r-- �
<br /> - This form is uaed in connec- �
<br /> a � tion with mortgagea insured ,
<br /> MORTGAGEunder the one-to four-Yatnily
<br /> _ . provisions of the Nationa]
<br /> Houaing Act.
<br /> � 78�'.�I,F�;�:f�1 � � � � � � �
<br /> j . THIS MORTGAGE,made and executed this 6tIa day of �y ,A.D. �
<br /> 19 �g,;.byand betweee �Z.y,L. Cynova, a single man and Kay C. Wilderman, a aingle womaa
<br /> � of the Counry of �1i ,and State of Nebraska,party of the first part,hereinafter called
<br /> the Mortgagor,and g�nco Mort a e Co an
<br /> , 8 8 mP Y
<br /> � a corporation organized and exisGng under the Iaws of the State of Iwa ,
<br /> party of the second part,hereinafter called the Marcgagee,
<br /> i
<br /> � WTTNESSETH:That Ihe said Mortgagor,for and in consideration of the sum of �hirty Thousand Three $uadred �
<br /> � and no/IUOxhs-------- - -- - - - -- --- - ���azs(S 30,300.00 ),paid by the Mort-
<br /> gagee, the rece�pt of wtuch is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br /> ;� gain, Setl, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-descri6ed
<br /> ;i real estate,situated in the County of Hal l ,aad State
<br /> � of Nebraska.to wit:
<br /> :;
<br /> 3 _
<br /> � � The Sast Fortq-four feet ( B 44�) of Lot Si:. (6), ic Block One Hundred Thirty-five
<br /> � (135), IInion Pacific Railway Co's Second Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> �� County, Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> t j �a`:
<br /> � �'Deferred intereat ehall be added to the principal balance monthly. The maximum r
<br /> y� aggregate amount by which said deferred interest shall increase the principal is i '
<br /> $577.12 1
<br /> a _
<br /> � �
<br /> ,�
<br /> o[the Six[h Principal Meridian,containing in all acres according to Govern- . i'
<br /> mentsurveyc
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described,with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including.
<br /> ali heating;plumbing and lighiing fixWres and equipment now or heroafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate
<br /> unto the Mortgagee,and to its successors and assigns,forever.Thc Mortgagor represents to,and covenants with,the Mortga- :
<br /> gee,that the Mongagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;that they aro free from encumbrance; and that the j
<br /> Mortgagor will warrant and defend the same against the lawful clairtts o(all persons whomsoever;and the said Mortgagor hero- ;
<br /> by retinquishes all rights of homestead,and all martial rights,either in Iaw or in equity,and ail other contingent interests o[the
<br /> Mortgago�in and to the above-described premises,the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title,in fee simple,includ- `
<br /> ing all rights of homestead,and other rights and interests as aforesaid.
<br /> � � PROVIDED ALWAYS,and these presents are executed and de3ivered upon the fotlowing co�ditions,to wit:
<br /> ,� The Mor[gagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagec,or order,the principal sum of Thirty Thousand Three Hundred
<br /> i ; �d �����s------_---------------Doliazs($ 30 300.00 ),with interest from
<br /> e at o �ig�it qnd,three-fourtha ' per centum( 8,75 %)per annum on
<br /> �' the unpaid balance until paid z ne said pnncipal and in[erest shall be payable at the office of Banco Mortgage CompBnq
<br /> '� in iiater loo, Iowa r at uch other la e as the holder of
<br /> f' the note may designate in wridng,in monthly installment9�t according to Sched'ug.e 1� attaciQe�
<br /> � commending on the fvst day of
<br /> = July .198 .and on the first day of each month thereafter undl the principal and in-
<br /> � terest are fully paid, except that the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and
<br /> payable on the first day of June 2008 . ;all according to the terms of a certain promis-
<br /> � sory note of even date 6erewith executed by t�e said Mortgagoa * See above
<br /> , � The Morcgagor in order more fulty to protect thrsecurity of this Mortgage,agees:
<br /> `t 1. That he will pay the indebtedness,as hereinbefore providcd.Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an
<br /> j . amount equai to one or more monihly payments on the principat that are next due on the note,on the first day of any month
<br /> ',� priorto maturiry:,Provided,however,That written notice of an intea�uon to exercise such privilege is given at least thirty(30) •
<br /> days prior to prepayment.
<br /> '"� . Z That,together with,and in addition to,the monthly paymmts of principal and interest payable under the terms of the y'""� �
<br /> note sequed�ereby;ffie Mortgagor will pay to the Mortgagee,on the first day of each month unh'1 the saia note is fully paid,the �
<br /> tollowing sums: ^ s
<br /> �.=.
<br /> : (a) /Uaount sufficient to provIde the tt�lder henof with f�ds to pay the next mortgage insurance premium if this � �-:.:
<br /> insuumeat;and.the nou xcund hereby are insured,or a monthly chargr(fn 7feu of a moKgage rnsumnce pre- �°=`
<br /> mi+rmJ if�ey aze held by the Sacretary of Hous�ng and Urban Devdopment,as fotlowr. �.F ;��:s
<br /> �,.a'.
<br /> y-. . . . . . ,. � .. �.. � � . , . � . . � .c.. �...::;r.�r �
<br /> ^� (I} If and so long as said note of'even dau and th3s inatrument are insured or are reinsund under the pro- s�
<br /> ,� visio�oLthe National Housing Act,an amount sufficient to accumulate in the hands of the holder one
<br />,.x � � � . �� . _. .
<br /> :,. . � .�.. �: , � .. , .. . . ...._._�.
<br /> �' Provious Editioqc�rb Obsolste STATE OF NEBRASKA
<br /> „ .. .. . . ... . . . . . . . . FHA-2743M ft0.77) �
<br /> �.,...�.:. �....:...: . �... .� ...:�.. .
<br />