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<br /> 7$-- U02727
<br /> ri. T6e mort�a�Or oorm.nr, .na.�ee. .. rono...:
<br /> +� �' �i11 PiomP�Y P=7 the indebtednew evidenced br �aid promiswry aou at the tima and in tlw
<br /> maaaer theiein provided
<br /> b. He �ritl pay all tues, asw�meau. water rates, and otiaer governmental or muriicipal chargcs. Saes. or
<br /> impodtiona, for w}uch provieion has not been made hereinbetore, and will p�ompdy deliver tLe o�cial reccipts
<br /> thenetor to the said mortgagee.
<br /> c. He will pay auch expenaes and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintenance oi eaid
<br /> propr.rty, including the feee of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all oF
<br /> the indebtedneas hereby eecured, or For forecioenre by mortgagee'e eale, or court prceeedings, or in any other
<br /> litigation or proceeding affecting said premieea. Attorneys' feea reaeonably incurred in any other way shall be
<br /> paid by the mortgagor.
<br /> d. ' For bett�r eecurity of the indebtedneee hereby eecared, upon the reqoest oE the mor[gagee, its eno-
<br /> eeasocs or aeeigna, he ehall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage or mortgagee covering any additione,
<br /> improvemente, or bettermentn made to the property her�inabove deecribed and all property acquired by '
<br /> it aher the date henof (all in form eatiefactory to mortga�ee ) . Furthermore, ehould mortqaRor fail to cure
<br /> any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by tl�in inetrument,
<br /> mortgagor hereby ugreee to permit mortgagee to cure such default, bvt mortgagee is not obli�ated to do eo ;
<br /> and euch advances ehall become part of the indebtednesa secnred by this instrument, subjeci to the esme
<br /> ' terms aad conditione.
<br /> e. The righte created by this conveyance shall remain in full force and eHect during any postponement
<br /> or exteneion of the titne of payment of the indebtedneae evidenced by said promiaeory note or aay part thereof
<br /> eecured hereby.
<br /> �. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of ench type or typen and in such amouats as the
<br /> mortgagee may (rom time to time require on the improvementa now or hereafter on said property, and
<br /> . will pay prompcly when dne any preminms therefor. All inenrance ehall be carried in companies aooeptable
<br /> to mortgagee and the policies and reaewah t6ercof ehall be held by mortgagee and have auached tLerew
<br /> loes payable clanees in favor of and in form acaxptable to tl�e mortgagee. Ia event of loss, mortgagor w.ill give
<br /> immedi�te aotice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of loes if aot made pmmpdy by
<br /> morta�gor, and ach insaraace company coacerned ie hereby aut6oriaed and directed w make paymmt for sach _
<br /> loes directly to mortgegee inetead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insuranx praceeds, or aay � -;-•-
<br /> part theroo� may be applied by mortgagee at ita option either to the reduction ot the indebudness Lereby
<br /> secund or to the restoratioa or ropair of the property damaged or deatroyed. In event of forecloenre of this
<br /> ` mortgage, or other tranefer of title to naid property in ertinguiehment of the indebudness aecared hereby, all
<br /> right, tidn, and interest of the mortgagor ia and w any insurance policiea thw in Foree ehall paes to ehe ,
<br /> purchaeer or mortgagee or, at the option of the mortgagee, may be eurrendered for a refund.
<br /> g. He will keep all buildings and other improvementa on said property in good repair and coadition :
<br /> will permit, commit, or euffer no waete, impairmenq deterioration of eaid property or any part thereof;
<br /> in the event of failure of che mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premisee aad thoee erected oa esid
<br /> premieee, or improvements thereon, in good repair, the mort;;agee may make such repairs as in ita diecretion it
<br /> may deem neceeeary for the proper preeervasion thereoC; and the full amount of each and every euch payment
<br /> ' shall be immediately due and payable and ehall be eecured by the lien of this mortgage.
<br /> h. He will aot voluatarily create or permit to be created against the property eubject to this mortgage
<br /> any lien or liena inferior or euperior to the lien of thie mortgage without the written coneent of the mort-
<br /> gagce ; and further, he will keep aad maintain the aame free from the claim of all penone eupplying labor or
<br /> materials for conetruction of any and all buildinga or improvementa now being erected or to be erected on
<br /> eaid pnmiees.
<br /> i. He will not rent or seeign any part of the rent of eaid mortgaged property ar demolis}�, or remove.
<br /> ` or aubstantially alter any buildiag without the wriuen conaent of the mortgagee.
<br /> f j. All awarde of daznagee in connection with any condemnation for public uee ot or injury to any of the
<br /> . 4 ptoperty enbject to thie mortgage are hereby seaigeed and ahall be paid to mort15agee, who may apply the
<br /> � eat�tic to payment of t6e iaetsIlmenta laet dne under eaid note, and mortgagee is hereby aatLarized, in the
<br /> ;
<br /> ; aame of the morigegor, to ezecute and deliver valid acquittancee thereof and to appeal from anp wch award.
<br /> " k. Thn-mortgagee ahall have the zigLt to inspect the mortgaged premieea at any reaeonabEe time.
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<br /> � ^;< 2. DtCinit 'in sny of-the covenanta mr conditiom of thie inatrument or of the note or loan agreement aecured �', ;�
<br /> heeeby�shall�terminate:themortgagor'e rightto.poeaeasion, aee, and enjoyment oC the property, at the option of the r� w� {
<br /> i ruorigLgee or his aseigoa (it being agreed that the mortgagor ehall have euch right until default ) . Upon any euch ' ;s
<br /> ��` :� d�f�ult, the mortgagee ahall become the o'wner of all of the renta and profite accruing after detaul= aa eecurity � � '�
<br /> �� fo� the indebtednees seenred heraby, with the nght to entec vpon esid property for the purpoee of collecting auch j,` � + , : �
<br /> i+enb�and: profits. Thisuaiettument ehall operatin""ad"a¢`aeei�i�a�eni of anr`rentala on eaid property to that extent. � ' �= -�',:,.
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