . ,
<br /> ; and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page ............................. STATEMENT ATTACHED �= . . `
<br /> � � .... ............._......... ................._............................. By ......._............. ................ NEBR. TARf
<br /> ... ............ .......... ASKA DOGUMEI�E ' � : �,
<br /> Reg�ster of Deeds Deputy Register Deeds��57'A('v11Y'7'R5�
<br /> e.
<br /> ; 78� U 0 2'7 6 2
<br /> r g 50 BY-�x�
<br /> � W2LLARD ROSS and RUTH ROSS� Hnaband and Wifa, each in hia aad ber
<br /> oorn rigbt and es apouae of each othar , herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> t"
<br /> ` in consideration of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/1 OOTHS DOLLAR.S-----(�15�p00.00)
<br /> ';
<br /> received from grantees, doea grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto JON D. WIBBELS and
<br /> ; BONN=E L. 7d2BBEIS, Huaband and Wife
<br /> '!
<br /> as joint tenants with right oP aurvivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real
<br /> ,j property in ..................Hslll................................. Couaty,Nebraska: < `' s
<br /> ; Part of tlae Nortl�west Quartar (NiJ ) ot' the Nortbeast Quarter (NE}) oP
<br /> ? Sectioa Eight (8), Townai�ip Nine �9) North, Range Nine (9) Weat ot the
<br /> ,S 6tb P.M., more partioularZy deacribed aa t'ollows s Commencing at a po3.nt a
<br /> ! 3U1.7g Feet East of the point of intersection of the East line of tbe ' S�'
<br /> St. Joseph aad Grand Island Railvray Company�a right—of—rrap Mritl� tba ,' �':
<br /> Nortl� line of Section Eigl�t (8�, Townal�ip Nina (9) Nortla, Range Nine (9) �;
<br /> r Weat oS tl�e 6tb P.M., ruaning tl�ence Soutb and parallel iritl� tbe aaid ,- �r'�,�r,�
<br /> � rigYit—of—aay 253 Feet, tl�encQ East at riglat anglea aad parallel witl� tbe :, , �
<br /> said Nortti line 61,.7,5 Feet to tbe West line of tbe property coaveyed by ;, ' r z�
<br /> Cbarles J. Baers and Maude Baere, bia Wifa, to W, R. Augvatin, datsd �
<br /> � Jvae 10, 1914, running tt�enoa North at rigbt aaglee and para�lel �rit2� 3�yt�
<br /> said rigLt—of—way 253 feet to tBe aaid Nortb line� tt�enca �Test thersoa '�', �
<br /> 61.'J,5 2'eet to ttae plaoe of baginaing� all in Hall Couatp, Nabraaka. ` ry�
<br /> � ,•�;
<br /> To have sad to hold the above descrited premiaes together with all tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> ;, and appurtenances thereto belonging nnto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heire and assigns
<br /> of the snrvivor of them forever.
<br /> � And antor does hereb covenant with the
<br /> � SI' Y grantees and with their aseigns and with the heira
<br /> and aseigns of the survivor of_them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premiaea;thst they are free from
<br /> � eneambranee aacept easaments and reatrictiona of reeord
<br /> ,i''
<br /> 3
<br /> � that grsntor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the came; and that grantor warranta and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wLomsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of tne granteee,
<br /> �i the entire fee title to this real property »hall rest in the aurviving grantee.
<br /> � Dated a ,���es�� 19'1�
<br /> ,
<br /> � ^�!�'��:._..
<br /> ....._....................•••....-••................`/_.......................... 1���..... . .... ...... ........ ....
<br /> � 311a d Roas `;
<br /> � ..............._........................................._........................_. ,�.....�. ..�.�....................__................
<br /> ..... ...... ....
<br /> .�' ' Ru1th Ro a �
<br /> STATE OF .»...... .�$�A��....................._, County oP .......���Y�""'r"l"".................._.......: �.
<br /> ;' . .
<br />'� Before me, a notary pnblic qnalified for said county, personally came YILLARD ROSS and s
<br /> RidTS ROSS� Hua6and and Xife, eacl� in his and tier oxa rigl�t aad
<br /> .� - ae ,spouse oF eaoh ott�er t
<br /> �� � � � �
<br /> � laaown to me to be the identical eraon or ereona who ai ����
<br /> p p gned the foregoing instrnment and aclmowledged �
<br /> £ the.esecution tLereof to be Lis, her or their voluntary act and deed. � ;
<br /> �
<br /> `� ` �Vitness my hand and noterisl ee�l on�,�.e�%�;F!Jrff... ��....5.........•-•....................., 19_.��/ y
<br /> < . , � . .. . � � .. . �.�
<br /> .c ���� . ......... .... . ........_......�t...�..i.:`✓k»'�:f'.... Notary Publie ,�: �::�
<br /> ,h
<br /> r Y � �� � .
<br /> .� �. >..�
<br /> f _ �26.'1978� My commission eapires. .. . ....'.1...�.._....�....., 19..��
<br />'� Farn� 4.2 To be xuvroved bY �ebraska State Bar lsaociation ��WWt po.,Lnada Nebr.
<br />.1,f..'. � . .. . . . . . . . .
<br /> 4. ...... . . . . . . � .
<br />